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  • and Dean of Graduate and Summer Studies in 1975. He was recognized with an Excellence in the Arts award from the university in 1988 for becoming “a champion for the education, support and advocacy of all the art disciplines; the creative processes that reflect most honestly the human spirit.” During his time at PLU, Dick helped make the university’s School of Arts one of the best in the region, working with the chairs of art, music and theater departments, hiring excellent faculty and bringing

  • our senior coursework which focuses on interdisciplinary research methods. For their senior capstone projects, students design and implement their own interdisciplinary research approaches working with two faculty mentors from different departments on campus.Why Environmental Studies?Learning about the environment offers opportunities to integrate studies of nature and natural systems with those of human systems, and to bring both into dialogue with a humanistic understanding of ideas and

  • and structural context of our human experience.“Criminal justice is a major that our students have asked for, that our faculty members are well qualified to design and deliver, and that will produce discerning graduates who serve and lead throughout the Pacific Northwest and far beyond,” says Gregson. Read Previous PLU debuts new ‘CheckFive’ initiative, designed to strengthen communities virtually Read Next Largest-ever PLU student cohort participated in rigorous mathematical modeling competition

  • . B. (2021). COVID-19 Sources of Information, Knowledge, and Preventative Behaviors among U.S. Adult Population, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 27(3), 278-284. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001348 Shadab, R., Lavery, J. V., McFadden, S. M., Elharake, J. A., Malik, F., & Omer, S. B. (2021). Key ethical considerations to guide the adjudication of a single-dose HPV vaccine schedule, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2021.1917231 Malik, A. A.*, McFadden, S. M

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  • Organisms) BIOL 226  (Genes, Evolution, Diversity and Ecology) One semester of each of the following is also recommended by many programs: BIOL 342 (Microbiology) BIOL 352 (Comparative Anatomy) BIOL 453 (Mammalian Physiology) Please make sure you look at the requirements of individual schools, particularly whether they require a two-course sequence in Human Anatomy and Physiology, which is offered at PLU.English Courses Most  schools require applicants to take two English courses prior to matriculation

  • Organisms) BIOL 226  (Genes, Evolution, Diversity and Ecology) One semester of each of the following is also recommended by many programs: BIOL 342 (Microbiology) BIOL 352 (Comparative Anatomy) BIOL 453 (Mammalian Physiology) Please make sure you look at the requirements of individual schools, particularly whether they require a two-course sequence in Human Anatomy and Physiology, which is offered at PLU.English Courses Most  schools require applicants to take two English courses prior to matriculation

  • that defies description. Complex and still retaining the intimacy of stories that are both personal and inspiring, Aubrey is able to bring a wealth of experience to her song writing that touches the deepest part of the human experience.”Learn more about Aubrey Logan's work 2022 Artist-in-Residence, Greg Gisbert The 2022 Poster View/Download Originally from Denver, free-lance trumpeter, Greg Gisbert, has firmly established himself as one of the most sought-after and well-respected artists in jazz

  • our civic health.” She said that fact clearly illustrates the need to address the achievement gap through better public policies and educational support systems at every stage in the pipeline. “It’s inequitable practices in education that lead to a lack of achievement for groups of people,” she said. “If we can’t fulfill our potential because we just don’t have a way to do it, then we aren’t getting to the realization of human dignity.” Underrepresentation by the numbers Maria Chavez cited U.S

  • genuinely kind and passionate individuals. —CP Participating in these master classes made me feel far more connected to the world of theatre outside an educational environment. It put voices, character, and personality to artists whose work I greatly respect. Speaking with such highly successful performers made them seem more human, which made me feel more empowered and validated that I could be successful in my career too. In a year that feels like students have given up so much, these classes with

  • that will include a variety of singers, as well as the voice of Mahalia Jackson singing Duke Ellington’s superb jazz interpretation of Psalm 23. From the ancient Jewish community, Christians received the Psalms of the Hebrew Bible. These lyrical texts explore every dimension of human experience and thus offer Jews and Christians an honest evocative vocabulary: from profound sorrow to confident hope, from simple doubt to thanksgiving for earth and its many species. In this session, participants will