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  • By Damian Alessandro, ’19 At Pacific Lutheran University, we’re pretty excited about innovation. Over the past few months, my colleague Sarah Cornell-Maier and I have been writing about several types of innovation that we see in the workplace and in our curriculum. This week, I…

    invent something new to be innovative. Instead they can modify products or processes that already exist, or create new business models that other organizations are not trying.   Starbucks and Coffee Culture For example, Howard Schultz, executive chairman of Starbucks, built his company up from virtually nothing to the success it is today by implementing a personal approach to consuming coffee, like he witnessed in the of espresso bars of Milan, Italy. Schultz did not invent coffee, nor did he invent

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 4, 2016)- Editors of ResoLUTE, Pacific Lutheran University’s alumni community magazine, want Lutes to share their favorite mouth-watering, nostalgic and unique recipes for a special food issue coming soon. Submissions may include recipes from students, staff, faculty, their family members and anyone…

    coming soon.Submissions may include recipes from students, staff, faculty, their family members and anyone in the extended Lute family. ResoLUTE will feature that dish, the story behind it and its significance to the person who shares it online when the magazine launches later this month. Perhaps Grandma has passed down the secret to a tasty homemade chili, or Mom has shared her favorite cookies that remind her of simpler times. Maybe a student has a fond memory he or she shared over a good meal in a

  • Mission: To provide military-affiliated personnel with the support and resources they need to succeed at PLU and beyond.

    in a talking-allowed space in the library with plenty of whiteboards for brainstorming all your best project ideas. History of Military Support at PLU2020 - Present2010-20192000-20091980-19991960-19791940-19592020 - Present 2020 – COVID-19 causes unprecedented changes in higher education and classes move 100% online 2021 – University establishes the Assistant Director for Military Student Support position to run the Center for Military Support, and hires Alanna Rathkopf to fulfill the duties and

    Office Hours
    Monday: 1200-1700
    Tuesday: 0900-1200
    Thursday: 0900-1700
    Friday: 0900-1700
    Saturday: Closed
    Sunday: Closed
    Center for Military Student Support
    Anderson University Center Room 183
  • Locals embrace Lutes as they meet living legends, learn about vibrant events such as Carnival and Panorama, and develop valuable racial consciousness within a multicultural society that celebrates

    know half of this stuff.” That stuff, Hughes and others say, transforms those who experience it. Students meet the “living legends” who have mastered steelpan and calypso music. They experience the revival of the cocoa industry and get an intimate look at the planning behind exuberant events such as Carnival and Panorama. And, most importantly, they dive into deep questions about identity, race, gender, colonialism and other complexities. “It’s a growing and learning experience,” said Maya Bamba

  • of Different Durations of Yoga & Weightlifting on Mood & Self- Satisfaction”* Hannah C. Cecil, Kasidy L. Javernick & PJ Morales “What’s Your Favorite Scary Movie? Individual Differences and Horror Movie Enjoyment” Bailey J. Smith “Romantic Attraction: Influencing Factors in Heterosexual Relationships Depending on Gender” Tina Cao “How Social Comparison and Expectancies Impact Self-Efficacy on a Puzzle Task”* Brianna L. Christiansen, Zachary L. Gong, Isabelle J. Phillips “Anthropomorphism in

  • When Hilde Bjørhovde returned to Norway, fresh out of PLU’s journalism program, her home nation had one television station.

    surpassed 100,000 and are on the rise. “And, of course, they get the newspaper on their e-pads.” So, Bjørhovde’s career nearly bookends the contemporary evolution of newspapers, starting with her training at PLU. “We didn’t even have typewriters in the classroom,” she said, laughing. “We were writing by hand. It was very last-century stuff.” NowThe cover of one of Aftenposten's newspapers. ThenA newspaper clipping from the Nov. 4, 1977, edition of The Mooring Mast, which includes an article written by

  • Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) is a service department who, through the implementation of workplace safety, health, and environmental policies and procedures, works to protect PLU’s most

    Landing Page We Have a New Safety Orientation for PLU Staff & Faculty Click here to be taken to the training site. More Information First Aid/ AED Questions? Click here to learn more about the contents and locations of kits on campus. More Information What is EHS?Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) is a service department who, through the implementation of workplace safety, health, and environmental policies and procedures, works to protect PLU’s most important assets: students, faculty, staff and

    Office Hours
    Monday: 8am - 5pm
    Tuesday: 8am - 5pm
    Wednesday: 8am - 5pm
    Thursday: 8am - 5pm
    Friday: 8am - 5pm
    Saturday: closed
    Sunday: closed
    Department of Environmental Health & Safety
    Pacific Lutheran University 12180 Park Ave. S. Hauge Administration Building Office 124b Tacoma, WA 98447