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  • Free Public Debate Sept. 21 Addresses U.S. Intervention in Global Genocides TACOMA, Wash. (Aug. 28, 2015)—During a two-day visit to Pacific Lutheran University in September, four of Rwanda’s best young debaters will immerse themselves in campus life—and present a moving, enlightening evening of personal storytelling…

    campus life—and present a moving, enlightening evening of personal storytelling and public debate. The four students are part of iDebate Rwanda, a nongovernmental organization that uses debate to give young East Africans the tools to change their world by teaching them how to think critically, solve problems creatively and impact their society. PLU is the second stop on the group’s 2015 U.S. tour, “Voices from the Post-Genocide Generation’’—and one of only two on the West Coast. The students’ visit

  • Using Google Maps in the Classroom: Teaching an old software new tricks Posted by: Jenna S / November 30, 2015 November 30, 2015 by Jenna Stoeber Christmas break is nearing, and with it comes a chance for faculty to catch their breath after a long and hard fall—before revving back up for another semester. The holiday break is ideal for exploring new methods of teaching, so why not start small by finding innovative ways of using familiar, ubiquitous technology? Whether you’re going across the

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 22, 2015)- Members of the Pacific Lutheran University community have the unique opportunity to learn about the AIDS epidemic through theatre. The one-man show “My Brother Kissed Mark Zuckerberg” will be performed in the Karen Hille Phillips Studio Theater at 7 p.m.…

    Faculty Discuss “Climate” on Latest Episode of “Open to Interpretation” Read Next Seattle Business Magazine Editor Teaching Journalism Course at PLU COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU hosts the 14th Annual Lutheran Studies Conference: Celebrating Cecelia Svinth Carpenter, Indigenous education and tribal sovereignty September 23, 2024 PLU Welcomes the Class of

  • TACOMA, WASH. (January 12, 2016)- Sylvia May ’18, a doctoral student at Pacific Lutheran University, was one of just eight students in the country to receive the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship in 2015. The prestigious scholarship will cover her tuition, books and other fees…

    process, but sometimes you have to deny your feelings and keep pushing forward. Life is about taking chances and this is one of the areas where I decided to step into unknown territory and it paid off. When did you find out you were a recipient? How did you react? I began the application process in October 2014 and I found out I was selected in October 2015. I recall my phone ringing, and it was my recruiters on the other line. They said, “Sorry, Sylvia, you were not selected.” “OK,” I replied. I was

  • , technology, education, and publishing are areas where graduates frequently make their careers.Well, I think that there’s definitely a degree of anxiety and darkness in the writing that I’m seeing from the students. But I actually think that from one standpoint that’s a good thing because they’re able to find an avenue for expressing themselves in these writing classes that maybe they don’t have in their regular lives or in their other classes. So yes, some of it is dark, but I do think that expressing

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 6, 2016)- Kelly Hall couldn’t decide on a major when she first came to Pacific Lutheran University. “I didn’t know for sure what I wanted to do, and several fields I explored just didn’t fit right,” said Hall, a senior at PLU.…

    cultures. “I learned so much more on the canoe journey in just five days than I did through months of visiting and going to cultural events,” she said. The Samish tribe, originating from the San Juan Islands and Anacortes areas, has no official reservation, so scattered membership has been an issue. But Hall said she believes the geographic spread has allowed for connection in other ways. Hall will graduate this spring after finishing her classes within the language, religion, anthropology and history

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March 23, 2016)- Imagine using bananas and a circuit board to create a piano. Absurd? Thanks to the maker movement and some creative minds, it isn’t. Pacific Lutheran University’s School of Education & Kinesiology is bringing that creative spirit to campus April 12…

    music or play computer games with makeshift controls. “Tinkering is terribly important,” McQuinn said. “All learning is built on prior understanding. That’s a 21st century skill.” Even more important, McQuinn added, is preparing students for the ever-changing world of technology. “We have no idea what tools they’re going to be using when they graduate from college. They haven’t been invented yet,” he said. “(Students) have to have those self-teaching skills. That’s a big part of why the maker

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 20, 2016)- It’s the season for awards, banquets, recognition and a whole lot of celebrating for Pacific Lutheran University students as they approach Commencement 2016. The ceremony will mark the culmination of several years of hard work, community involvement and the pursuit…

    , an urban arts youth center in Tacoma. Adams also studied away in Trinidad and Tobago in 2014, is finishing up a teaching assistantship in the Department of Sociology and recently completed his capstone on “How consumer credit is another form of social regulation and segregation.” Adams will soon begin work on a Master of Social Work from the University of Southern California, but the Mount Tahoma High School graduate decided to enroll in the online program so he can begin a career serving people

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 24, 2016)- Debbie Moderow’s future in Iditarod racing started in her family’s backyard with a retired sled dog named Salt. The 7-year-old Husky was the first member of a backyard sled dog team that was initially assembled so Moderow’s sons could have…

    context of climate change. “Fast into the Night” was Moderow’s thesis. She said she developed her voice and found her identity as a writer during her time at PLU. Moderow’s said her education set her on the path to literary success. “I’m a writer because of that program,” Moderow said. “I can call myself a writer – I’m a published author – because of that program.” Read Previous PLU Teaching Online program incorporates technology into learning, enhances brick-and-mortar experience Read Next PLU

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19. In most popular histories of computing, the Apple II personal computer (1977) stands out as a pathbreaker among early devices in the PC Revolution. But how innovative was Apple’s first mass-market computer, and what design features and ideas helped it stand…

    was divided by many ratios to create all frequencies needed. He discovered that more costs could be cut by using software to look up the address of scanlines, instead of storing them in sequential areas of memory. Software was also used for the high-resolution graphics mode which was determined by pixel position, meaning Woz did not need chips to convert bit patterns into colors. Initially, the Apple II used data cassette storage, which was consistent with other microcomputers of the time. However