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  • Mortvedt Library at PLU, Feb. 8, 2019.) In August 2017, then-Acting Provost Joanna Gregson convened a planning group to bring Brown’s vision to life. The result: a mission-aligned, student-centered reimagining of academic support that takes a holistic view of student success. It acknowledges that traditional measurements such as GPA and degree completion alone aren’t able to capture higher education’s complexities. “The Nate Schoening Center for Student Success is simultaneously a physical space, a

  • Minor in ReligionThe minor requires 16 semester hours. Of these: Eight hours will be taken in the RC line, and eight in the RG line. Four hours must be 300-level or higher. Transfer students must take at least eight hours at PLU. Courses taken to satisfy the General Education Requirement in religion (eight hours) may be applied toward the major and minor.What Does ``RC`` and ``RG`` Mean? Christian Traditions (RC) courses examine diverse forms of Christianity within their historical, cultural

  • Karen Marquez ’22 aspires to help her community through her studies. Karen Marquez ‘22 is a senior social work major with minors in Hispanic studies and criminal justice. Marquez is a heritage speaker of Spanish, and has a deep love for languages, culture, and diversity. She hopes to use her degree and the skills she is learning at PLU to help people in need. Posted by: tpotts / July 15, 2022 July 15, 2022 “I always knew I wanted to help people,” said Marquez about why she chose to study social

  • Bachelor of Arts Major: Philosophy Major: A Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy requires a minimum of 32 semester hours from the following requirements: PHIL 499 Two courses from: PHIL 311, 312, 313, 314 Five additional PHIL lower- or upper-division courses (20 semester hours) GLST 325 may count as an elective credit toward the major. On approval of the department, one course (4 semester hours) in another field of study may be used for a double major in philosophy if it has a direct relationship to

  • Anthropology Program Learning Outcomes Identify and explain the complexity of biological and cultural diversity over time and across space. (ILOs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) Illustrate the importance of studying cultures with the holistic, comparative, and biocultural approaches to studying humans over time and across space. (ILOs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) Explain the importance of the concepts/issues associated with the terms cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, and racism with reference to a variety of cultural

  • -length collection, Night Angler (BOA Editions), appears in Spring 2019. Davis’s honors include the Anne Halley Poetry Prize, the Dogwood Prize in Poetry, the Wabash Prize for Poetry, an Academy of American Poets Prize, and fellowships from the Cave Canem Foundation and the Vermont Studio Center. He has recent work published or forthcoming in The Massachusetts Review, The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, PBS NewsHour, and Ploughshares. A native of the Pacific Northwest, Davis serves as the

  • We get it, it’s confusing to figure out when to take all the classes you need to graduate. And if you’re not sure about your major yet, that just adds to the overwhelm! We’re here to help!  At a Grad Planning Small Group, here’s what we’ll do together: You pick a major to use for planning purposes We show you all of the requirements for your major, Gen Eds, and Graduation We help you place each class where it belongs in your future semesters After just one hour, you get to feel great about

  • courses “use multiple lenses in order to overcome the blindness that comes from insisting upon just one.” While Heath’s class is advertised as a starship design class, the course is actually a multi-disciplinary exploration of the current state of planet Earth and the issues facing humanity.“This is a course about asking big questions and pursuing insightful answers,” Heath writes in the class syllabus. “Although we will be using some scientific methods of inquiry and exploring scientific ideas, this

  •               As one of the annual priorities for the 2023-24 academic year, President’s Council seeks to align available resources in order to in to invest in individual and community well-being. The critical first step was to collect perspectives from faculty and staff in a survey. As a reminder, this survey was designed to align with the U.S. Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-being. Based on this research, the survey will incorporate five different areas of

  • Despite pandemic challenges, transfer student finds community at PLU Posted by: vcraker / June 10, 2022 Image: Biology major Monya-Dawn Wilson ’22 (PLU Photo/John Froschauer) June 10, 2022 Monya-Dawn Wilson ’22 is a DJS Fellow and Rieke Scholar who came to PLU as a transfer student. Wilson is a Biology major, and dreams of becoming a pediatrician. “I’ve always liked science and learning,” said Wilson. “I like learning about the body, learning about the mechanisms. There are many avenues of