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  • research program housed in the School of Arts and Communication at PLU. Valery's writing and photographs have been published in The Peninsula Gateway and on The News Tribune 's website. Valery plans to pursue a career in the news industry after graduating from PLU in 2014. Previous Post Juggling His Way to a Career in Global Health Next Post 5 Lutes Play Major Roles at Tacoma's Broadway Center You might also like Saved by the Ball April 21, 2014 Musical Memories April 21, 2014 5 Lutes Play Major Roles

  • winter? It was a sobering reminder of the impacts global warming and greenhouse gasses have on our planet’s weather patterns and seasons.” Hamnøy, Norway (Early Jan. 2020) Read Previous On Exhibit: Black Authors Writing about Racism Read Next On (Virtual) Exhibit: Media Literacy J-Term Projects LATEST POSTS On Exhibit: Veterans Day: A Salute to Service November 1, 2022 Black History Month: Seeking (a Supreme Court) Justice February 2, 2022 Mortvedt Library materials for HEALING: PATHWAYS FOR

  • , particularly to business. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra or MATH 115. Cannot be taken for credit if MATH 151 (or the equivalent) has been previously taken with a grade of C or higher. (4) MATH 140 : Precalculus - QR Different types of functions, their properties and graphs, especially trigonometric functions. Algebraic skill, problem solving, and mathematical writing are emphasized. Prepares students for calculus. Prerequisites: MATH 115 or equivalent high school material. (4) MATH 145

  • knowledge and competencies of nursing practice. (2) GNUR 310 : Scholarly Writing Concepts Focuses on the basic rules of APA Style in writing term papers, research reports, and journal articles. (1) GNUR 311 : Patho/Pharm II This is the second course in a series of 3 that provide an integrated understanding of the human response to pathological conditions and the associated pharmacological treatment modalities and alternatives to pharmacologic interventions of these conditions. (2) GNUR 314 : Care of

  • of resources available to the faculty. To recommend policy concerning faculty scholarships and grants. To recommend policy concerning faculty leaves. To recommend policy concerning fringe benefits, retirement, and salaries. To seek to stimulate creative faculty activities. To express faculty sentiment on appropriate occasions. To collaborate with the Office of the Provost in the planning and organization of the faculty fall conference. To designate one member of this committee to serve on the

  • program – which is gaining national attention – was conceived two years ago, according to Terry Miller, dean of PLU’s nursing program at a quality committee meeting at MultiCare. The board was concerned with the readmit rate for congestive heart failure patients. The patients were found to quickly return to the hospital after failing to understand the discharge paperwork – sometimes written in English, but most often not – failing to take their meds properly or at all, or ignoring diet and exercise

  • contribution relies on decades of experience in intersections of religion, disability, health, and healing. An associate professor of early and medieval Christian history at PLU, Llewellyn Ihssen is the program director of IHON-Oxford. Llewellyn Ihssen uses critical disability theory in her work on ancient, late antique, and medieval religious texts.  After earning an undergraduate degree in English literature and secondary education, Llewellyn Ihssen worked in special-education classrooms. Yearning to

  • for justice and fairness and allow us to be true to our values and our commitment to students. We don’t yet know what will come from this new administration. These measures, however, have been reviewed by university counsel and will be in place until further notice. Let us continue to be a powerful force for good in the world, and a stronger community in the process. Sincerely, Thomas W. Krise, Ph.D. President and Professor of English *Note: All comments are moderated Read Previous LISTEN Forum

  • alleged in the grievance fall within the purview of these procedures. If not, the grievant shall be so notified in writing. No appeal may be taken internally of such determination. Notification to Respondent. If it is determined the grievance falls within the purview of these procedures, the Dispute Resolution Committee shall, within three (3) working days of such determination, provide a copy of the grievance to the respondent, together with a copy of these procedures. Written Response May Be Filed

  • , the Dispute Resolution Committee shall determine whether the facts alleged in the grievance fall within the purview of these procedures. If not, the grievant shall be so notified in writing. No appeal may be taken internally of such determination. Notification to Respondent. If it is determined the grievance falls within the purview of these procedures, the Dispute Resolution Committee shall, within three (3) working days of such determination, provide a copy of the grievance to the respondent