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  • Missoula Writing Collaborative, teaching classes on short story writing in high schools, and the 406 writing workshop.  For many years he worked as a fishing guide on the Smith River and raised cattle on his family farm in Wisconsin. Mentor. Workshops and classes in fiction. Statement: “My success in the publishing world is limited, but my success as a writer has been boundless.  Every book I have written has taken me on an adventure I would have thought impossible beforehand. I am a middle-aged man

  • earned her award nominations from Broadway World. Marlette is a graduate of Boston University with a Master of Music degree. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Fisk University, where she toured nationally and recorded as the lead soloist with the Jubilee Singers. A regional finalist at the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, Ms. Buchanan was also a finalist in the national MacAllister and Eleanor Lieber Awards. In addition to her operatic roles, Marlette has also performed in

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  • Health for Life Teacher’s Web Resources co-authored with Charles Corbin, David Corbin, Karen McConnell (Human Kinetics 2014 [21 chapter curriculum]) : View Book Health Opportunities Through Physical Education With Web Resources co-authored with Charles Corbin, David Corbin, Karen McConnell, Guy Le Masurier (Human Kinetics 2014) : View Book Selected Presentations SHAPE America National Convention. Farrar, T.D. & McConnell, K.E., Integrating common core and 21st-century outcomes into K-12 physical

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  • PLU, Brian was engaged in both regional mapping projects with the Canadian Geological Survey and mineral exploration with several mining companies; his experience ranged from Labrador to British Columbia. This passion for fieldwork continued at PLU and he has always been dedicated to getting students out into the field as often as possible to experience geology first hand. Every semester he has offered field trips to various sites around Washington. He is renowned for his geological narration on

  • and Office of Accessibility and Accommodation. Representing the Division of Student Life on the Academic Performance and Integrity Committee. Provide direct student service to support student retention and success. Co-teach PLUS100 for first-year football student athletes. Biography Eva has enjoyed working at PLU for 25 years in the Division of Student Life. She has lived all over the world and now calls Tacoma home. Her areas of professional interest are: support and persistence of first

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  • . Johnson’s fully staged productions have included Lehar’s The Merry Widow, Mozart’s The Magic Flute, Sondheim’s Into the Woods, Humperdinck’s Hansel and Gretel, Strauss’ Die Fledermaus, Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance, and Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi and Suor Angelica.

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  • . Elizabeth’s first solo recording, La Folia de España: Dances for Guitar, features works for baroque, 19th century, and modern guitars, and has been praised for its “…apparently effortless ease.” (Lute News, UK) She is also featured in the recording Dolce Desio as a member of the early music trio Le Nuove Musiche, and in the recording Navidad: Christmas in the New World with Seattle Pro Musica. Her second solo recording, In Her Honor, includes music from the Princess [Queen] Anne Guitarbook and the

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  • Aram Mrjoian Nonfiction, Fiction Biography Biography Aram Mrjoian is the editor-in-chief of The Rumpus and a 2022 Creative Armenia-AGBU Fellow. His debut novel, Waterline, is forthcoming with Harper Via in 2025. Aram has previously worked as an editor at the Chicago Review of Books, the Southeast Review, and TriQuarterly. He is the editor of the anthology We Are All Armenian: Voices from the Diaspora published by the University of Texas Press (March 2023). His writing has appeared in The

  • piece or a direction hears the right question and then realizes what to do next. To me a workshop or mentorship doesn’t involve ‘teaching’ or ‘learning’ so much as rediscovering what we already know but may have forgotten, overlooked, or masked. I think we’re all apprentices to our work, and the heart of this relationship lies in the way we choose to be in the world. I want students to interrogate their experiences, trust their sensibilities, and open themselves to the possibilities revealed through

  • , and Breckenridge Music Festival Orchestra. While maintaining an active performing career, Dr. Cho is an artist teacher deeply committed to education. While holding herself and her students to the highest standards, Dr. Cho always adopts a nurturing, holistic, learner-centered approach that brings out the best in young singers. Through open conversations and practical guidance, she equips her students with the skills and resilience needed for success in the professional world. Her students have

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