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  • opportunities for the participants to share social interaction, and the choirs will be paired to perform evening concerts in venues around the Allgäu region (Bavaria). The Choir of the West is the premier choral ensemble at PLU. The choir’s 31 members represent various academic disciplines and are selected through a rigorous audition. The ensemble has gained recognition as one of the most outstanding collegiate choruses in the United States, and regularly appears at important professional choral music

  • February 21, 2012 Food Symposium addresses the many ways food impacts the world. The ethics of food By Katie Scaff ’13 The PLU Philosophy Department’s Food Symposium Feb. 21 will address the ethics revolving around food. Keynote speaker, Paul B. Thompson – the W.K. Kellogg Chair in Agricultural, Food and Community Ethics will speak at 7 p.m., Feb. 21 in the UC Regency Room. Thompson, who has published several works on the environmental and social significance of agriculture, will discuss three

  • dealing with a lack of water,” McKenney said. “Mexico considers water a public right but there’s a juxtaposition and some tension there. How do you equitably charge people for this asset?” His answer is to help people use it sustainably. McKenney co-founded Water for Humans, a nonprofit social venture enterprise working to bring reliable sanitation and clean drinking water to underserved communities worldwide. Water for Humans partners with local and international NGOs, universities and governments to

  • acceptance.Hambrick identified social media as a virtual theater in which performative allyship plays out for internet kudos but has very little impact other than claiming faux status, and Lace Smith noted that it’s important for someone to know why they’re posting before hitting “Tweet”: Are you trying to public shame and get a crowd on your side for that dopamine rush? Or are you doing it for true solidarity’s sake? The group concludes by discussing whether everyone at some point “performs” allyship and what

  • all times. Students should not discuss in any public forum (including public spaces such as elevators, hallways, cafeterias or electronic forums such as blogs or any social media such as Facebook or Twitter) client information or anything occurring in the clinical setting having to do with patients, even if names/clinical sites/treating practitioners, etc. are omitted. Students should refrain from leaving the clinical site with identifying information such as patient stickers, census sheets, etc

  • Effective August 2022 PLU prohibits hazing by students and employees. Hazing prevention policies, and response procedures for hazing incidents, grow from and embody the institution’s mission. Membership in clubs, organizations, and other university-affiliated groups can increase leadership and service potential; provide athletic, recreational, intellectual and spiritual opportunities; and otherwise contribute positively to personal and social development of our students. Where membership is

  • environments. That work is illuminated in each of our stories of this year. You can read about Hispanic Studies major Riley Dolan (’19)’s engagement with the difficult history of genocide in Guatemala, and his use of our Digital Humanities lab to map memory sites there. Visiting professor of fiction writing Melissa Michal used her classes to empower students and advance PLU’s commitment to social justice. Philosophy faculty are sharpening critical thinking skills in our community with the “Tacoma

  • , Wartburg College; Martha Stortz, Augsburg University (emeritas); Deanna Thompson, St. Olaf College; and Marit Trelstad, Pacific Lutheran University. *Note: All comments are moderated Read Previous Intersections: Called to Place LATEST POSTS Intersections: Called to Place November 10, 2021 Intersections: Learning Love of Neighbor May 3, 2021 Intersections: The Tradition’s Wisdom in a Time of Pandemics December 1, 2020 Intersections: Lutheran Social Teaching and Economic Life March 27, 2020

  • , Augsburg University (emeritus); Deanna Thompson, St. Olaf College; and Marit Trelstad, Pacific Lutheran University. *Note: All comments are moderated Read Previous Intersections: The Tradition’s Wisdom in a Time of Pandemics Read Next Intersections: Called to Place LATEST POSTS Intersections: Called and Empowered (and Assessed) April 29, 2022 Intersections: Called to Place November 10, 2021 Intersections: The Tradition’s Wisdom in a Time of Pandemics December 1, 2020 Intersections: Lutheran Social

  • Anxiety and Feelings of Hopelessness Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jessica Fagan*** Capstone project    ** PSYC 242 project    *** Severtson projectZoom Room 2 (Chair, Dr. Grahe)4:15pm – Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Home Care Approach, Andrea Deal* 4:25pm – Assessing the Relationships between Mental Health, Behavior, Perceived Social Isolation, and Knowledge of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Darcy Erwin & Sarah Koenig* 4:35pm – Effects of Negative Facial Expressions on Mood