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  • population. It is a trend consistent with universities across the country. As China grows in prosperity, this will undoubtedly continue to be so. Some of that has to do with having Embassy Center for English Studies, a international firm that places non-native English speaking students in universities worldwide. The students come to Embassy’s classrooms in Eastvold, work on their English skills and, in some cases, matriculate into the PLU program. It is another way PLU ensures a lively and diverse

  • I mean this was the real world. It gets wooly.” It was on this stretch that Youtz began discovering a compassion towards the global circumstance that would one day become manifest in the body of his work. In Katmandu, Youtz and Unsoeld landed a gig housesitting for John Seidensticker who was, at the time, conducting post-doctoral research on tigers and jaguars in the Tibetan backcountry. Seidensticker, who is now the head of the Conservation Ecology Center at the Smithsonian’s National

  • double major in math and Spanish. “There was just no way I could pass that up,” Pfaff said. “Math and Spanish? That’s who I am!” Every student has a different reason for wanting to study away. And for every one of those students, and every one of those reasons, PLU makes it easy. There’s a reason, after all, why more than 40 percent of PLU students (versus 3 percent nationally) study away at some time in their academic career. PLU has an office, called the Wang Center for Global Education that, among

  • May 3, 2012 Melissa Castor ’14 helps a sixth grade student at Keithley Middle School with her math work. (Photos by John Froschauer) Lives of Service: It’s what neighbors do By Chris Albert In Mrs. Allen’s sixth grade math class at Keithley Middle School, Ms. Castor is rotating from desk to desk helping each student with the challenges of figuring out the area of composite figures. “Sometimes you have to just break it down to a triangle and a rectangle,” Ms. Castor shows one student, while the

  • students while maximizing the learning experience, the importance of understanding and flexibility when it comes to the challenges students are working through, and the support systems faculty have put in place to stay connected.PLU: What’s the adjustment period been like for you and other faculty transitioning to this distance-learning approach? Yaden: As director of the Language Resource Center since 1996, and before that as a teaching assistant in graduate school, I’ve been fortunate to make

  • burning of Moscow, the mot de Cambronne at Waterloo, and the injunction to the condemned Louis XVI: “Fils de saint Louis, montez au ciel!”  A student using one of the printing press in the Thorniley Collection in PLU’s Book Arts program, 2017 Count Rostopchin, as governor of Moscow, was supposed to have set fire to Moscow in 1812 rather than allow Napoleon to enjoy possession of the Russian capital; General Cambronee was said to have riposted “Merde!” to English demands for surrender at Waterloo in

  • July 27, 2011 Anthony Chan Bounleurt – spinning on his head. (Photo by John Froschauer) There’s a faith club for that By Barbara Clements It could be any evening on the ground floor of the University Center: A group of young men and women – about 25 of them – drift into the lounge area, greeting each other. Some chat; others open their laptops – all as if they are waiting for something. Then, someone cranks up the hip-hop, and its steady thrum echoes through the building. They start stretching

  • where you can see predators and small forest and wetland animals. Read Previous Rainbow Center Presents: Queer Prom Read Next Visiting Writer Series: Melinda Moustakis COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU Welcomes the Class of 2028: Trailblazers September 11, 2024 PLU move-in day 2024 September 4, 2024 PLU Director of Athletics and Recreation Mike Snyder

  • by the Diversity Center in partnership with units across the university. Please take time to read the site and spread news of this resource. I will continue to seek to influence federal policies and actions through my service with the National Association of Independent Colleges & Universities (NAICU), the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC), the Independent Colleges of Washington (ICW), and through my personal state and federal lobbying efforts. Our collective voices can powerfully advocate

  • love a place relentlessly, even in the face of its pain and challenges.” His mother stressed that the same commitment to equity must shine through the recipients of the new scholarship; it’s what Panago would have wanted. “I hope that he’s proud,” Georgia said. “We’re making things happen in his name.” Jonathan Jackson ’12, a fellow member of PLU’s first Act Six cadre, says Panago possessed an “others before self” mindset. Jackson says his friend wasn’t one to be front and center in his activism