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  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 27, 2016)- The scene: a cramped room somewhere in a Pacific Lutheran University residence hall at the beginning of the millennium. The characters: five nerdy dudes, each with a handful of dice and plenty of junk food. This is “The Gamers,” a…

    nerve,” Dobyns said. That popularity is responsible for the fully fan-funded TV series in the works today. The pilot, Jacobs said, should be finished by early 2017. While Early and Dobyns run their entertainment companies, many of the other cast and crew members squeeze the creative work in between family time, day jobs and other commitments. “They all still make it work,” Jacobs said. At its core, the movie doesn’t have an exclusive audience — similar to the gaming culture it emulates, Dobyns said

  • Louis Hobson ’00 is an accomplished actor on stage and on screen. His next act includes building a production company that he hopes will infuse innovation into the entertainment industry.

    , and has a wonderful voice,” Clapp said. “He has that spark.” Lauralee Hagen, senior advancement officer at PLU, has known Hobson for years. She said he’s extremely driven. “He is creative, filled with boundless energy, and possesses the confidence needed to be successful,” Hagen said. “I’m pretty sure his mind never shuts off. He is in constant motion as he strives to be better and to do more.” Hobson also has always been interested in all aspects of the business, she added. Louis Hobson '00

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler…

    political strife of the decade; what better show to capture the zeitgeist?This wasn’t a clear solution to HBO’s problems at first, but the show would grow into a winner as the first season moved along. Thrones popularity was due, in part, to the creative ways that its characters were able to solve their long list of problems. This is perhaps best summed up in the challenges facing the character of Petyr Baelish. Baelish was a man caught up in a not-so-classic rags-to-riches story, which begins with him

  • Creative Community: Autumn Thompson ’24 reimagines PLU spaces—in the art gallery and the residence halls Posted by: Zach Powers / April 17, 2024 Image: Autumn Thomson ’24 is a double major in studio arts and business. (Photos by Emma Stafki ’24) April 17, 2024 By Emily Holt, MFA '16PLU Marketing & Communications Guest Writer When Autumn Thompson ’24 selects an image or object for a piece for an exhibit or a class, be it sentimental or iconic, it’s not simply an assignment—it’s a step toward her

  • in imaginative, analytical and pragmatic modes of writing. Students learn to shape their writing for particular audiences and settings, as well as expand their own creative, stylistic and interpretive gifts. Students develop writing skills in several genres, extensively and carefully read great writers and reflect on theoretical and practical issues raised by the making of meaning. The English Department offers capstones in Poetry, Fiction, and Non-fiction writing. Some popular courses are

  • Carl Petersen wrote, produced and starred in a short film titled “All The Marbles,” which screened at the Cannes Film Festival in France as well as the Gig Harbor Film Festival.

    atmosphere and a Dr. Seuss-like rhyme scheme. Petersen said telling the story through rhymes was one of the most strenuous aspects of writing the film: “Sometimes we would agonize over one line, but if we changed that, then we’d have to change the paragraph before that.” The film’s concept came to Petersen while pondering an ancestral bag of marbles at his work desk in Los Angeles. The marbles belonged to his grandfather and were passed down to Petersen through his father, who played with the marbles as

  • FEDERAL WAY, Wash. (Aug. 6, 2015)—Ann Kullberg ’79 has never taken a formal art course, but her work is internationally known—and her story is as colorful as her art. Though the lines were not always straight, and there were rough patches along the way, Kullberg…

    by Gary Greene (chapter artist) Creative Colored Pencil, The American Society of Portrait Artists’ Signature Magazine (Summer, 1996) Best of Colored Pencil II, III and IV Ann Kullberg ’79. (Photo courtesy Ann Kullberg) “I was ecstatic,” Kullberg said. “I even remember where I was standing when the call came. There were not many colored-pencil books out there at the time.” (Her Colored Pencil Portraits Step by Step is still one of the top books in the art market for painting portraits.) Kullberg

  • PLU alumnus Scott Foss ’91 serves as a top paleontologist for the Department of the Interior.

    able to pursue them at PLU, knowing that I would eventually have to set them aside to focus on paleontology. I took a lot of classes to do with art, writing and literature coursework. I also played tuba in the wind ensemble and the crazy pep band PLU had back then, known as “commando band.” I’m really glad in retrospect I did it that way. That would be advice I’d give any current student — look forward and prepare for your desired career, but don’t feel like you have to immerse yourself in it as an

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Dec. 13, 2016)- Grace Zimmerman ’18 was already thrilled to pursue a study away experience in Namibia. But her excitement compounded after learning she received a competitive scholarship, one of more than 2,800 awarded by the federal government to students such as herself…

    non-traditional subjects,” Taylor said. “If you’re going to London, you’re probably not going to be as competitive as if you’re going to Namibia to study nursing for the semester. That’s why Grace was a particularly strong candidate for the award.” The Gilman Foundation receives more than 10,000 applications per year for the award. The application process includes submitting official transcripts, verifying financial standing, and writing essays regarding a statement of purpose and a so-called

  • Study away programs don’t just take students to countries around the world. Some Lutes stay right in PLU’s backyard.

    . Eventually, the program will evolve to include about 12 students, Zylstra says. Once it’s fully fleshed out, students will take a class exclusively offered to the TIES group and two classes of their choice at off-campus locations, in addition to an internship or community-based research opportunity. (This year, students are participating in a slightly modified schedule to start.) TACOMA, WASHINGTON This program focuses on community partnerships and advocacy, place-based writing, Puget Sound industry and