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  • Community Building Johnson, Michelle M.2014The Music of Japan

  • Zachary Lyman Professor of Music - Trumpet; Coordinator of Wind, Brass, and Percussion Studies Full Profile 253-535-7612

  • incorporate real-world examples into lessons and experiments so that students can make connections to their own lives and interests. The PLU Chemistry Department is approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS) to provide certified degrees, which is a mark of excellence in chemical education. We have had this distinction for over 50 years! Chemistry students are encouraged and supported in the pursuit all of their interests during their time at PLU. It is common for chemistry majors to earn an

  • universities today. The presentations will be given virtually via Zoom. Day 1 (May 26) Day 2 (May 28) Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 4:10-4:30pm - Connor Lemma4:30-4:40pm - Q & A“Canto porque la guitarra tiene sentido y razón”: la historia de Victor Jara y música revolucionaria en Chile / “I Sing Because the Guitar Has Sense and Reason”: The History of Victor Jara and Revolutionary Music in Chile”4:40-5:00pm - Bayley Gochanour5:00-5

  • work in highly creative fields, including business, education, computing, non-profit organizations, music, and public service. Interested in joining them? Program Influences Professor Junichi Tsuneoka is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media, and Design Arts Professor Michael Halvorson, Benson Chair of Business and Economic History Innovation Studies at PLU was one of the first fully-developed academic programs in the Pacific Northwest to study innovation

  • secure during therapy sessions. “She truly is someone who desires to understand people, she wants to make significant and meaningful change in the lives of people who sometimes are missed in society,” said David Ward, assistant professor of marriage and family therapy. In the past four years, a PLU student has received the award three times. “It’s a validation for our belief that we’re providing students with quality education,” Ward said. “We continue to attract student who will have an impact in

  • graduated from PLU with degrees in education. For the next 15 years, Keith taught English in the Federal Way School District, while Clarice taught music in the Highline School District before becoming a stay-at-home mom. When a 10-acre spread became available next to the family ranch, the Swansons jumped at the chance to go into the business and embrace a new way of life. “We’d taught for years, it was time to try something else,” Keith Swanson said. “This way our five kids could run around, and they

  • with, and I have an obligation to serve,” he explained. “I want to do what I’m suppose to do and find out how to get there.” He got a chance to talk with students from across the United States who are struggling with similar questions of vocation when he was named a recipient of the Fund for Theological Education Undergraduate Fellowship. The competitive fellowship recognizes students who have gifts for leadership and are exploring the possibility of ministry as a vocation. Only 50 were awarded to

  • theater scene here, Hobson also has some irons in Hollywood, including appearing in a movie in which Johnny Depp will make a cameo. He took all this experience and recently boiled it down to bits of advice as workshops he held in January at Pacific Lutheran University. His main points: Follow your passion and take risks. On the first point of following his passion, Hobson told the class that during his sophomore year at PLU, his father nearly died of an aneurysm, and Hobson, who was a music education