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Students work to wrestle a mattress into a Goodwill donation van during last year’s Moveout. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) Moveout 2014 provides an opportunity to transform unwanted room items into support, jobs through new partnership with Goodwill By Barbara Clements, Content Development Director PLU Marketing and…
May 13, 2014 Students work to wrestle a mattress into a Goodwill donation van during last year’s Moveout. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) Moveout 2014 provides an opportunity to transform unwanted room items into support, jobs through new partnership with Goodwill By Barbara Clements, Content Development Director PLU Marketing and Communications It’s that time of year again: What do you do with that couch, or mattress or lamp you no longer want? And what about that unopened box of gluten-free
On Friday, September 29th, Athena Gordon had a conversation about vocation, teaching, and the importance of languages with two professors in the Department of Languages & Literatures. José Ramón Ortigas is an Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies who earned his PhD from the University of…
that they needed to have. As a teacher, I want to inspire others. But, now with the internet, they can get [information] without you. And they know that. [Laughs] Whatever brings you together in the classroom—it’s a big moment. Athena Gordon is a senior, double-majoring in Sociology and English (emphasis in nonfiction writing). This fall, she is enrolled in HISP 201 (taught by Dr. Ortigas), planning her sociology research project, and writing a personal memoir. After graduation, Athena is looking
Locals embrace Lutes as they meet living legends, learn about vibrant events such as Carnival and Panorama, and develop valuable racial consciousness within a multicultural society that celebrates
know half of this stuff.” That stuff, Hughes and others say, transforms those who experience it. Students meet the “living legends” who have mastered steelpan and calypso music. They experience the revival of the cocoa industry and get an intimate look at the planning behind exuberant events such as Carnival and Panorama. And, most importantly, they dive into deep questions about identity, race, gender, colonialism and other complexities. “It’s a growing and learning experience,” said Maya Bamba
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from another non-PLU email account. Quick Links Help with Service Requests Getting Connected @ PLU Getting Started with Technology @ PLU (New Students)TopicsA-ZSearchTopicsAccounts and PasswordsPLU ePass accounts, changing passwords, department & organization accountsCybersecurity Awareness Training253-535-7525 • • Web site • Support infoThe KnowBe4 Cybersecurity Awareness Training curriculum is intended to provide PLU employees with the skills needed to be compliant with overall
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TACOMA, WASH. (April 22, 2020) — As a senior vice president at Virginia Mason Health System, Charleen Tachibana ‘77 serves as the chief nursing officer and oversees the quality and safety of the Seattle-based hospital and healthcare nonprofit. We recently spoke to Tachibana, who also…
PLU Regent and Virginia Mason Chief Nursing Officer Charleen Tachibana ‘77 Discusses Service, Leadership and Self-Care Posted by: Marcom Web Team / April 22, 2020 Image: Charleen Tachibana ‘77, a PLU Regent and senior vice president at Virginia Mason Health System, serves as the chief nursing officer for the Seattle-based hospital healthcare nonprofit. April 22, 2020 By Zach Powers ‘10Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (April 22, 2020) — As a senior vice president at Virginia Mason Health
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Congratulations! We would like to congratulate Megan Farris-Maycock, Gina Fioretti and Elena Oelfke for their leadership and the Delta organization for their continued leadership on campus. Delta was nominated for service program of the year, educational program of the year, and student organization of the…
Congratulations Delta and Delta Leaders! Posted by: priggekl / September 22, 2016 September 22, 2016 By Kate PriggeCongratulations!We would like to congratulate Megan Farris-Maycock, Gina Fioretti and Elena Oelfke for their leadership and the Delta organization for their continued leadership on campus. Delta was nominated for service program of the year, educational program of the year, and student organization of the year. We won the educational program if the year for our UPS workshop. Megan
Excerpted in Prism from Shadows and Echoes , the Language and Literatures Department’s publication, in 2004. In what Shadows and Echoes hopes will be an annual feature, “Lost and Found in Translation” takes a poem by Emily Dickinson and translates it through a number of…
Lost and Found in Translation Posted by: alex.reed / May 21, 2022 May 21, 2022 Excerpted in Prism from Shadows and Echoes, the Language and Literatures Department’s publication, in 2004.In what Shadows and Echoes hopes will be an annual feature, “Lost and Found in Translation” takes a poem by Emily Dickinson and translates it through a number of languages (German, French, Catalan, Spanish, and Latin) before bringing it (or something!) back into English. Each of the translators worked only from
Non-Emergency Messaging PLU Community Safety Information – For incidents that occur near campus that pose a safety concern, but not a direct threat to the community. The alert will be sent out via PLU Alert (to text and email only). There is no additional safety measures instituted with this messaging. These notifications can range from...
Non-Emergency Messaging PLU Community Safety Information – For incidents that occur near campus that pose a safety concern, but not a direct threat to the community. The alert will be sent out via PLU Alert (to text and email only). There is no additional safety measures instituted with this messaging. These notifications can range from severe weather incidents to information about police response activity in the Parkland neighborhood. Emergency Messaging There are two types of emergency
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