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  • area in the Anderson University Center during the month of February to view this art piece.FEB 8 Don’t Touch My Hair educational event and photo shootDiversity Center – 7pm Join BSU as we have a photoshoot for anyone who comes to the space focusing on embracing the hair you have while learning about hair. Participants of this event also get to share what exactly they love about their hair and how it is part of their identity.FEB 12 Monday WordChapel – 10:30am Service open to all and led by students

  • for Education Abroad as established by the Forum on Education Abroad, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit, membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization (SDO) for the field of education abroad.The Forum provides training and resources to education abroad professionals and its Standards of Good Practice are recognized as the definitive means by which the quality of education abroad programs may be judged. For PLU

  • How First Gens thrive Posted by: Thomas Kyle-Milward / November 28, 2018 Image: First in the family group photo made up of staff, faculty, and students at PLU, Friday, April 27, 2018. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) November 28, 2018 By Nicole GonzalesResidential LifeI am proud to be a first-generation college graduate, or what Pacific Lutheran University calls “first in the family” — someone whose parents didn’t graduate from four-year, degree-granting institutions in the U.S.Navigating college

  • March 19, 2009 Lute Roots Run Deep By Barbara Clements Whenever admissions counselors were preparing to visit Brett Monson while he was in high school, they’d look at his application and then, inevitably, do a double take. Lute roots run deep for the Olsen clan. The five lines under “Who else do you know at PLU” were filled with his parents, his aunts, his uncles and his grandparents. He’d finally start scribbling on the back. “Yeah, I have pretty broad roots at PLU,” junior Brett said while

  • Fargo. Proceeds from the sale allowed the Bensons to first fund the chair in business and economic history and then, this year, fund the chair in elementary education. “Yes. I would say that it is true that PLU now has ‘his’ and ‘hers’ endowed chairs from the Benson family,” Jolita said. “But you know, we haven’t taken advantage of our financial position to enhance our own lifestyle,” she said. “I was raised to be a modest person. My grandfather was a Lutheran pastor. My great aunt was a missionary

  • July 2, 2013 Into the clouds By James Olson ’14 On the rare cloudless days, from PLU’s campus, Mt. Rainier can be witnessed asserting its sublime dominance over the Pacific Northwest. The day I met Allison Stephens ‘01 was not one of those days, but its call could still be heard, muffled and resilient. She told me that she would be climbing the mountain in August and that she was apprehensive about it. She also told me that she has never done anything like this before. The summit would be

  • cultural values that are different from their own, and learn to recognize when they are acting/reacting on the assumption that their values are “right.” (In other words, to recognize when they are being ethnocentric.) These anthropological learning objectives are congruent with PLU’s Wild Hope Project, in that they give students the chance to discover the kind of “big enough questions” that will continue to have an impact in the student’s life beyond the classroom, today and in the future. Both courses

  • October 15, 2013 He Speaks for the Trees By Valery Jorgensen ’15 Pacific Lutheran University’s Sustainability Department has a new Sustainability Lead with a suiting name for the profession: Lorax. Nick Lorax, a 2011 graduate, joined the PLU staff in May and has found a home here—for the second time. “I love it in a whole different manner now,” said Lorax, who graduated with an Environmental Studies major and Biology minor. Lorax, known as Nicholas Steele as a student, said he discovered his

  • February 23, 2014 PLU Nursing Students Top in Exam Pass Rates PLU Nursing student Haley Urdahl ’15 works in the Ramstad lab. (Photo: John Froschauer / PLU) By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications The results are in for the 2013 NCLEX-RN exams, and for the second year in a row, Pacific Lutheran University Nursing students have achieved the highest pass rate among all baccalaureate and higher-degree nursing programs in the state. The interactive, computer-based NCLEX-RN test, or the

  • relevant quantitative and qualitative marketing-research skills,” said Mari Peterson, director of the MSMR program. PLU’s MSMR program has been developed as a highly engaging, hands-on, full-time 10-month program, offered from September to June. PLU Marketing Research Professor Susan Harmon said the program will adhere to PLU’s distinct ethical and moral philosophies through coursework and community involvement. Each term, students will progress through courses that will broaden their capabilities and