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  • Pacific Lutheran University provides information technology (IT) services in support of the university’s educational mission. IT services include but are not limited to computer labs, data and voice networks, classroom and instructional technologies, and administrative systems. Policies related to IT services and resources extend also to copyright infringement, intellectual property, content accessed or downloaded over the PLU network, and appropriate use of communication systems & services

  • September 22, 2008 Feminist theology and ethics explored An expert on feminist theology, feminist ethics and theological anthropology will deliver the 2008 David and Marilyn Knutson and Department of Religion Lecture at Pacific Lutheran University. Susan Ross will speak on “Seeking Light and Beauty: Women, Justice and Sacramentally” on Monday, Sept. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in Xavier Hall, Nordquist Lecture Hall, off Park Avenue South. Ross is a professor of theology and faculty scholar at Loyola

  • Planning for Activities and TravelUtilize the resources listed to the right to assist in planning PLU sponsored activities on and off campus or any PLU sponsored travel. Official off-campus activities receive the benefit of the university’s insurance and other support.  Affiliation with PLU doesn’t equate to sponsorship of travel or activities.  The leader of a group activity should check with his or her supervisor to learn the details of what resources are available and how the activity can

  • WAC 296-806, 807 & 876;WAC 296-24; WAC 296-46B;& WAC 296-1551.0 General Protection (WAC 296-24)Employees must utilize machinery, tools, materials, or equipment, whether owned by the employee or the University, in accordance with the safety or health requirements of this program or any applicable Washington Administrative Code (WAC). Selecting the proper tool or piece of equipment for a particular job is an important step in maintaining a safe work place. Tools and equipment must be used in

  • The annual Lutheran Studies Conference provides an opportunity for the university, the larger community, and persons from diverse religious and humanistic viewpoints to explore particular and pressing issues within the thoughtful and generous milieu of Lutheran higher education. Each conference welcomes scholars, artists, and religious leaders whose expertise is offered in an engaging and thought-provoking manner. As a university of the church, PLU promotes the 500 year Lutheran tradition of

  • Revised January 2011; Updated November 2012 While at work, all university employees have the responsibility to perform their jobs in a safe, conscientious, and effective manner and in compliance with university policy and state and federal laws. In order to do this employees must be able to work in a drug and alcohol-free environment and themselves be free from the effects of drugs and alcohol. Accordingly, The manufacture, sale, possession, or use by an employee in the workplace of a

  • French/Francophone Literature and FilmThe language of instruction of all French/Francophone literature and film courses is English. No French is required if you enroll in the course at the 200 level. French 301 is the prerequisite for registering at the 400 level. Students enrolling at the 400 level will complete some readings and assignments in French. All of these courses count for the Global Education and Interpreting Texts core General Education elements. French 203/403: Collect, Gather

  • Digital Exhibits University History Timeline Explore major events in PLU history with this interactive timeline. View Timeline Campus History Tour Explore the history of PLU’s campus on a 3D map with archival photographs and audio. View Exhibit A Queer History of PLU A Queer History of PLU follows the experiences of four queer PLU community members and three of their allies using archival materials and new interviews with the participants. View Exhibit JFK PLU-UPS Convocation President John F

  • Academic Integrity and Honor Pledges Posted by: bodewedl / April 27, 2016 April 27, 2016 by Dana Bodewes, Instructional Designer As the end of the semester approaches, many students will inevitably begin to feel the pressure of impending papers, projects, and exams. While the prevalence of cheating varies and is difficult to measure, most faculty are concerned with ensuring the academic integrity of student work in their courses. Depending on the assessment, a variety of strategies can be

  • The annual Lutheran Studies Conference provides an opportunity for the university, the larger community, and persons from diverse religious and humanistic viewpoints to explore particular and pressing issues within the thoughtful and generous milieu of Lutheran higher education. Each conference welcomes scholars, artists, and religious leaders whose expertise is offered in an engaging and thought-provoking manner. As a university of the church, PLU promotes the 500 year Lutheran tradition of