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  • gender, without consent. Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse is any sexual intercourse (anal, oral, or vaginal), however slight, with any object, by a person upon another regardless of gender, without consent. Relationship ViolenceDating Violence and/or Domestic Violence Sexual AssaultAny type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs by force or without consent of the recipient of the unwanted sexual activity. Falling under the definition of sexual assault is sexual

  • workers. If you’ve read about Jane Addams, founder of Hull House; Frances Perkins, first Secretary of Labor; Harry Hopkins, force behind the Social Security Act; or Whitney Young, civil rights activist, you’ve read about social workers. Today social work is a dynamic, growing profession grounded in the social sciences and liberal arts as well as its own knowledge and research base. Social workers are intricately involved in the community, knowing the people, the services and how things get done. Yet

  • , ASPLU, Student Media Board, Mast) Weapons Policy – revised in August ’07 (by recommendation of the Safety and Security Task Force to align the Student Code of Conduct and the Human Resources policy). Final AuthorityThe Bylaws of Pacific Lutheran University include among the responsibilities of the Board of Regents: “To establish, upon recommendation of the president, the necessary structure, policies and rules for the efficient organization, administration, and operation of the university (Article

  • Military To Medicine: Air Force, Navy veterans become nurses after second chances at college Stephanie Millett ’22 was in her early 20s when she walked into a U.S. Navy recruiting office after dropping out of the University of Oregon in 2010. The decision to enlist, she says, was “a bit of a last resort” to get her family and… September 5, 2023 Alumni, Internships, CareerResoLute

  • stabilizing and transforming force in Oaxaca, but that it is limited in its developmental scope by its apolitical nature. Marianne Taylor, Ph.D., and Darla Avis Department of Psychology When Jack & Jill Switch Brains: How Development Affects Gender Identity Severtson Fellowship Do children and adults view gender identity as residing in one’s body or one’s brain? Previous research has used a hypothetical brain transplant between different animals to measure how children understand identity (e.g., if a pig

  • interested in all aspects of German cultural and history. Her research and publications are focused on the role of the artist in public discourse in East and West Germany, as well as on the exhibition of contemporary art as a cultural and political force in the Cold War era and today. Her most recent work deals with contemporary art and cultural integration. PLU Faculty ProfileIn addition to teaching on topics such as gender issues, identity, and memory in modern and contemporary art, Heather is

  • voters, with 90 percent passing the measure, Vraalsen said. “So it’s a solid mandate for the southern leadership,” he said. Ambassador Tom Eric Vraalsen talks to PLU Professor Ann Kelleher after Vraalsen’s Sudan presentation. And the voting itself was relatively quiet of violence, despite earlier predictions to the contrary. “It went very smoothly,” Vraalsen said, with nearly 2,600 polling stations around the country and a police force of 5,000 present to keep the peace. “Within four months they did

  • right decision, he admits now, 10 years later, it still turns over like a well-worn stone in his mind. “It was the right thing to do, but I’m going to have to live with that for the rest of my life,” he said. The book chronicles Hrivnak during his time in the in Iraq, when Hrivnak was a captain and flight nurse in an Air Force medevac unit charged with caring for U.S. casualties. Hrivnak first started writing the book – although he had no idea his musings would end up in newspapers, a documentary

  • at Clover Park Technical College in Lakewood on Wednesday, Jan. 21, from 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Army officials from the Pentagon will be on hand to capture community input as part of the Army’s overall force-structure analysis prior to making decisions on reductions. The Army is hopeful that participants will discuss “a full spectrum of issues” that will be used in making difficult decisions about structure and personnel cuts. “My fellow Lutes should come to the listening session because thoughtful

  • learning, serving and sharingThe third reading in the program is a piece by Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho that reads: “but love is much like a dam: if you allow a tiny crack to form through which only a trickle of water can pass, that trickle will quickly bring down the whole structure, and soon no one will be able to control the force of the current. For when those walls come down, the love takes over, and it no longer matters what is possible or impossible;” How is this piece perhaps applicable to