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  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 3, 2018) — In response to years of student inquiries and interest, Pacific Lutheran University’s Department of Communication announced a new concentration in Film and Media Studies. Courses, which will be available for registration April 16-27, launch in fall 2018. The new…

    communication and one of several faculty members involved in planning the concentration.Department of CommunicationLearn more about other communication concentrations at PLU“Much will depend on student interest and reaction to this new concentration,” he said. “Of course, it would be wonderful to see this initiative blossom into a minor, or perhaps even an interdisciplinary major somewhere down the road. But this is what is possible right now, and it’s a good and important first step in the right direction

  • For the graduating class of 2024, freshman year was online and confined. So by the time fall came around for sophomore year, they embraced in-person classes, study groups, lunches, dinners, and more. That’s true at least for political science major Kaden Bolton ’24, who graduated…

    the project helped understand how a local policy is seen by residents of an area. Bolton is planning to do a master’s degree and, possibly, a PhD in international relations. When he does so, he’ll go back to Oxford, a place he felt part of. When he wasn’t studying overseas, Bolton served as a resident assistant in the German wing of Hong Hall, the international dorm (he minored in German), and was an active member of the Associated Students of PLU. He also got involved in PLU’s Late Knight comedy

  • Jen Soriano (she~they) is a Filipinx writer and movement builder who has long worked at the intersection of grassroots organizing, narrative strategy, and art-driven social change.

    Jen Soriano Jen SorianoJen Soriano (she~they) is a Filipinx writer and movement builder who has long worked at the intersection of grassroots organizing, narrative strategy, and art-driven social change. Jen has won the International Literary Award for Creative Nonfiction, the Fugue Prose Prize, and fellowships from Hugo House, Vermont Studio Center, Artist Trust, and the Jack Jones Literary Arts Retreat. Jen is also an independent scholar and performer, author of the chapbook “Making the

  • by Dana Bodewes, Instructional Designer Student note taking is usually encouraged to help students process, summarize, and synthesize new information. Some students and instructors are also exploring the idea of collaborative note taking using online tools like Google Docs and wikis. The idea seems great:…

    working together should surpass the effectiveness of an individual note-taker. Shared documents and wikis seem to be the most common way to organize group notes. Google Docs work well because they allow multiple contributors to take notes simultaneously on the same document. Wikis are beneficial because they allow for the collective building of web pages, with the potential to better organize and search by topic or date. I recently returned from a regional conference where collective note taking is

  • TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 15, 2015)—As Hispanic Heritage Month kicks off across the country on Sept. 15, this year’s observation at Pacific Lutheran University takes on extra emphasis with two new campus-wide components: • the revival of a student organization representing Latino/a and Hispanic students, and…

    Jesus Gonzalez to revive the student organization formerly known as Latinos Unidos. Carrasco said they decided to change the name to Amigos Unidos to make the student-run group more inclusive for Lutes who might not identify as Latino/a. “Amigos Unidos seeks to empower the Hispanic/Latin@ student population for the purpose of providing scholarly support, cultural awareness, social enrichment and community outreach,” said Carrasco, the group’s student president. “Not only are we planning events that

  • Knutson Lecture

    , the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center, the Osher Marin JCC, and Ha-maqom/Lehrhaus Judaica. Currently, I serve on the board of the Jewish Community Federation here in the San Francisco Bay Area, where I chair in Community Impact Committee and sit on the executive committee and the racial justice planning group. With all this volunteerism, the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco named me their volunteer of the year in 2008. My parents are still proud of me. In 2015, the Jewish Community

  • Current PLU students register for online and blended classes through Banner Web, during standard registration periods.

    How to RegisterRegistering for online and blended courses at Pacific Lutheran University will vary depending on if you are a current PLU student, a student from another university (non-matriculated students), or taking continuing education courses. Find yourself below for more information. PLU students Current PLU students register for online and blended classes through Banner Web, during standard registration periods.  Most online classes fall in Summer Sessions, with blended classes occurring

  • Gaslighting is the through line and ultimate source of tension in season two of Sanditon . This psychological manipulation is present in Captain Lennox’s abuse of Mr. Parker’s trust and the financial entrapment that threatens to sap Sanditon dry, one more in a series of…

    also of its history as a manipulative strategy that victimizes women specifically. Most simply, gaslighting constitutes the systematic devaluing of a person’s reality in order to convince them that they are insane as a means of exerting control over them. The term itself originated from the screen in the 1944 film Gaslight. Paula, the heroine, is romanced by Gregory who becomes her husband and then proceeds to manipulate her into thinking she is mad so that he can have her committed and steal her

  • How and why do you choose allyship even when it is unpopular? Katie Monsen ‘96 and Emily Davidson ‘98 (links to full interviews here and here)

    How and why do you choose allyship even when it is unpopular? Katie Monsen ‘96 and Emily Davidson ‘98 (links to full interviews here and here)Katie Monsen ‘96 and Emily Davidson ‘98 were two allied PLU alumnae whom Beth recommended I contact. Though they didn’t overlap too much in their years at PLU, they both dedicated themselves to formal and informal allyship through student organizations and their social circles. Katie wrote a column in The Mast that she leveraged to combat the anti-queer