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‘Hi.’ Students are always here, like 7, 8, 9 p.m., still using this space (to study),” Beiermann said. “I have a better feeling of the pulse of how my students are doing, because I see them more. I’m more functionally visible.” Partnerships with related campus programs is also part of the Center’s offerings. For example, the Student Care Network — an online case-management system designed to connect vulnerable students to resources, help them navigate higher education and bolster care for Lutes
on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For students thinking about a career in nonprofit leadership, Fontana has practical advice: “Take an accounting class!” she says, noting her duties as executive director range from financial reports to studio management and all business needs in between. She’s managing without the business background, though. The studio has more than 3,000 members on the mailing list and has partnered to provide yoga to community organizations such as the Wounded Warrior Project and the
met with will walk by, and they’ll come say ‘Hi.’ Students are always here, like 7, 8, 9 p.m., still using this space (to study),” Beiermann said. “I have a better feeling of the pulse of how my students are doing, because I see them more. I’m more functionally visible.” Partnerships with related campus programs is also part of the Center’s offerings. For example, the Student Care Network — an online case-management system designed to connect vulnerable students to resources, help them navigate
Alumni Center to the Campus Ministry Suite on the lower level of the Anderson University Center. Come check out our newly refreshed and shared space. We will be hosting an open house for faculty and staff. Please join us in celebrating this move and our continued collaboration! This open house is open to all faculty and staff. Registration is preferred but not required. 3:45 – 4:45 pm | Retention and Progression – From Data to Strategic Action – Anderson University Center – Scandinavian Cultural
. Additionally, a panel of the vice presidents and senior leadership will provide insights into their division’s strategic direction, previewing collective inspiration and collaborative efforts in the year ahead. 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | University Conference Lunch – Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts – Red Square Following the program, join us in Red Square for lunch, celebration, and further opportunities to connect with colleagues! Faculty Fall Conference Faculty Fall Conference Day 1
. “Which was a real day for me,” Belton said, laughing. “It is a crazy job.” Still, it’s a crazy job he’s learned to love, even in the face of what lies ahead. Without “acting” hanging in front of his title, Belton acknowledges he’s responsible for following through on some big commitments he’s made, among them developing a strategic plan that delivers on its vision. “PLU has a history of creating meaningful long-term visions for the university,” he said.” Now, Belton wants to take that visioning to
improperly installed on bathroom stalls. “Which was a real day for me,” Belton said, laughing. “It is a crazy job.” Still, it’s a crazy job he’s learned to love, even in the face of what lies ahead. Without “acting” hanging in front of his title, Belton acknowledges he’s responsible for following through on some big commitments he’s made, among them developing a strategic plan that delivers on its vision. “PLU has a history of creating meaningful long-term visions for the university,” he said.” Now
packing slips. Official Copy: Department Retention: 6 years after end of fiscal year Other Copies: Retention: Correspondence, Department/Office/Administration (Including electronic mail) May include departmental chair/administrator correspondence, memos to departmental faculty/staff, and other correspondence pertaining to routine management of the department/office. Does not include policy documents. Official Copy: Originating office Retention: 4 years after end of academic year Other Copies
requirements and provide more flexibility for scheduling. What skills are necessary for online or blended learning?Online and blended learning requires students to work somewhat independently. Organization and time management are skills that help students to succeed in blended and online courses. Students should be able to use Google email and tools along with the Sakai Learning Management System to complete course work. If you are not sure if a class is online or blended, email What are
shock 开始了解美国文化与中国文化的差异性与共通性 | Begin to identify cultural differences and similarities between China and the US 了解美国的校园文化和课堂文化 | Identify basics of classroom culture and expectations in the US 习惯使用全英文的教材以及聆听英文教授的授课 | Use strategies for listening to classroom lectures in English 了解PLU学校提供给学生的资源(用英文向他们提问!) | Identify resources for support at PLU (and how to ask for it in English!) 了解学生成功的方法(反思以及实践,时间管理等等)| Identify strategies for student success (reflective practices, time management, etc) 开始能过融入PLU这个大
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