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  • Money Talk appears in newspapers throughout the country, including the Los Angeles Times, Palm Beach Post and The Oregonian, among others. Weston has appeared on The Dr. Phil Show, NBC Nightly News, The Today Show and CNBC, among other programs. She is a regular commentator on public radio, including Marketplace Money’s “Getting Personal” segments. She was awarded the 2010 Betty Furness Consumer Media Award by the Consumer Federation of America, designed to honor individuals who have made

  • for PLU to address Sex-based Hostile Environment Harassment under its education program or activity, even when some conduct alleged to be contributing to the “hostile environment” occurred outside the recipient’s education program or activity or outside the United States (i.e. private residence off campus, study abroad, athletic events). The University reserves the right to follow the procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct procedures if a student’s behavior does not meet the above

  • Students in the conduct process have the opportunity for self-initiated appeal. The appeal process may only be initiated by a student who has been found in violation of a policy, rule, regulation or standard, except that both Complainants and Respondents may appeal a determination involving the Sexual Misconduct Policy, as permitted by federal law. Students may appeal a decision once.An Appeal is Not a Re-Hearing:New information concerning the incident itself is not considered in an appeal. If

  • attended protests and meetings, but has been involved in the group to a lesser extent than Professors Marcus and Albrecht, whom she admires for their demonstrations of leadership and determination. Professor Kaufman’s decision to join Indivisible stems from her belief that speaking out against injustice is tremendously important, “It’s more effective to have a collective voice than to have individual voices.” One of the injustices that Indivisible speaks out against is Trump’s ruling on DACA, which is

  • of a cultural matrix that brought into being desires–for travel, for commodities, for lifestyles–that are unsustainable in the face of our current environmental crises (The Great Derangement 2016). Ghosh’s decision to single out Austen from among her contemporaries is one more manifestation of her staying power, of her grasp on our literary consciousness. We want to take his statement seriously and trouble it as well. In particular, we hope to highlight how Ghosh’s claim about how Austen’s era

  • develop skills in decision-making, analysis, communication and reasoning that prepare them for a lifetime of success – both in their careers and in service to others. Read Previous You’ll love “She Loves Me” Read Next Student production disrupts time in new Romeo and Juliet LATEST POSTS Theatre Professor Amanda Sweger Finds Family in the Theatre February 28, 2023 Twisted Tales of Poe: A Theatre/Radio Collaboration May 16, 2021 Theatre Guest Artists in Spring 2021 February 16, 2021 Hints and Help for

  • develop skills in decision-making, analysis, communication and reasoning that prepare them for a lifetime of success – both in their careers and in service to others. Read Previous You’ll love “She Loves Me” Read Next Student production disrupts time in new Romeo and Juliet LATEST POSTS Theatre Professor Amanda Sweger Finds Family in the Theatre February 28, 2023 Twisted Tales of Poe: A Theatre/Radio Collaboration May 16, 2021 Theatre Guest Artists in Spring 2021 February 16, 2021 Hints and Help for

  • questions we will grapple with include: How do racial and economic injustices shape maternal and child health in communities of color, as well as access to contraception and abortion? What are queer and trans people’s experiences of reproduction and kin-making? How do larger social systems, such as healthcare, social services, criminal justice and the law affect pregnant people’s birth and perinatal experiences? Can be taken for either GS or CRS elective credit.Fall 2022 Gender and Sexuality (GS

  • Providing a Safe and Secure Campus: Preventing Workplace & Campus Violence (July 2024)Introduction and PurposeThe university and its employees and students strive to provide a safe, secure learning/ living and work environment in an atmosphere which respects each person’s dignity. Toward this end, the university will take appropriate action against anyone who is found to have engaged in threatening or violent behavior on campus or at university-sponsored programs or events. Employees and

  • admission and academic scholarship eligibility solely on all other application components. If you feel your SAT or ACT scores are an accurate reflection of your academic ability, you are welcome to submit them as part of your application for admission. To have your scores sent directly to PLU from a testing agency, please use the following codes: SAT: 4597, ACT: 4470. You may also choose to self-report your test scores on your application and we will use those scores in the decision-making process