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  • illustrate how existentialism connects to other areas such as religion, psychology and literature. (4) PHIL 248 : Innovation, Ethics, & Society - ES A history of innovation, problem solving, and creativity in the global economy, emphasizing the ethical considerations that arise as a result of new products and initiatives, disruptive technologies, globalization, and cultural change. Draws attention to stages in the innovation process and the importance of teamwork, effective communication, and design. (4

  • committees; and voting behavior. Intensive writing course. Prerequisite: POLS 251. (4) POLS 365 : Race and Ethnic Politics - ES, GE An interdisciplinary examination of the way racial and ethnic conflict shapes and structures American political, social, and economic life focused on the best path toward democratic equality. Discussions center on the literature that examines the integration of disenfranchised ethno-racial groups into in U.S. society, addressing the contemporary implications of changing

  • . “It’s part of Starbucks culture,” he noted. The demonstration mirrored the one that spurred Doan’s desire to learn more. “There were so many things I didn’t know about the company,” he said. So, he decided to dedicate his culminating research project in the MSMR program to his newfound passion. He regularly met with Harvey, the former Starbucks employee, who provided Doan with literature ranging from books authored by CEO Howard Schultz to internal newsletters underscoring company culture. “It

  • . Students demonstrate their mastery of the field by relating their research to the existing body of sociological literature and knowledge. Required for senior majors. Prerequisites: SOCI 301, 302, and declared major in sociology or criminal justice. (4)

  • became in 1926 the sole chemistry faculty member throughout the Depression and World War II until joined by Dr. Robert Olsen in 1947, when the Science Building (later named Ramstad Hall) was built. Although many fine chemistry graduates from the early years went on to distinguished careers in universities, industry, and governmental agencies, more than two faculty became needed to offer a fully competitive undergraduate program. Dr. John Holum came in 1958 but stayed only one year; the modern

  • theorem was Fermat’s Little Theorem, and the one that followed was Euler’s Theorem. Fermat’s Little theorem stated that, if a∈Z and p is a prime not dividing a, then p divides a^(p-1)-1, that is a^(p-1)≡1 (mod p). Euler’s theorem attempted to find the smallest exponent for which Fermat’s little theorem was always true. Like many old mathematical theorems that we still use today due to their perpetual relevance, these theorems helped formed the basis for modern day RSA Public-Key cryptography

  • , Carlson and teammate Dave Knodel won the NAIA district doubles championship. The next year, Carlson won both the conference and district singles championships and, as a result, became the first PLU men’s tennis player to play at the NAIA national championship tournament. “In so many ways Ted was the pioneer for what we would consider the ‘modern era’ of PLU tennis,” said Carlson’s former coach, Mike Benson. To cap off a remarkable and trailblazing career at PLU, Carlson won both the singles and

  • school in Public Health. I am currently waiting on training to become a state health insurance benefits adviser while also working as a CNA. I am excited about a career in culturally sensitive, community-based health initiatives. I love the idea of combining how the history of unique populations intertwines with modern approaches to providing the safest, most effective healthcare.” Halvorson: “I’ve really enjoyed working with you two. As administrator of the Benson fellowship program, I get to see

  • Gladstone “Typical Evening in Jongno-gu” This is the Honghwamun Gate of the Changgyeonggung Palace in Jongno-gu, a district full of Korean history. This palace, originally known as “Sunganggung”, was built in the mid-15th century by King Sejong for his father King Taejong, and after its restoration following Japanese Collonial rule it now serves as a historic site. The Honghwamun gate is located south of the National Museum of Korean Modern and Contemporary Art, and this particular moment was captured

  • you missed from PLU while you were away? The art studio. After the first couple of weeks being immersed in the Chinese culture always has me chomping at the bit to make art…to express the moments, the feelings, to share visually the wonders we find in unfamiliar places. In the meantime, I was placated with calligraphy in our Chengdu apartment and nature-journaling with my wife and two daughters in city parks. Dr. Joanne Lisosky, Professor of Communication, is fulfilling a Fulbright Teaching