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  • ’24 are all members of the PLU football team. (PLU Photo / Sy Bean) The presentation stressed the significance of recognizing and tackling mental health concerns. They discussed theories, like social judgment theory, to examine the link between navigating performance pressures and coping with injuries while balancing academic and personal responsibilities. Ford, Ane, and Canda created a dedicated website offering resources, including educational materials on mental health and practical coping

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • point of PLU. PLU programs related to the Holocaust and other genocides or mass crimes against humanity teach how to ask good questions and continue to help us seek better answers. The Holocaust Conference means that PLU can continue its mission to help students grapple with issues and ask “Big Enough Questions.” Idaishe Zhou, ’11 History and Political Science Majors, Sociology MinorIdai Zhou spent a year working in Zimbabwe after graduation and then began her graduate studies. I stumbled into

  • content manager A proud graduate of PLU ’10, Zach previously served as the Director of Marketing & Communications for The Grand Cinema and Tacoma Film Festival, managed political campaigns for State Senator Jeannie Darneille and State Representative Jake Fey, worked as a Legislative Aide in the Office of State Senator Christine Rolfes and contributed as a freelance journalist to the Weekly Volcano, Tacoma Weekly, South Sound Magazine, and Anchorage Daily News. Zach is also an active volunteer in

  • emphasis on photojournalism. John mostly spent his working life as a photojournalist with newspapers or news agencies. Zach Powers ’10, media and content manager A proud graduate of PLU ’10, Zach previously served as the director of marketing and communications for The Grand Cinema and Tacoma Film Festival, managed political campaigns for State Senator Jeannie Darneille and State Representative Jake Fey, worked as a legislative aide in the Office of State Senator Christine Rolfes and contributed as a

  • Q&A with Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Students share how PLU has impacted their lives Posted by: vcraker / November 5, 2021 November 5, 2021 PLU’s student-athletes understand what it means to be part of a team. They learn how to build on their teammates’ strengths, overcome failure and achieve collective goals. We spoke with Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) officers Danny Samson ’22 and Bridget Duven ’22, both political science majors, about the impact athletics has on their

  • can a figure be understood for what it expresses and communicates to the people who made it, and the context in which it is used, whether religious, social, educational, political or economic.Figures Yoruba Agere IfaBongo Grave postLobi 1Lobi 2Mossi Ninana PostMoba Tchitcheri Shrine Figure