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  • in the event the user switches to a new device. The Gradebook client application is written in Dart using Google’s Flutter UI development kit and functions on both Android and Apple iOS devices. Our backend services were created using Google Firebase Authentication and Cloud Firestore services. Grades can be a major source of stress for college students, and our application aims to help give students peace of mind by providing a convenient, easy to use tool for tracking their grades and

  • at PLU. What impact did they have on your career direction and success? SM: While I didn’t have a specific field in mind during my first years on campus, I knew that first-hand experience in the business world would help me determine what field to pursue (or not!) At the campus Career Development Office, I sought out information about a number of internship opportunities. In the spring of my junior year, I applied for an internship with a regional bank. A round of interviews led to a position as

  • teach about the world of design. Department of Art & Design Our art and design programs at PLU stress individualized development. Learn More YR01, EP00 — Jp & Chad On this prototype podcast of This is Design School, Jp Avila and Chad Hall interview each other to test out what it would take to make a podcast. Your browser does not support the audio element. The discussions find their way beyond their guests’ journeys and intertwine with topics about graphic design in the print and digital world to

  • their self-care skills. These life balance skills will serve the student well into their lives and careers post graduation. We are committed to attending to the whole person in our interactions and in the design and implementation of our work. Identity & Vocational Development: We know that students thrive when they are able to solidify their identity, explore new areas of interest and discern their vocational inclinations. These activities assist them in charting paths that combine their interests

  • habits How do I start a routine? (Tips from Northwestern Medicine) Start small: try on one or two small things at a time. Once you have a new habit down, you can consider adding another one Make plans & identify ways to hold yourself accountable to those plans (like co-planning with an accountabili-buddy) Reframe thinking: Routines and habits don’t need to be boring chores. Reflect on how the routines and/or habits you consider keeping, changing, or adding this semester can help you live a life that

  • doctoral project at my place of work, so I could find a problem that I had identified and then create my project around that problem.” The practice-improvement or program-development projects offer practical and immediate application. They must aim to improve patient care. “This group has done amazing work on their projects,” Woo said. “Their projects have had or will have positive impacts on patient outcomes.” Collectively, the cohort worked closely with three heavy-hitter medical organizations in the

  • Services that will help me gain knowledge in international development and management. Within the next few years I plan to continue education by attending graduate school aboard to study International Relations or Development Economics. I would ultimately like to have a career working on Africa’s economic development policies. Brian Higginbotham, Bachelor of Arts in history with a minor in political science Brain Higginbotham ’13 is from Woodinville, Wash. Why PLU? I chose to come to PLU because it

  • their supervisor and Campus Safety of a loss or theft within 24 hours via email or phone. An official report must also be completed. The report form is located on the Access Department website via the Lost Key form. Lost cards can be remotely turned off, preventing access, so notification to Campus Safety immediately is critical. Campus Safety: 253-535-7441, Select Option 1. Returning Keys Return all keys to Access Department immediately at end of employment. Return access cards to Campus Concierge

  • a visit to Decatur. Now, Gutierrez is entering his fourth year and final year of undergrad and getting ready to take the next step in his career — landing a job in critical care, hopefully working with children.   “Having the 253 PLU Bound scholarship enabled me to come to a great school, major in nursing … and be a part of this tight-knit community,” he said. “Going to PLU was just a dream come true.”  The 253 PLU Bound scholarship is available for any student from Washington state who is

  • beautiful room with chandelier lights and large windows—it was really wonderful. Then I walked out and played my piece. Mr. Feltsman’s first comments were uncushioned criticisms, and I was a little shaken even though I knew to expect it. After the class, I took notes on all he had told me and watched the other students. It seemed as if Feltsman was pretty blunt in his comments to all of his students—how did you react to that? Yes, he was very blunt! His initial words were particularly critical, but I