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  • say” to both Alys and Darsee (130). Whereas Austen’s Pride and Prejudice presents a biting ridicule of the contest for social mobility and a sharp eye to gender restrictions in Regency England, Kamal turns her eye to England’s imperial legacy in the life and language of contemporary Pakistan. At times, the novel’s meta-references detracted from my suspension of disbelief because I was always aware that I was reading a retelling of Pride and Prejudice. All of characters know about the novel, Alys

  • into feeling a disproportionate amount of guilt for his marriage with Lucy before her affair with Lennox. But the largest perpetrator in the series–to the degree that even Lennox condemns him as a “disgrace”–is, unsurprisingly, Edward Denham. The prevalence of this theme throughout the second season comes at a ripe time in online discourse around the topic of “gaslighting.” It is helpful as a clear representation of not only how it can occur between all manner of people and gender dynamics, but

  • . In addition to the above scheduled events, several ongoing initiatives also support the social-justice theme of the semester: Sexual Awareness & Personal Empowerment Team presentations. Classroom and residence-hall workshops led by skilled peer educators discuss consent, healthy relationships, bystander intervention and gender and sexuality. It’s On Us campaign. PLU puts its own face on the national campaign with posters pledging to help prevent and stop sexual assault. My Language/My Choice

  • yourself up,’ ” says Stacia Vierra ’12, a social worker for MultiCare Tacoma Family Medicine who previously served as the director of a shelter for survivors of domestic violence. Vierra first experienced a calling for social work and advocacy while working at PLU’s Center for Gender Equity. Psychology classes taught her to stand up against injustice and oppression, center inclusivity, and amplify the voices of historically marginalized community members. Since earning a master of social work degree in

  • worked as a high-powered corporate lawyer–and where, one summer morning, a law student named Barack Obama appeared in her office and upended all her carefully made plans.” — book jacket Katherine Dunham : dance and the African diaspora (GV1785.D82D44 2017) “One of the most important dance artists of the twentieth century, dancer and choreographer Katherine Dunham (1909-2006) created works that thrilled audiences the world over. As an African American woman, she broke barriers of race and gender, most

  • it’s something I care about and PLU as an institution cares about — we put into practice what we talk about constantly in our mission statement. What’s next: I’m going back to Guatemala to continue research through the Fulbright Program.Skylar LarsonSenior (Class of 2019). Hometown: Fort Collins, CO Global Studies & Hispanic Studies majors Involvement: Center for Gender Equity, Old Main Market employee, the collective, tour guide  Number of times studying away: I studied away three times – I did a

  • High, with an associate’s degree in gender studies from Green River College already under her belt. A committed activist, Ahmed served as the founding Interfaith Coordinator at Campus Ministry, worked at the Center for Student Success, and was part of “the collective,” an unaffiliated, grassroots group of organizers. Her award-winning Capstone project, on black women’s transformative resistance in higher education, sought to diagnose “benevolent racism,” which “operates under the guise of being

  • who is different from you. Someone of a different race, someone of a different religion, gender, even generation, just someone different from you, who you may even hold a bias toward, show an act of love to them …” as Alana said, “we want to change people’s hearts, and that’s how we intend on doing it, by getting the masses to participate in love.” Thanks to the help and sponsorship of PLU, Bethlehem Baptist Church, St Marks’s by the Narrows Lutheran Church, and a host of others, Tacoma became the

  • or PhD to pursue youth advocacy and justice work in education Born in Nairobi, Kenya to a family of asylum-seekers from Mogadishu, Somalia, Aziza Ahmed moved to the US at five, and came to PLU from Auburn’s Mountainview High, with an associate’s degree in gender studies from Green River College already under her belt. A committed activist, Ahmed served as the founding Interfaith Coordinator at Campus Ministry, worked at the Center for Student Success, and was part of “the collective,” an

  • believe that there’s a point to this and that brings me joy and happiness.ROOTED IN RELATIONSHIPAngie: What about you, Maya? Did you have an “Aha”? Maya: I think it was less of a moment than it was just you-all and the Diversity Center, mentorship, the Center for Gender Equity, staff and faculty who were supporting students and building community… I think all my “Aha” moments had to do with community. I have less recall about what I was reading in classes and was more inspired by the relationships