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Jon Grande ’92 was an intern at Microsoft the summer before he enrolled at PLU. His supervisor was a young marketing manager named Melinda French. He remembers advice Melinda — now Melinda French Gates — gave him a few weeks before the fall semester began.…
money on as you play to enhance your gameplay experience. Grande became a proven leader in the field and was recruited to Amazon where he currently has two job titles — franchise lead and head of product management for mobile. He is defining product strategy for Amazon in the mobile games space and serving as the business lead for Amazon Games studio, overseeing a team of product managers, engineers, designers, and producers. Grande says one of the things he loves about working in gaming is the pace
TACOMA, Wash. — Earlier this week, officials from the University of Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran University announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding that will streamline the process for both universities’ current students and alumni applying to select graduate programs at the partner…
to a wide range of careers in social service and mental health agencies, as well as on preparing graduates to become certified as school counselors. The public health program prepares graduates to respond to contemporary challenges in public health at the local, regional, national, and global levels. PLU’s AACSB-accredited MBA program focuses on strategy and innovation, and offers optional concentrations in healthcare management, technology and innovation management, entrepreneurship and closely
TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 18, 2020) — If you’ve ever wondered whether leaders are born or made, the answer is both. At least it is when you’re referring to Pacific Lutheran University graduate Amy Spieker ’09. Growing up in a Navy family, Spieker moved her fair…
Amy Spieker ’09 on community health advocacy, service and building relationships Posted by: Marcom Web Team / February 25, 2020 February 25, 2020 By Lisa Patterson '98Marketing & Communications Guest Writer TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 18, 2020) — If you’ve ever wondered whether leaders are born or made, the answer is both. At least it is when you’re referring to Pacific Lutheran University graduate Amy Spieker ’09. Growing up in a Navy family, Spieker moved her fair share of times, and in doing so was
In the summer of 2016, Rev. Jen Rude and her spouse Deb packed their things and drove two thousand miles West on Interstate 90 to a new home and a new call. Six-and-half years later, Rude is no longer PLU’s “new pastor from Chicago.” Now…
spirituality connect with the societal or even environmental challenges they’re learning about in their classrooms. We try to keep this thinking in mind when we’re planning chapel services, and it’s also inspired things like our Reflect, Learn, Celebrate Queer Faith discussion series and a recent Bible study about decolonizing scripture. This is your seventh year as university pastor. How has the way you think about your unique role on campus changed become more nuanced, or perhaps even changed a bit, over
Every assessment tool will produce particular forms of data. Matching, tool, data, and analysis strategy is critical to getting valuable information that will help you answer questions about what/
Data Analysis StrategiesEvery assessment tool will produce particular forms of data. Matching, tool, data, and analysis strategy is critical to getting valuable information that will help you answer questions about what/how students are learning in your classes. See the table below for some common data types with corresponding data analysis strategies. Contact the director of assessment for help selecting assessment tools and/or analysis strategies. Data TypeAnalysis Strategies Test
TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 24, 2016)- In the U.S. and around the world, rivers represent primary sources for the water we need to live. But PLU digital media major Rachel Lovrovich ’18 did not become aware that many major water sources are in serious trouble until…
. MediaLab students work on projects across the media spectrum, including market research, photography, graphic design, web design, writing, video, public relations, event planning, filmmaking and more. Read Previous Scholars gather at PLU for International Transformative Learning Conference Read Next Students plan to build upon archaeological research following museum partnership, summer dig in Roche Harbor COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad
On Thursday, April 11th from 9-10pm, the MBR Amphitheater will transform into a glowing globe. As part of Reconciliation Day, students are encouraged to place a candle on a conflict or peace-building effort that is taking place in the world. Alongside peers, faculty and fellow…
students Sydney Barry, Sarah Johnson, Anna McCracken, Chelsea Paulsen and Rachel Samardich currently lead the organization. “In this already stressful and fast paced world, this event is meant to be a refreshing break to instill hope and peace about our ever-changing world,” Paulsen writes. This is the first Reconciliation Day being celebrated and is planned to become an annual event. The organization is already planning the second annual Community Dialogue Day (formally the Day of Dialogue) for the
A biochemist by training, Tina Saxowsky, Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, is fascinated with how life operates at the molecular level.
to seek out some of the cool extras on their own.” Tina has started using video projects to allow students to research and present on special topics of interest in her course. What is one instructional strategy or student project that is particularly effective, innovative, or engaging?“I almost always assign a special project that allows the students to take what they have been learning in class and apply it by exploring a current topic that interests them personally. It is easy to think of
This school year concludes amidst global disruption. The COVID-19 pandemic changed nearly everyone’s life, and far too many of us are mourning losses in our families and friends, dealing with economic hardship, and still dealing with anxieties about what might come next. PLU’s curricular disruption…
Assistantship in Mexico. Philosophy major Bo Frohock was admitted to the Ph.D. program at the University of South Florida, where he’ll continue his capstone research on continental thought with a focus on Hannah Arendt. English major Madeline Scully is headed to the London School of Economics to complete a Master’s Degree in Gender, Peace and Security. Many other students are similarly planning on excellent graduate programs, internships, and jobs next year. We are proud of every single one of our graduates
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, plugged in the speakers, and checked-out a portable web cam on a tri-pod with a built-in microphone and a long cord. This allowed the author to see each student and for me to bring the camera and microphone closer to each student when she had a question during our conversation.”What are the benefits, for you and your students, of using this strategy or tool?“While students can decipher the author’s main arguments in the reading itself, talking with the author about the substance of her work reveals
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