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  • Retention of Legal and Vital Records Description of RecordsCare of RecordsFinal Disposition Charter or articles of incorporation Constitution, bylaws, and continuing resolutions Deeds, titles, surveys, leases, mortgages, easements, blueprints, and construction drawings Insurance policies (current and retired) Copies of letters of call to the pastors and ELCA rostered church workers Documentation creating endowment funds and for bequests, gifts, and endowments Secure these documents by placing

  • . “Unfortunately, we live in a country that doesn’t really value bilingualism,” Davidson said. “They have distinct talents that we need to help support and develop.” Davidson designed the course series, now in its third year, as a hybrid between cultural studies and language learning. It offers bilingual students the rare opportunity to develop both languages simultaneously and in community. It also aims to destigmatize the use of so-called “slang,” or less formal ways of speaking. “It’s not seeing them as a

  • the required courses, electives, and their prerequisites. You don’t need to take all of these courses, just some of them. Note that this doesn’t include all of the prerequisites, just those in CSCI. Some courses may require classes from other departments such as math or physics.Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Computer Science Example 4-year graduation plan Major requirements The Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Science is designed for those students who want a solid CS background, but want to couple

  • fellowship. Those who are selected meet weekly with Wild Hope leaders, Dr. Marit Trelstad (Religion), and Ms. Laree Winer (Student Life) to learn collaboratively about the origins, meaning, and practice of vocation at PLU. Wild Hope Fellows receive a stipend of $1000 for their participation in the cohort. As Fellows meet throughout the year, they should find themselves understanding rich and varied views of vocation; be able to describe and critically question Lutheran perspectives on vocation; recognize

  • , he has served on the faculty of Sam Houston State University and as a visiting faculty lecturer at Princeton University, teaching courses in music history, music appreciation, world music cultures, music performance, and interdisciplinary arts courses. He also spent six years as the Upper School Music Director for The Benjamin School (Palm Beach Gardens, FL), where he taught choir, band, orchestra, piano, and music theory. He continues sharing his passion for music by providing performance and

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  • administration. As an educator, he has served on the faculty of Sam Houston State University and as a visiting faculty lecturer at Princeton University, teaching courses in music history, music appreciation, world music cultures, music performance, and interdisciplinary arts courses. He also spent six years as the Upper School Music Director for The Benjamin School (Palm Beach Gardens, FL), where he taught choir, band, orchestra, piano, and music theory. He continues sharing his passion for music by

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  • In Her Mother's Footsteps: The Lives of Mary Shelley and Her Mother Mary WollstonecraftWednesday, March 22nd, 2017 in the Philip Nordgren Lecture Hall, Xavier 201. The 43rd annual Walter C. Schnackenburg Memorial Lecture will be delivered by award-winning author, Dr. Charlotte Gordon, whose work has appeared in the New York Times, Wall Steet Journal, Slate, Harvard Magazine, and The Cambridge Companion to American Poetry, among other publications. Her book, Romantic Outlaws: The Extraordinary

  • Who are the Priesthood of All Believers?Calling & Supporting Lay Leadership in Congregational Life2019 Summer Conference in Pastoral TheologyJune 17-19, 2019Join Assistant Professor of Educational Ministry and Practical Theology at Seattle Pacific University, Dr. Katherine Douglass, along with PLU Professors Marit Trelstad and Samuel Torvend for the 2019 Summer Conference in Pastoral Theology. This event is designed for pastors and congregational leaders, both paid and unpaid, who want to

  • PLU establishes an International Honors Program, consisting of interdisciplinary and some team-taught courses, this multi-year program consisting of seven required courses explores contemporary issues and their historical foundations through an integrated and multi-national approach.

  • ) Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study National Conference, "Searching for vi in En norsk tragedie" (2012) Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study National Conference, "Kristin Lavransdatter in the American Southern Novel: Coincidence or Plagiarism?" (2011) Norwegian American Historical Association Conference, "The Travel Diary as Palimpsest" (The travel diary of Norwegian immigrant Bjug Harstad) (2011) Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study National Conference