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  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 3, 2017)- You know it’s a good class when even the professor goes home shouting: “You’re not going to believe what we learned today!” Joanna Gregson, professor of sociology, says she told her husband just that throughout her January Term course “Policing…

    outside the typical curriculum in a given department, usually concern a professor’s unique research interests or offer insight into contemporary issues outside the standard course sequence. Gregson, who worked with criminology as a graduate student, thought the policing course was well suited, since police have been at the center of public discourse. Gregson wanted to create an interesting experience for students who chose to stay on campus rather than study away during J-Term — an experience that

  • By Michael Halvorson, Professor of History. Welcome to our blog—the place for learning everything about History at Pacific Lutheran University! Today’s post is about PLU History major Michael Diambri ‘18 , a Lute who graduated in May with a B.A. in History along with minors…

    Michael Diambri Receives Gilder Lehrman History Award Posted by: halvormj / July 31, 2018 Image: Michael Diambri receives award in New York City, June 2018. July 31, 2018 By Michael Halvorson, Professor of History. Welcome to our blog—the place for learning everything about History at Pacific Lutheran University! Today’s post is about PLU History major Michael Diambri ‘18, a Lute who graduated in May with a B.A. in History along with minors in Women’s and Gender Studies and Literature. Like

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March 30, 2016)- Dr. Antonios Finitsis didn’t require a video assignment at the start of his religion course at Pacific Lutheran University. The creative ambition of a group of students in 2008 planted the seed for what’s become a university tradition — PLU…

    require a video assignment at the start of his religion course at Pacific Lutheran University. The creative ambition of a group of students in 2008 planted the seed for what’s become a university tradition — PLU Hebrew Idol.The competition features short films written, filmed and edited by students in Finitsis’ course titled “Religion and Literature of the Hebrew Bible.” Each year, online voting by students determines the top three movies, which go on to face evaluation by a panel of judges. This year

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 7, 2016)- Have you ever dreamed of running away with the circus? Nicole Laumb ’11 did and plans to do it again. “The giggles were endless,” she told her loyal Facebook followers at the end of the tour with the Flynn Creek…

    more. Laumb said it’s a contemporary circus with French-influenced flair in which everyone runs everything. She said it’s such an intimate setting that the performers, dressed in steampunk attire, serve attendees cotton candy. Laumb said her PLU education served her well while traveling with the circus. She used her communication degree more working with Flynn Creek than she had during any other points in her life. “That’s been a nice surprise,” she said. Nicole Laumb '11 (Photo courtesy of Clark

  • When Jordan Levy first visited Honduras in high school, he had no idea that someday he’d be serving as an expert witness on Honduras in the U.S. court system. He first visited the Central American nation to perform volunteer work, and then returned annually throughout…

    work, and then returned annually throughout undergraduate and graduate school for college-related studies and more volunteering. He even met his future wife there, in 2004.  Today, Levy is a specialist in contemporary Honduras and an assistant professor in Pacific Lutheran University’s anthropology department. His research has focused on Honduran governance after the 2009 military coup and the outmigration patterns that followed. Recently, Levy provided pro bono expert witness testimony on behalf

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 4, 2016)- Kamari Sharpley-Ragin reluctantly admits that he used to joke about racism. The ninth-grader from Lincoln High School in Tacoma says it didn’t seem like a big deal, since he never really experienced overt discrimination himself. Now, he says he knows…

    , said she took Kraig’s course because it offered a contemporary look at longstanding racial issues. “We fool ourselves thinking that racism is no longer in existence,” said Morales, who learned different ways to be an activist in the course. Stringer, a senior, said she realized that she was ignorant to racial issues as a privileged white woman before enrolling in the J-Term course. “I wanted to learn some facts to talk about it with my family,” she said. Students’ final performances ranged from

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 10, 2016)- Typically, summer allows college students to take advantage of free time that’s hard to come by during the academic year. But for many Lutes, summer is a time to work hard and continue their vocational endeavors. Students travel, work internships…

    and a community member.” Dela Cruz double majored in history and literature. She also studied away for a January Term in Manchester, England, and a semester in Oaxaca, Mexico. She said she hopes to go to graduate school in a few years to study student affairs. Eventually, she hopes to work at a university in academic advising or leadership, specifically to help students of color and first-generation students. She said he is always thinking about her one wild and precious life, thanks to her time

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 28, 2016) – The Pacific Lutheran University Department of Languages and Literatures  will host the Tournées Film Festival this fall for screenings of nine recently released films representing a wide variety of cultures and historical periods. (Film trailers and descriptions below.) A…

    Festival films have in common? Wilkin: PLU’s 2016 Tournées film festival features ambitious films with universal themes. “The Pearl Button” and “Francofonia” engage with history on an epic scale, asking whether atrocities are an exclusive trait of our planet, and what is the value of art. “Jauja” and “The Marquise of O,” both historical dramas, celebrate human determination in the quest for truth. “Mustang” and “Hippocrates: Diary of a Doctor” deal with contemporary problems that far exceed the borders

  • conversations regarding how non-Indigenous people can support Indigenous sovereignty and advocate for land repatriation. Yet the historical and anthropological facts demonstrate that many contemporary land acknowledgments unintentionally communicate false ideas about the history of dispossession and the current realities of American Indians and Alaska Natives. And those ideas can have detrimental consequences for Indigenous peoples and nations.” ———- Wilkes, R., Duong, A., Kesler, L., & Ramos, H. (2017

  • scholar Deborah Miranda to campus. “Scott was teaching a class in Native and Indigenous literature…I was teaching the Creative Nonfiction Capstone. We decided that it would be great to have someone come who was a contemporary Native writer.” She adds, “In addition to doing her public events, Miranda also talked to the Native and Indigenous literature class.” Call made it clear how inspirational it was for students to hear Miranda’s stories in her own voice, an experience that increased many of her