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Designed to help you delve deeper into your personal and PLU experiences, use the following journal prompts by copying and pasting the content into a Word document or writing them into your own
Mindfulness and Acceptance ExercisesJournal Prompt QuestionsDesigned to help you delve deeper into your personal and PLU experiences, use the following journal prompts by copying and pasting the content into a Word document or writing them into your own journal.Anxiety What is something that brings you hope? How do you foster spaces in your life where you can connect with and experience hope? How do you protect your experience of hope? Write about the last time you were completely present. A
The PLU Diversity Center is committed to empowering the PLU community to engage in dialogue, programs, and initiatives that promote and enhance equity, agency, and action.
Welcome to the Center for Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability! Diversity, Justice, & Sustainability (DJS) is a framework that engages the interdependency of ourselves, our communities, and our environments. With this framework, we desire to create systems and build relationships where all can thrive. The Center for DJS works with students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members to imagine and create equitable and thriving communities, and offer a network of advocacy resources. Our
The Diversity CenterAnderson University Center Room 150 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 -
Attend programs from 3/4 of the G&S Week themes listed below and receive a coffee credit!
Gender & Sexuality Week 2024 October 21-25th “Savor the moments when you finally thrive” (Bespoken Islands, Sylvir ft. Slyleaf & Leopold) In the world we live in, we often get caught up in fighting against the tides and forget to celebrate the wins, joys, and growth. Inspired by a quote from “Bespoken Islands” by Sylvir ft. Slyleaf & Leopold, the 2024 Gender & Sexuality Week theme invites us to consider what does thriving look like for me? For my communities? Where are the spaces where I am
The PLU Department of Geosciences prepares students for a lifetime of scientific learning, informed citizenship, and earth stewardship through critical thinking and engagement in the scientific
Mission StatementThe Department of Earth Science prepares students for a lifetime of scientific learning, informed citizenship, and earth stewardship through critical thinking and engagement in the scientific process. Earth Science is distinct in that we investigate the dynamic and complex earth across a wide range of time and geographic scales.Department GoalsThe Department of Earth Science strives to: Prepare students for lives as geoscience professionals, educators, and active citizens
Welcome to the Experiential Learning and Opportunities page. On this page you will find information on our Experiential Learning requirement as well as updated information on internships, job
Welcome!Welcome to the Experiential Learning and Opportunities page. On this page you will find information on our Experiential Learning requirement as well as updated information on internships, job opportunities, and other exciting opportunities for Environmental Studies majors and minors.What is Experiential Learning? Experiential Learning is learning through situations that mimic work experience in a profession you’re considering for your career! Environmental Studies students have
This list includes all the courses that contribute towards the Environmental Studies major and minor, and specifies the General Education requirements they fulfill and their pre-requisites.
Environmental Studies CoursesThis list includes all the courses that contribute towards the Environmental Studies major and minor, and specifies the General Education requirements they fulfill and their pre-requisites. You can download a pdf version of this list. For more details on these courses and requirements, see the full University Catalog. Bachelor of Arts Degree Major in Environmental Studies 40 semester hours, completed with a grade of C- or higher and with a cumulative GPA of 2.00
General Policies Criteria for Tenure and Promotion Qualifications Concerning Appointment and Promotion to Ranks
Materials and Information - Preparing for Tenure and/or Promotion General Policies Criteria for Tenure and Promotion Qualifications Concerning Appointment and Promotion to Ranks Interfolio InformationClick herePRE-TENURE Tenure-Track Faculty Schedule & Deadlines Schedule for Fall 2024 Deadlines – Tenure and/or Promotion to Associate Professor Case information Case Checklist – Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor How to build a tenure file How to build a promotion file Things to
The purchase card is a Visa credit card issued by Bank of America. It is a fast, flexible purchasing tool, which offers an alternative method of procurement and provides an extremely efficient and
The Purchase CardThe purchase card is a Visa credit card issued by Bank of America. It is a fast, flexible purchasing tool, which offers an alternative method of procurement and provides an extremely efficient and effective method for purchasing and paying for supplies.Quick Links Works Log-in - Bank of America BofA Global Card Access Purchase Card Program Policies and Procedures (pdf) Purchase Card Application and User Agreement (pdf) PLU Amazon Prime Business AccountWorks and Amazon - How To
An interdisciplinary introduction to the concepts, themes, topics, and methods that are central to the study of gender, sexuality, race, and their relationship to other identity categories.
GSRS 201 : Introduction to Gender, Sexuality, and Race Studies - AAn interdisciplinary introduction to the concepts, themes, topics, and methods that are central to the study of gender, sexuality, race, and their relationship to other identity categories. Central concepts include knowledge production, the social construction of identity, theories of intersectionality, reflecting on power and privilege, and experimenting with different aspects of praxis and activism. Open to all students
Standards of living have increased dramatically worldwide over the past 100 years, yet poverty and inequality remain features of our world.
Development and Social JusticeStandards of living have increased dramatically worldwide over the past 100 years, yet poverty and inequality remain features of our world. Continued improvement in human well-being for all involves economic growth, reducing poverty, and addressing inequities and issues of social justice, for example in wealth, political freedom, education, and health care. Given the complexity of development processes and of the diverse array of responses to poverty and social
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