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  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 24, 2016)- Debbie Moderow’s future in Iditarod racing started in her family’s backyard with a retired sled dog named Salt. The 7-year-old Husky was the first member of a backyard sled dog team that was initially assembled so Moderow’s sons could have…

    was initially assembled so Moderow’s sons could have fun racing in their hometown of Anchorage, Alaska.Adopting Salt sparked an epic journey of Iditarod racing for Moderow, who completed PLU’s Rainier Writing Workshop Master of Fine Arts program in 2013. Now, that journey has culminated in a memoir about her experiences. Moderow’s recently released book titled “Fast into the Night: A Woman, Her dogs, and Their Journey on the North Iditarod Trail” recounts her captivating experiences running the

  • creative work, another for her scholarship and teaching. Even then I knew, of course, that the scholarly and the creative were false categories. A poem was as much the result of a poet’s deep critical study of poetry as it was the result of inspiration. In the same way, the best scholarship that I read at the time— Richard Poirier on Robert Frost, Helen Vendler on Wallace Stevens, and Carson herself on Paul Celan—had a dazzling creativity of insight that made scholarly writing as artful as the works

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 24, 2016)- In the U.S. and around the world, rivers represent primary sources for the water we need to live. But PLU digital media major Rachel Lovrovich ’18 did not become aware that many major water sources are in serious trouble until…

    around Tacoma, as well as on location in Portland, Washington, D.C., upstate New York, Ontario, Massachusetts, Virginia, Ohio, Vancouver, B.C., and elsewhere. In addition to Lovrovich, who served as creative director and also serves as MediaLab’s general manager, the “Changing Currents” research and film production team includes business major John Struzenberg ’16, director of photography and chief editor; communication major Chris Boettcher ’17, social media associate; art and graphic design major

  • TACOMA, WASH. (July 28, 2015)-  It’s safe to say Forrest Griek ‘00, ’02 loves being at school. Currently the principal of Tacoma’s Browns Point Elementary, Griek has spent his career serving in a variety of positions at schools throughout the South Sound, including Todd Beamer…

    challenging, and they taught me how to survive and fight for what is right. This would have never happened if PLU had not listened to my dreams as an educator. Another memorable experience was learning about PLU’s commitment to service. I think this was really the capstone of my education at PLU. I remember coming out of my undergrad and having a clear sense of purpose for social justice and serving others. Read Previous Rick Barot and Ann Pancake Discuss PLU’s MFA in Creative Writing and the Impact of

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 5, 2016)- A familiar Pacific Lutheran University tradition changes its anatomy this year, as organizers reimagine “The Vagina Monologues” as “The Monologues” – a fresher, more interactive take on the famous play. Incorporating student-written content, “The Monologues” is a twist on the…

    trans women, more queer women, more women of color to talk about their experiences,” said Courtney Gould ’16, creative director for the production. Gould says this more personal approach to “The Monologues” gives students a space to share their feelings and speak their truths to an audience of their peers. All of the student-written monologues will touch upon issues that affect female Lutes in their everyday lives, such as disabilities and fat-shaming. “We want to bring a PLU aspect to it, so it’s

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March 30, 2016)- Dr. Antonios Finitsis didn’t require a video assignment at the start of his religion course at Pacific Lutheran University. The creative ambition of a group of students in 2008 planted the seed for what’s become a university tradition — PLU…

    require a video assignment at the start of his religion course at Pacific Lutheran University. The creative ambition of a group of students in 2008 planted the seed for what’s become a university tradition — PLU Hebrew Idol.The competition features short films written, filmed and edited by students in Finitsis’ course titled “Religion and Literature of the Hebrew Bible.” Each year, online voting by students determines the top three movies, which go on to face evaluation by a panel of judges. This year

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 1, 2016)- Bryanna Plog ’10 seems to have done it all in her years after Pacific Lutheran University – teaching English abroad in Colombia, writing books about travel and interning for a conservation nonprofit. But now, she says, serving as a park…

    English abroad in Colombia, writing books about travel and interning for a conservation nonprofit. But now, she says, serving as a park ranger feels like the perfect fit.“I really love working for the Park Service because it’s an organization I can really believe in,” Plog said, “tasked with preserving places for future generations and also making sure people can enjoy them now. I love being part of that.” Plog, who is currently working at Yosemite National Park in California, double majored in

  • Computer science drives innovation throughout the US economy, but the subject remains neglected or marginalized in K-12 education. Can more be done to improve student access to this important way of thinking? Please join Alice Steinglass of  on October 9, 2018 at Pacific Lutheran…

    interdisciplinary minor. The program equips students to find creative solutions to pressing problems and ethical dilemmas, such as providing equitable access to high-tech instruction. Alice Steinglass, President of Speaker Biography At, Alice Steinglass manages teams that build curriculum, tools, and software to support introductory computer science classes for students from kindergarten through high school. In addition, her team partners with education and software companies across the high

  • , KY: Sarabande Books, 2015), 19-20. 5 – Bruce Kimball, Orators and Philosophers: A History of the Idea of Liberal Education (With a Foreword by Joseph L. Featherstone; New York and London: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1986). 6 – Wallace Stevens, from “Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction” in Wallace Stevens: Collected Poetry and Prose (The Library of America; New York: Literary Classics of the United States, 1997), 334. Indigenizing the AcademyLocating Humanities in the 21st Century Read

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Nov. 8, 2016)- Gabri Joy Kirkendall ’09 studied political science and French languages and literature at Pacific Lutheran University. Now, she’s a published author and artist. Below is an edited discussion about her vocational journey and her experience creating hand-lettering books. Question: How…

    -lettering books. Question: How did your new book come to be? Answer: A few years ago, I was just a starving artist trying to subsist on Etsy sales when I got the surprise of my life. I was contacted by an editor at Walter Foster Publishing. She had found my work online and asked if I was interested in doing a book on hand lettering. I thought it was just going to be a fun little project and then the unexpected happened. The book (“Creative Lettering and Beyond”) went viral and became an Amazon best