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  • Campus Forums on Sexual Assault and Violence Dear Campus Community: Please join me and the entire PLU campus community for a first in a series of open dialogues on sexual assault and violence on campus in an effort to expand community understanding and advocacy, while also increasing the safety and care of… April 18, 2016 Higher EducationNews

  • translate the scholarship and learning of the university into the larger community. With President Corrigan’s blessing, I jumped in, offering talks everywhere that would have me and then joining lots of Jewish organization boards to bring the benefits of high-level Jewish learning to the table. I’m a past board president of both Brandeis-Hillel Day School and the Jewish Community High School of the Bay, where my daughters received their educations (it’s true, when each of them went off to college, they

  • monumental task that lies ahead. I want to be able to educate my community, make steps in creating a change, and be a part of it instead of doing the easy thing like dreading the continual destruction.” The Tacoma Tree Foundation is a nonprofit with a community-based approach to growing the urban forest. Their mission is to “educate, empower, and support community members in neighborhood-based greening.” “I enjoy going door to door asking if people want free trees. It’s really sweet to see someone’s face

  • . The internship was with a nonprofit called New England Climate Summer. Their project was to travel in groups of six or seven, meeting with individuals, community groups or government officials in hopes of finding ways to lessen their dependency on fossil fuels. Henry’s group would travel 30 to 50 miles a day, sleeping in churches or – when they were lucky – in the homes of well-wishers, where they would sometimes get a warm meal, do laundry or take a shower. “Showing up in a community and having

  • Wang Center Executive Director: “Global issues are local issues.” Posted by: Zach Powers / June 5, 2022 June 5, 2022 By Lisa Patterson ’98ResoLute ContributorIn 2021, PLU’s Wang Center for Global Education added a few more important words to its title. It is now the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education. The name change is the result of a merger between the Wang Center and the former Center for Community and Engaged Service. Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies Tamara

  • reported their results back to the PLU community, contributing directly to our University-wide conversation and commitment towards sustainability at PLU. Fellowship topics came from any area of sustainability at PLU – water, energy, food, landscape, and shelter – and often intersected with diversity and justice issues. Projects aligned both with student interests and provide useful contributions towards a more sustainable PLU. This program has now been superseded by the Diversity, Justice, and

  • Camp Songs: PLU music majors produce free music camp for Parkland students It’s a warm summer morning and the scent of scrambled eggs drifts from the kitchen at Trinity Lutheran Church into an adjoining room where more than a dozen campers busily make beaded jewelry. Ranging from second to sixth grade, the kids are participants in the… November 3, 2022 ResoLuteStudent Life, Resources, Community

  • The Trail Back to PLU: Alayna Linde ’10 on her path from undergrad to urban planning and environmental outreach Posted by: Marcom Web Team / April 28, 2020 Image: Alayna Linde ‘10 works as a public outreach consultant with the women-owned company EnviroIssues, and is consulting with Pierce County Parks on a public trails project that will connect campus with community parks and schools. April 28, 2020 By TACOMA, WASH. (April 28, 2020) — Ten years after graduating, Alayna Linde ‘10 is back on

  • , develop strategies, and hone skills and capacities for college success, including understanding the roles and responsibilities of university students, faculty, and staff, and alumni/community partners. Community connections, academic support, and personal wellness will be explored within the context of the PLU values of diversity, justice, and sustainability (DJS). Section themes include: Intended Academic Major (e.g., Intended Nursing, Music, STEM, Education, or Business majors) Social Identity

  • Earth & Diversity Week 2024 Exploring the Cycle of Relationships April 17th – April 26th Being in relationship is work.  To build and maintain strong relationships it requires intentionality, trust, and reciprocity to name a few.  Like many cycles, the elements of relationships also ebb and flow to shift to the changing context.  For the 2024 Earth & Diversity Week, as a community we will be exploring questions that allow us to critically consider what it means to build relationships where all