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  • continue to grow. Although first-year retention rates are good, Anderson wants to them be better, up to 85 percent for the transition from first-year to second-year students. Key to this push will be first-year wings set up in all the residence halls, pairing new students with counselors and expanding the Career Planning Course. The long-range planning course of PLU 2020 will continue to push ahead and shape the university’s future. Some of the ideas coming forth from the study groups may be familiar

  • the university,” Loren Anderson, 65, said. “It’s a perfect time for new leadership as another era of progress and development is about to open for PLU.” (Photo by John Froschauer) In the coming year the university’s 2020 long-range plan will be completed. A highly successful fundraising campaign will conclude. Well-established core pathways to academic distinction will continue. A number of new graduate program offerings will be ready for review and implementation by the faculty. And several

  • for Seattle Humane. “This was the first year that we did it, and it was super fun,” she said. “All I did was walk around and take pictures and videos of dogs. It was pretty great.” Miller joined the Wild Waves marketing team during a time of big changes, and she recently helped announce three major additions coming to the park for 2020. Next year, Wild Waves will unveil a new great-white-themed ride, called Shark Frenzy. Its Wave Pool will churn with bigger waves once a new WaveTek system is

  • opportunity to study away two times during my time at PLU. The first was to Uruguay during J-Term in 2020 for extensive Spanish study, and the second was to the Bahamas this past J-Term to study marine biology. Immersing myself in different cultures has helped me broaden my worldview, and both have been valuable experiences both with learning about the culture as well as the class material I was learning about at the time. I also really enjoyed working in the biology department as a TA and lab prep. I

  • -demand training that leads to great paying positions. For those wanting to have a fulfilling career that allows so many different options in business, nonprofits and government, as well as the potential to personalize your own path and become an expert. That expert status leads to exciting careers in a data driven age.5. We encourage hands-on, experiential learning.At PLU, we are of the mind that not all learning should happen in a classroom. While classroom time and courses are important, we provide

  • hopes that they too realize that discovering your vocation isn’t always a linear process — there are setbacks, false starts and plenty of learning opportunities along the way. His hopes set on running a business, Thorpe’s first job after graduating was with Enterprise Rent-A-Car as part of its management training program. Not his dream job by any means, it nevertheless paved the way for his eventual transition to SuperGraphics. “I’m definitely not passionate about renting cars,” Thorpe said. “But I

  • interested in. I knew that I would have a chance at getting an associate’s degree while I was in the military through the language training program. That was definitely one of the motivating factors, as a first-generation college student. Do you feel that language acquisition has helped you in the transition to becoming an undergrad student? Absolutely. The military language school is no joke, so that honed my work ethic. Also, I am able to use my language skills in my research as a history major — it

  • not have that luxury. When she left, Ford felt like a failure abandoning the group. Years later, she heard from the leader of the group that the Kenyan community was doing well. She thinks her brief time with the group, and the training and support she provided, were just what they needed to stick together long enough for them take the next step. “You just never know what your impact is going to be,” Ford explained. “Maybe it was small … but maybe my work with the youth group helped them get to

  • progressed and, in the end, at conference, I felt I had a good chance.” “Jay came in this year after a strong first season, and continued training in the off season,” said Allison Kolp, who served as PLU’s interim head coach while Johnson took a year off because of illness. “We were able to push Jay in practice further than we did last year and increased his distance in the pool significantly. Jay knew what he needed to do this year, and he was able to swim smarter races, which comes from experience

  • interest in advanced training in Economics, we steer them toward acquiring the mathematics they will need to be successful in a graduate economics program,” adds Peterson. “For those interested in law school, we encourage our students to work closely with the pre-law advisor and to take a wide variety of applied courses in economics, philosophy, history, and politics. The wide exposure to theory and application in our courses is excellent preparation for the kinds of analyses they will be expected to