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  • my transition to get to PLU. So, that’s a resource I’m grateful for. But, I am excited to go home for the summer, to see my family and friends again. Dan: Thank you, Christine, good talking to you. Christine: Thank you.

  • to copyright law, it is illegal to show any movie in a public setting (i.e. anywhere outside home). The issue is not whether you charge admission, but whether you show the movie in a public setting. The definition of a public showing of a movie, according to copyright law, is to “display it at a place open to the public or at any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances is gathered.” It is fairly simple to obtain permission to

  • several sets of these pipes are used together in pitches from low to high, the organ sounds its “plenum” or principal chorus. The mixture stops-some with seven pipes sounding per key—add sparkle and brilliance to the top of the principal choruses of each division or section of the organ. The StringsThis family of organ comes from open pipes made narrower than principal pipes, thus generating a lighter weight tone with silvery quality. A special combination of string pipes includes the Viole de Gambe

  • was the Chair of Department of Music at that time.   During Penderecki’s residency at PLU, he asked McTee if she would be interested in traveling to Poland for the coming year to teach his family English in exchange for studying with him at the Cracow Conservatory. Cindy did just that. “At first, I didn’t believe he was serious, and I was also a bit apprehensive about the idea of living behind the Iron Curtain,” she says. Despite her hesitation, McTee eventually agreed and moved from her hometown

  • experience in international health care that got her hired. MSF quickly put that experience to the test. Ford first served a year in western Kenya, working in projects providing treatment for tuberculosis and for HIV/AIDS using anti-retroviral drugs. There, she witnessed how the virus has deteriorated the African family structure. Traditionally, extended families live together. But with an HIV/AIDS infection rate of 40 percent, too many children are left orphaned. Grandparents, aunts and uncles are

  • roots again and camp out on another Lord of the Rings set. He has too much going on here in the Pacific Northwest with family and work commitments. Perry knew that he always wanted a career in digital effects. He just had to figure out how to get there. Since he first saw Star Wars in 1977, at age eight, Perry has been fascinated with visual effects. That movie set his career path. He wanted to work in movies. And he wanted a part in creating those cool, blow-you-back-in-your-seat effects that first

  • . But take a closer look and the differences come to light. Rain barrels on each corner of the exterior collect water from the gutters to be repurposed elsewhere. The paint on the exterior of the house makes rainwater bead up, and when it drips off, it naturally washes dirt from the house. There are big plans for this PLU-owned property, called the “reDesign House.” The goal is to take this vacant single-family residence and turn it into a creative space where students, faculty and staff can work

  • Nation.” “I became interested in presenting on this topic during a U.S. Latino/a Literatures seminar that I taught last spring,” Davidson said. “I was really moved when I watched the groundbreaking 2013 PBS documentary series Latino Americans: The 500-Year Legacy That Shaped a Nation (which attempts to historicize the Latino experience in the United States from the 1500s to the present). In fact, my family gathered to watch the first episode together. As a second-generation Latina in the U.S., I felt

  • , Manager of Short-Term Study Away Programs at the Wang Center. “It’s a unique trip in that you travel solely with a PLU professor and a group of PLU students.” J-Term trips offer a great alternative to semester trips for students whose commitments don’t allow them to be gone for four months. “J-Term trips reach a wider demographic of students,” said Grover. “It’s great for students who can’t leave a job or family for a whole semester but still want the study-abroad experience.” New Zealand and Europe

  • from marginalized populations.Chavez, chair and associate professor of politics and government, identifies as Latina. She’s a native Spanish speaker who didn’t learn English before beginning school. She was raised in an immigrant household in the Southwest and experienced many of the obstacles fellow Latinos face every day in the U.S. Like many who come from a similar background, Chavez was the first in her family to graduate from college, despite the barriers she faced. She came from a home and a