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  • Science Association Latino Caucus.The book, Latino Professionals in America: Testimonios of Policy, Perseverance, and Success, combines rich qualitative interviews, auto-ethnographic accounts, and policy analysis. It explores the converging oppressions that can make it difficult for Latinos to become professionals and to envision themselves as successful in those professions. “Receiving the Latino Caucus Best Book Award for this book is an honor because it shows me that the discipline of political

  • Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students Announcement Posted by: Thomas Krise / May 2, 2014 May 2, 2014 It is my pleasure to share with you the news that Dr. Joanna Royce-Davis will join PLU as Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students on Friday, August 1st, 2014.   Joanna comes to us from the University of the Pacific, where she most recently served as Dean of Students in the Division of Student Life.  In her 15-year career at the University of the Pacific, she has served

  • , helped him land a summer internship with the Portland Pickles, a baseball team with an unforgettable name and a legendary Portland brand. 1. What was your internship experience like working with the Portland Pickles? The internship was a lot of work. It was about 60-ish hours per week. A typical game day would have us getting to the field at 11 a.m., we would set up the stadium, set up the merch tent, put up posters, etc. Then we’d have a production meeting to discuss what the day is going to look

  • December 1, 2009 Perspective – The view through safety goggles Folks around Rieke Science Center – and sometimes in other parts of campus when I’m running late for a meeting – often see me donning a certain accessory that is quintessential to chemists worldwide: safety goggles. We all wear them. Our laboratory students often complain that the goggles are uncomfortable or fog up during a frustrating lab day. But as a regular user through my years in research, I’m indebted to them for reasons

  • Lutes, local inmates share storytelling experience Posted by: Kari Plog / October 12, 2017 Image: Lutes make their way to a classroom at the Washington Corrections Center for Women in Gig Harbor on April 21, 2017. (Photo by John Froschauer/PLU) October 12, 2017 By Kari Plog '11PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 13, 2017)- “We made a magazine!” Taryn Collis exclaimed to a group of Pacific Lutheran University students and several inmates at the Washington Corrections Center for

  • view across a never-ending traverse, but rather the uplifting feeling of completion. “You know with almost every mountain I’ve climbed there’s a certain point when you start getting close, it’s hard to explain, but you know you are going to make it,” Nelson said. “It’s kind of a strange experience,” he said. “There are no excuses. I’ve eliminated my excuses. Then you look around and go ‘what’s next?’” Last May, Nelson summited Mt. Everest. He has now summited the highest peaks on five of the seven

  • September 6, 2011 President Loren J. Anderson gives his 20th Convocation address, opening the 122nd year of PLU. Convocation 2011: “Lead Boldly” By Chris Albert President Loren J. Anderson welcomed students – new and returning, faculty, staff, regents, PLU corporation representatives and local ELCA clergy to the opening of the 2011-12 academic year. He challenged students to “learn well, serve gladly and lead boldly,” in his 20th and final PLU convocation address. “Each year on this day it is

  • March 1, 2013 Peace forum livestreamed at PLU Three speakers at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum will be livestreamed at PLU on March 8,9 and 10. Discussion by faculty will follow. March 8: The first lecture will be by Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus, the father of the micro-credit movement, and it will be streamed live at 10:30 a.m. Friday, March 8  in room 133 of the Anderson University Center. Faculty-led discussion will be led by professors Priscilla St. Clair (economics), and Mark Mulder and Fern

  • chosen based on their ability to captivate and engage students in the classroom, their outstanding involvement on campus and in the community, and their overwhelming passion for their subject matter. Nominations were collected through student, alumni and faculty recommendations following an open call to several hundred colleges and universities across the country. Luther was nominated by her colleagues at PLU, who described her as dynamic, involved and committed and said she has inspired countless

  • PLU Announces Election of New Board of Regents Chair Posted by: Lace M. Smith / May 16, 2017 May 16, 2017 Tacoma, WA (May 16, 2017) -- Pacific Lutheran University today announced the election of Ed Grogan to chair of the Board of Regents succeeding Gary Severson, who completed 19 years of service on the board, nine of them as chair.Grogan, a 1993 graduate of PLU and president of Summit Financial Group in Gig Harbor, WA, has served on the PLU board for four years, including two years as vice