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  • Jennifer Foerster Poetry Biography Biography Jennifer Elise Foerster is the author of three books of poetry, Leaving Tulsa (2013), Bright Raft in the Afterweather (2018), and The Maybe-Bird (2022), and served as the Associate Editor of When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry. She is the recipient of a NEA Creative Writing Fellowship, a Lannan Foundation Writing Residency Fellowship, a Hermitage Artist Retreat Fellowship, and

  • responses in a constructive and generous manner. Ideally, a writing course develops the critical impulse as much as the creative one. I believe readers at any level possess inherent critical instincts; I view my role as encouraging and enabling them to better articulate and understand those responses, and to provide them with a toolbox of terminology they can employ in their own critical and creative pursuits. Participants often find it far easier to evaluate techniques and elements at play in stories

  • Magazine, and One World: A Global Anthology of Short Stories, and has been listed as notable in Best American Non-Required Reading and the Best Horror of the Year. He has previously taught at The College of Idaho, Southern Illinois University, and the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. He currently teaches at St. Olaf College and resides in Minneapolis. He is at work on forthcoming novel, Girl Zero. More at http://SequoiaNagamatsu.com. Mentor.  Workshops and classes in fiction. Statement

  • Fellowship from the US/Japan Creative Artist Fellowship, funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.  Where the Dead Pause and the Japanese Say Goodbye was a finalist for the 2016 PEN Open Book Award, the Indies Choice for Nonfiction and the Northern California Book Award for Creative Nonfiction.  Her novel, Picking Bones from Ash, published by Graywolf, was a finalist for the Saroyan Prize and the Paterson Prize.  Her new book, tentatively titled A Kernel In God’s Eye, explores her family’s one

  • Renee Simms Fiction, Nonfiction Biography Biography Renee Simms, J.D., MFA, is a recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship, a John Gardner Fiction Fellowship at Bread Loaf, and fellowships from Ragdale and Vermont Studio Center. She’s an associate professor of African American Studies at University of Puget Sound and teaches with the Rainier Writing Workshop, Pacific Lutheran’s low-residency MFA program. Her debut story collection Meet Behind Mars was a Foreword

  • Bella Bravo Visiting Assistant Professor of English Phone: 253-535-7512 Email: bella.bravo@plu.edu Office Location: Hauge Administration Building - 220-I Professional Education MFA, Master of Fine Arts n Creative Writing (Fiction), University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2022 J.D., Doctor of Jurisprudence, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Bloomington, Indiana, 2012 B.A., Arts in History, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2009

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  • Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at West Virginia University, and she is on the faculty of the Rainier Writing Workshop, Pacific Lutheran University’s low-residency MFA program.  She lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Mentor. Workshops and classes in poetry. Statement: If, as Muriel Rukeyser says, poems are “meeting-places,” I am ever-ready to meet you in those places and to help you to think through the difficult pleasures of creating such encounters. I am eager, too, to discuss how you situate your work

  • Paris Review, Granta, Die Welt, ZYZZYVA, and Oxford American, among others, has been cited as notable in Best American Short Stories, featured by Huffington Post, and anthologized in The Unprofessionals: New American Writing from The Paris Review.  Her nonfiction has appeared in Der Spiegel, Granta, Vice, and Neue Zürcher Zeitung Magazine, and been named a Most Popular Read of the Year by Granta.  She has taught in the creative writing programs at Emory University and the University Of North

  • Achievement from the Publishing Triangle.  As of 2016, he serves as critic-at-large with the L.A. Times and sits on the Board of Trustees of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP). Mentor. Classes in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction. Statement: “Writing has never been a luxury or pastime for me, it has always been a passion and a mission. That means that I look at writing as purpose, an expression that’s meant to communicate something important enough for the artist that it is to be

  • Matt Young Fiction, Nonfiction Biography Biography Matt Young  is the author of the memoir, Eat the Apple (Bloomsbury, 2018), and the novel, End of Active Service (Bloomsbury, 2024). His stories and essays have appeared in TIME, Granta, Tin House, Catapult, and The Cincinnati Review among other publications. He is the recipient of fellowships from Words After War and The Carey Institute for Global Good, and teaches composition, literature, and creative writing at Centralia College in Washington