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  • Rona Kaufman Professor of English Phone: 253-535-7295 Email: kaufman@plu.edu Office Location: Hauge Administration Building - 227-D Professional Additional Titles/Roles Director of First Year Experience Program Director of the Writing Center Education Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2002 M.A., University of Maine, 1994 B.A., Penn State University, 1992 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Composition Rhetoric and Writing Literacy Pedagogy English Language Accolades Faculty Excellence Award in

  • Guardian, Tin House, New England Review, DIAGRAM, ZYZZYVA, and many other publications, as well as anthologies including Best of the West and The Pushcart Prize. He was a Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford University and has a BA and MFA from the University of Arizona. He lives in Oregon and teaches at Oregon State University and the Rainier Writing Workshop. Mentor. Workshops and classes in fiction and nonfiction I want your work to be your own, so my approach to advising individual students

  • Magazine, and One World: A Global Anthology of Short Stories, and has been listed as notable in Best American Non-Required Reading and the Best Horror of the Year. He has previously taught at The College of Idaho, Southern Illinois University, and the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. He currently teaches at St. Olaf College and resides in Minneapolis. He is at work on forthcoming novel, Girl Zero. More at http://SequoiaNagamatsu.com. Mentor.  Workshops and classes in fiction. Statement

  • Jennifer Foerster Poetry Biography Biography Jennifer Elise Foerster is the author of three books of poetry, Leaving Tulsa (2013), Bright Raft in the Afterweather (2018), and The Maybe-Bird (2022), and served as the Associate Editor of When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry. She is the recipient of a NEA Creative Writing Fellowship, a Lannan Foundation Writing Residency Fellowship, a Hermitage Artist Retreat Fellowship, and

  • Brenda Miller Nonfiction Website: http://www.brendamillerwriter.com/ Biography Biography Brenda Miller edited the anthology The Next Draft: Inspiring Craft Talks from the Rainier Writing Workshop. Her most recent collection of her own work is A Braided Heart: Essays on Writing and Form. She is the author of five more essay collections, including An Earlier Life, which received the Washington State Book Award for Memoir, and she is the recipient of six Pushcart Prizes. Her book of collaborative

  • -hundred-year-old wheat farm in Nebraska, and the changing role of food, God, science, race and agriculture in society, and was a finalist for the Lukas Prize, awarded by Columbia and Harvard University’s Schools of Journalism.  She lives in San Francisco. Mentor. Workshops and classes in fiction and nonfiction. Statement:  I think of writing as intimately connected to seeing. I ask myself–and students–“What do you see that other people are missing?” As artists, we want to entertain and we want to be

  • World History”. She also teaches in the First Year Experience Program, including Writing 101, focusing on Global Human Rights, and two History 190 courses, World History, and Modern Latin American History. She participates in the Residence Hall Learning Communities program, linking Writing 101 to Hong International Hall, and she piloted a program linking Writing 101 courses to 190 courses. She has taught study abroad courses for many years in Bolivia and Peru, and Cuba. She also teaches courses on

  • Matt Young Fiction, Nonfiction Biography Biography Matt Young  is the author of the memoir, Eat the Apple (Bloomsbury, 2018), and the novel, End of Active Service (Bloomsbury, 2024). His stories and essays have appeared in TIME, Granta, Tin House, Catapult, and The Cincinnati Review among other publications. He is the recipient of fellowships from Words After War and The Carey Institute for Global Good, and teaches composition, literature, and creative writing at Centralia College in Washington

  • Leila Renee Assistant Professor of English Phone: 253-535-7873 Email: leila.green@plu.edu Office Location: Hauge Administration Building - 220-C Professional Biography Education B.A., English Literature, University of Notre Dame, 2015 MFA, Creative Writing, Syracuse University, 2022 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Creative Writing Fiction BIPOC Literature Accolades Gulf Coast Prize in Fiction, 2021 Shirley Jackson Prize in Fiction, Syracuse University, 2022 Biography Select Publications

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  • Judith Kitchen Founding Director, In Memoriam Biography Biography Judith Kitchen (1941-2014)  was the co-founder of the Rainier Writing Workshop MFA program at PLU.  She is the author of four collections of essays, most recently The Circus Train (Ovenbird Books, 2014).  Her other collections are Half in Shade: Family, Photography, Fate and Distance and Direction (Coffeehouse Press) and Only the Dance (U. of South Carolina Press).  She is also the author of a novel, The House on Eccles Road