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  • A Christmas Invitation at PLU Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / October 6, 2015 Image: A PLU Christmas, Benaroya Hall in Seattle, Monday, Dec. 3, 2012. (Photo/John Froschauer) October 6, 2015 PLU's 125th Anniversary will come to a spectacular crescendo December 11, 2015, with a televised broadcast, a performance by opera star Angela Meade '01 and a world premiere by an acclaimed Hollywood composer-all in one very special concert. It may just have turned to fall, but it’s starting to sound a lot like

  • September 22, 2008 DMC grants appear in classrooms Interactive software, a Wii to use in graphic design and a video which will record future teachers at work – all these ideas received funding this year through the Digital Media Center Small Grants fund. Each year in May, Layne Nordgren ‘76, Director of Instructional Technologies and his crew award three to five DMC Small Grants to PLU faculty seeking support for the integration of instructional technology into their courses. This is the fourth

  • August 4, 2010 Tenacity is the hallmark of ad man’s work By Liz Anderson ’10 Brian Ford ’95 began his creative work early during his college career, designing posters for clubs and organizations through ASPLU’s agency, known as Impact. Now, as co-founder and creative director of the advertising agency Zambezi, his list of clients includes NBA superstars Kobe Bryant and, as it pertains to his endorsement deal with Vitaminwater, LeBron James. Ad man Brian Ford’s list of clients includes NBA

  • Monty, and Clapp said it will provide audiences with singing, dancing, acting and fun. “This is your traditional American musical,” Clapp said. “It’s really underpinned to what’s happening right now with the economy.” Although he didn’t want to give away too much of the surprise, Clapp said there will be portions of the play with “suggested nudity.”Clapp, who started teaching and directing at PLU in 1995, is no stranger to productions such as this one. He estimates that in the last 16 years he has

  • June 14, 2011 Renovations on Eastvold Auditorium continue, with Phase 1 of the project on schedule to be completed this August. (Photo by John Froschauer) Flurry of work continues on the PLU campus By Chris Albert Life on campus may slow down a bit during the summer – as far as the number of students – but work to support student success never stops. Construction projects, both big and small, help improve university facilities between move-out day in late May and first-year orientation in

  • exploration of religious and cultural aspects of the holiday followed by singing and lighting the trees around Red Square, begins at 4 p.m. Come enjoy this festive and inclusive celebration! Dec. 3: A PLU Christmas in Seattle Tacoma tickets for Winter Rose: A PLU Christmas Concert may have sold out, but there are still seats available for the Seattle rendition of the concert at Benaroya Hall! Come listen to the beautiful sounds of Pacific Lutheran University’s The Choir of the West, University Chorale and

  • questions or provide feedback directly to the president. Below is the follow up email that was sent out to all staff after the meetings:Colleagues, A big “Thank You” to President Belton and all of you who were able to attend the PLUSC-hosted conversations with the president. In case you missed it, here were some highlights: Communication: Getting word out across campus in a consistent and timely fashion is a struggle. Discussion on how to better do this, both for employees and students, is ongoing (and

  • Rabbit Hole – A Studio Theater Production Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / February 20, 2012 February 20, 2012 Theatre, as a communal form of art, is an ideal forum in which to experience the kind of shared compassion that helps us persevere in difficult times and bring us closer together. The opening night of PLU’s Rabbit Hole, on March 9, 2012, provides an opportunity for thoughtful discussion on theatre and compassion. We welcome theatre alumni back to PLU for a panel at 5:30 p.m. in Ingram 100

  • A passion for dance, a call to teach Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / September 4, 2015 September 4, 2015 For Ariella Brown, dance has always been her passion, but not always her full-time job. While working behind a desk during the day, and carving out time in the evening to dance, she realized those few hours would never satisfy her. She made the decision to get an advanced dance degree with hopes of someday teaching at the university level. In graduate school, she taught students who wanted to

  • Graduate Study in Applied Chemistry at UC Davis Posted by: alemanem / September 15, 2021 September 15, 2021 The Graduate Group in Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry at UC Davis offers PhD and MS degrees in four broad areas of applied chemistry: Environmental and Analytical, Biological and Toxicological, Food and Wine, and Fiber and Polymer Chemistry.  The application deadline is Jan. 5, 2022.  Interested students may find additional information about the program on their website: https