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  • ,” McCracken said. “(Trip leaders) make sure that you have a fun time and share the outdoors with you.” Successful steps have also been made over the past few years to modernize OR: the program moved into a new space in the Columbia Center last spring, and has purchased three new vans to more reliably transport students. The rollout of an Outdoor Rec app this year has streamlined the process of signing up for a trip, making it easier than ever to take advantage of the opportunities OR offers. “Out here in

  • Colonel (temporary) making the 28 year-old Eisenhower among the youngest Lieutenant Colonels in the Army.  Eisenhower continued to hope for a chance to command troops in Europe. II For millennia, hundreds of thousands of ducks and geese had darkened the skies over western Kansas during their migrations along the Central Flyway to and from Canada and the Gulf of Mexico.  This feathered cloud also rained billions of bird viruses in their poo on Kansas farms, towns, fields, ponds and pig wallows along

  • // Go Back How did your major at PLU help you choose and succeed at this? “I learned at PLU to be comfortable feeling uncomfortable. You’re not going to be successful if it’s easy; you’re constantly struggling. If you are doing your best and impacting the life of one person, you’re not feeling comfortable and complacent.” What’s your best advice for an incoming PLU student? “The people here are so invested in each other and in making a positive difference in the community. (Your experience won’t) be

  • Elegant Each will include: • premium roll basket • freshly brewed regular Dillanos® Coffee ( decaf Coffee available upon request) • assorted Stash® teas • ice water These menu items can be utilized as a dinner for an additional $2.00 per person. Each of the following combinations have been selected for flavor, elegance and simplicity. We have found that lunch meetings tend to be scheduled for only an hour. These entrées are part hot entrée and part composed salad — making them ideal for your

  • . Individual cardholders are responsible for making certain that the transactions are valid expenditures, the dollar amounts are correct, and the proper FOAP is assigned. By approving a cardholder’s transactions in Works, department heads/financial managers are authorizing that the charges have a bona-fide purpose directly related to University business. 4. Responsibilities of Program Participantsa. Cardholder: The cardholder may only use the P-Card for legitimate university business purposes, no on-campus

  • every country, Jews worked tirelessly to protect and save other Jews. Ben-Zion Kalb was one such Jewish rescuer. With the assistance of the leadership of the Jewish Working Group of Slovakia, he helped smuggle hundreds of Polish Jews across the border to relative safety. “Hiding in Broad Daylight: Gender and Religion in the Story of a Dutch Rescuer” – Raymond Sun Carla (Olman) Peperzak was only 18 when she began her work in the Dutch Resistance in 1942. She was also Jewish, making her a rare example

  • our summer follow-up. Lenny ReisbergCollege BoundCollege Bound Summer 2014Thanks so much for all of your help meeting our needs with this event! We had a great experience, as did our guests. The PLU staff were helpful with communication and accommodating with last minute requests. Best, Darcy Nelson Program Coordinator, Youth Education MDC Making a Difference in CommunityTacoma-Pierce County Bar Association Volunteer Legal Services ProgramTacoma-Pierce County Bar Association Volunteer Legal

  • will start making an immediate impact on the world—mostly because they already have done so much at PLU. Here’s a look at just a few outstanding members of this year’s graduating class.Greg HibbardMajors: Geoscience and Economics. Hometown: Olympia, Washington. Accomplishments at PLU: NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship recipient, two-time Capital One First Team Academic All American (first male student-athlete in PLU’s history to receive this honor twice), 2014 Football Team Captain, football player all

  • . I’m a second-class citizen here with the set of struggles that come with that. To this day I experience racism essentially wherever I go in America. People making assumptions about me before they even meet me. Having this color of skin is a death sentence here when it comes to leading a normal American life. I can’t even go down the street on a nice day a lot of times without someone thinking I am a dangerous person. This color of skin isn’t associated with good things in America. Though David

  • efforts in making inclusive excellence a core value of PLU. We seek to foster a community that goes beyond tolerance of difference to one that is guided by the principles of equity, social justice, cultural competence and engaged citizenship. This comes through in our academic work including our annual Holocaust Education Conference, and this fall will also mark the beginning of a Minor in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, one of only a few in the nation. It comes through in our commitment to studying