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  • in St. Louis, one of only two offered by the affiliate institution of PLU’s program. “I was shocked when I got the email notifying me,” Anderson said. “I’m most excited to discover what engineering extracurriculars I’ll be able to be a part of.” PLU partners with Washington University, as well as Columbia University in New York City, for its dual-degree engineering program, also known as 3-2 engineering. The program provides students with the opportunity to combine a liberal arts education with

  • Musician turned math major is excited about teaching in his community Kevin Canady-Pete ’22 has a history with the Pacific Lutheran University campus. He grew up down the street, just a couple of miles from the university. The Franklin Pierce High School graduate came to PLU intending to pursue a music education major. While he enjoyed… April 29, 2022 Mathematics

  • Josie Commuter Advocate she/her Biography Biography Hello! I’m Josie! I am a Psychology Major and I’m minoring in Criminal Justice. I am in my final year at PLU. My best friend is my giant floofer, Pluto, I absolutely love large dogs (especially Bernese mountain dogs). I also love horror films and according to friends I have horrible taste in music because I either listen to classical or rock songs. Can’t wait for another great year at PLU!

  • Lilla Seitz ’24 Communication Associate she/her Biography Biography Lilla is a second-year student majoring in Communication with a Music minor. Lilla joined MediaLab because she wants to learn about creating different kinds of media and work on building her portfolio. During her time in MediaLab, Lilla hopes to build her photo and video editing skills, as well as learn how to work with clients and produce media that goes above and beyond clients’ expectations.

  • . Move the camera: Maybe your subject is static or too large to fit into your field of view at one time. Just remember that the camera is the viewer’s eye. If it darts from place to place haphazardly the viewer will be confused or possibly even motion sick! Audio: Video is a medium rooted in motion, but that doesn’t mean we can discount audio. In fact, good audio can tell the story just as well as your imagery. Is someone nearby playing music or singing? This could provide you with a perfect

  • Instructions for Submission of ProgramsBelow you will find step-by-step instructions for submitting your program to the Jury Committee for review before your recital jury. Review and revision of your program, notes and translations (when translations are necessary) are required steps in the jury process. You will find more detailed instructions for scheduling the recital and jury in the Music Department’s Student Handbook. A relevant excerpt from that handbook is available for download here. A

  • Camp Songs: PLU music majors produce free music camp for Parkland students It’s a warm summer morning and the scent of scrambled eggs drifts from the kitchen at Trinity Lutheran Church into an adjoining room where more than a dozen campers busily make beaded jewelry. Ranging from second to sixth grade, the kids are participants in the… November 3, 2022 ResoLuteStudent Life, Resources, Community

  • : African Arts of Dressing the Head.” African Arts 28(1), 1988. Brottem, Bronwyn V. and Ann Lang. “Zulu Beadwork.” African Arts 6(3) 1973. Joseph, Rosemary. Zulu Women’s Music. African Music 6(3): 53-89, 1983. Smith, Edwin W. “African Symbolism.” The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 82(1):13-37, 1952.

  • : African Arts of Dressing the Head.” African Arts 28(1), 1988. Brottem, Bronwyn V. and Ann Lang. “Zulu Beadwork.” African Arts 6(3) 1973. Joseph, Rosemary. Zulu Women’s Music. African Music 6(3): 53-89, 1983. Smith, Edwin W. “African Symbolism.” The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 82(1):13-37, 1952.

  • : African Arts of Dressing the Head.” African Arts 28(1), 1988. Brottem, Bronwyn V. and Ann Lang. “Zulu Beadwork.” African Arts 6(3) 1973. Joseph, Rosemary. Zulu Women’s Music. African Music 6(3): 53-89, 1983. Smith, Edwin W. “African Symbolism.” The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 82(1):13-37, 1952.