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  • 2024 Physics Capstone SymposiumSenior Physics capstone presentations will take place Monday, May 6th starting at 2pm in Rieke 103B.  2:10pm Julian Kop – “Using Python to Mathematically Model Variable Star Light Curves.” Constructing light curve plots of stellar brightness can describe various stellar properties and the systems these stars reside. Variable star light curves possess unique trends and modeling these light curves can denote long-term behavior and changes to variability. However

  • About Psychology is a scientific discipline that seeks to understand human and nonhuman behavior, and a profession that seeks to change behavior for the betterment of humankind. As a PLU psychology major, you’ll experience a meaningful and rigorous education that balances science with application. Whether you pursue a Bachelor of Arts or the more research-centered Bachelor of Science, you’ll have opportunities to explore advanced topics in scientific and professional psychology, conduct

  • tests, psychological tasks or observation of public behavior when the obtained information is anonymous or when disclosure of the individual responses poses no risk of adverse consequences to the participant. Anonymous >>>Anonymous means that the individual participant cannot be identified from the data themselves, and no identifying information is linked to the data. Video and voice recordings are not anonymous. Interview or survey data in which recorded demographic characteristics or descriptions

  • which to influence Mexicans throughout the nation in what would come to be known as lo mexicano. Charros and tequila were used liberally and strategically in movies that portrayed national behavior and accepted attitudes and ideologies. Specifically, songs about tequila performed by charros during this time were essential to the extensive influence of this new Mexican identity. The songs analyzed in this paper look specifically at songs about tequila that showed how this new identity affected

  • differences. In nineteenth-century Britain, single women of Elizabeth’s class were not encouraged to travel alone or without reason, and had to travel by invitation and accompanied. While Pride and Prejudice reflects this, it also reflects how women like Elizabeth Bennet use their own movement to defy normative behavior. Elizabeth symbolically moves through socio-economic spaces of exclusion, choosing which boundaries she crosses and which she upholds determined by her own values. Spatial theory is

  • development of religious cognition and behavior. Their project will explore how religious beliefs are learned in childhood and how children conceptualize religious beings. Dr. Shneidman’s specific area of focus will be on children in Mayan communities on the Yucatec Peninsula and in Mexico City.   Read Previous Enrico Jones Award in Psychotherapy & Clinical Psychology Read Next The Evolution of Behavior LATEST POSTS Ricky Haneda ’22 | Psychology Major February 18, 2022 The Evolution of Behavior November

  • chair of the faculty, and the vice chair of the faculty to be excused from service. To do this, the faculty member must submit to the chair of the faculty or the chair of the Governance Committee a letter providing reasons for the petition. This letter may be accompanied by supporting documentation, if desired by the petitioner or requested by a member of the decision-making body. If the joint ruling is not in the petitioner’s favor, the petitioning faculty member may seek to be excused from service

  • last day actively worked. The employee cannot claim sick or vacation leave on their last day of employment. REDUCTION IN FORCE The university strives to maintain staffing levels and organizational structures that efficiently match the workload on campus. Changes may be necessary from time to time to ensure both effectiveness and efficiency. Introduction and Decision-Making In the event of a change in program or services, whether or not there is financial exigency, an officer of the university may

  • Resources Sexual Misconduct Policy. In cases when one person, either the Complainant or Respondent is not a member of the PLU community, PLU will determine, in its sole discretion, the best remedies for the Impacted Party and the community.  If the alleged behavior does not meet the 2024 Final Rule definition and criteria for Title IX as defined by the U.S. Department of Education, but there is an allegation of student misconduct, the report will be referred to the Dean of Students Office and Student

  • Lewis and Clark College Loading... It’s FREE to apply to PLU When you're ready, we're here. Apply now and fulfill your potential! Get Started Related Programs: Business Communication Criminal Justice English Environmental Studies Global Studies History Philosophy Political Science Psychology Sociology After graduating, I plan on going to law school! And I feel confident that because of the advising program and the help I have received from professors, I will be able to make an informed decision on