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  • thought that I was going to be doing a bunch more cooking in my apartment. I realized I didn’t have the right pots and pans and utensils or the time.” Stillwell emailed McGinnis to see if someone from Dining Services could lead a cooking class to help her and her peers. ‘You can never have enough chicken’ As a member of ROTC, Joey Glahn ’12 has lived on campus and enjoyed the benefits of having a meal plan since coming to PLU. More Laura Castano, a swing line cook, worked with Stillwell to plan the

  • unprecedented time.  They have been real troopers. Way to go, class of 2021!   We congratulate all of you on your hard work and accomplishments! [ A-G | H-J | K-M | N-R | S-Z ]A-G Functions and the Progress of Vaccination of Nipah Virus Ann E. Buchholz, Senior Capstone Seminar The Nipah virus belongs to the family henipaviridae, a class of deadly zoonotic agents, isolated mainly from fruit bats in Asia and Indonesia. A few notable outbreaks have been recorded since the 1990s, though it is believed that

  • , Facilities & Construction Management, Information Technology, and Risk Management. Prior to joining PLU in 2015, Allan enjoyed a 25-year career with Bank of America Merrill Lynch, where he served most recently as Managing Director and Chief Operations Officer for global treasury management. Allan is married to Melinda Krotz Belton, PLU Class of 1991 and lives in Gig Harbor with their three children.President's Remarks“Thank you so much for the warm welcome, and please let me offer my welcome and thanks

  • , Facilities & Construction Management, Information Technology, and Risk Management. Prior to joining PLU in 2015, Allan enjoyed a 25-year career with Bank of America Merrill Lynch, where he served most recently as Managing Director and Chief Operations Officer for global treasury management. Allan is married to Melinda Krotz Belton, PLU Class of 1991 and lives in Gig Harbor with their three children.President's Remarks“Thank you so much for the warm welcome, and please let me offer my welcome and thanks

  • that he did,” Barot said. In addition to logging his daily life on social media, most of Drews’ days are spent at home with his children. For Yvette Drews, the possibility of losing Keven with kids in the picture has made this recent development frightening. “It has made everything get really real – really quickly,” Yvette Drews said. “It is scary to think about what the future could be, raising two children, one on the autism spectrum, by myself.” But hope is not lost, just pricey. “Until now, the

  • ; and the College of Professional Studies. This May, we will be shifting from one large event at the Tacoma Dome to four smaller events on campus — one ceremony for each of the four colleges — spread out over two days. For information on the college graduation schedule, please click here. What academic areas are housed under the four colleges?College of Health Professions Kinesiology Marriage and Family Therapy Nursing Social Work College of Liberal Studies Anthropology Chinese Studies Criminal

  • complete and sign the Notification of Student Withdrawal form in the Student Financial Services.MEDICAL WITHDRAWALStudents may also petition to withdraw completely from the University for a term for medical reasons. The student must complete a Medical Withdrawal Petition, provide written evidence from a physician and a personal explanation to the dean of students. This must be completed in a timely manner and in no case later than the last day of a class in any given term. If granted, the grade of WM

  • /feminism (as opposed to art). “It’s unusual to have artists that also do their own writing, especially collaboratively, so folks are surprised to hear [that it’s historical in nature],” Spring says. “I enjoy a fairly active day printing, and just sitting for lengthy periods to write or research was tough. While the writing was difficult, I enjoyed focusing on the social issues we pair with the feminists in the book and especially connecting some threads throughout their histories.” Since Spring and

  • , Minor in Art History “I got a job at my high school (Trinity Christian School in Kailua, Hawaii) as the Digital Media Specialist, basically helping run their social media platforms, creating advertising/internal materials, doing some digital marketing, and consulting on marketing/advertising strategies. I’m working there (part time) remotely for the next year, started this past June. I’m due to start at Portland State University at the end of September for my Master’s in Writing and Book Publishing

  • study criminal justice at PLU?PLU’s degree in criminal justice will prepare students to enter fields eager to welcome a new generation of practitioners, including law, policing, corrections, and victim services and advocacy. As a student of criminal justice at PLU, you will investigate theories of criminal offending, the functioning of the criminal justice system, and the experiences of crime victims. Our sociologically-informed criminal justice program emphasizes an understanding of the social and