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  • semester programs. The one exception would be a 300+ language course taught by a PLU faculty member. When may I take the IHON 300-level class?Students may enroll in the IHON 300-level class after having completed all four 200-level classes. The primary exception to this rule is: if you are enrolled in your fourth 200-level you may also take the 300-level in the same semester. What courses in the General Education Program do I still need to take? FYEP 101 (4) FYEP 102 (4) PLUS 100 (1) Fitness and

  • PLU students, including the intentional use of public health population level approaches for community skill building. This session also offers opportunities for participants to engage the collective wisdom of the group regarding embedding wellbeing strategies in their courses and programs; initiating wellbeing conversations; making referrals; and closing loops. This session is open to all faculty/instructors and staff. Registration is required. 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. | FYEP 102 Faculty Development

  • student-athlete. Bradd Busick ’99, MBA ’09 is an adjunct business professor at PLU and chief technology officer and vice president at MultiCare Health System. Join their conversation about business, mentorship, and seizing opportunity. Brooke Brown '06 PLU MAE alumna Brooke Brown named the 2021 Washington State Teacher of the YearBrooke Brown MAE ’06, an ethnic studies teacher at Parkland’s Washington High School, was recently named the 2021 Washington State Teacher of the Year by the Washington State

  • the General Education Council, the council began its work in Fall 2019. For up to date information, including most recent Annual Reports, please visit the Core Curriculum Committee page. General Education Council Membership 2017-2019Embracing the Life of the Mind (First Year Experience Program)Rona Kaufman, FYEP Program DirectorEngaging Arts and Performance (Art/Theater/Music, PE)Ron Gerhardstein, Department of MusicInterpreting Living Traditions (Humanities)Scott Rogers, Department of

  • disenfranchised by education, teachers must be equipped to deliver high quality STEM content in culturally sustaining ways. The CS-STEM Program is designed for: for senior PLU STEM undergraduate students who plan to enter the PLU Masters in Education (MAE) program upon graduation and for students entering the PLU MAE program who have earned their Bachelor’s degree at PLU or at another institution. The CS-STEM Program at PLU provides: funding for students interested in teaching middle school or high school

  • Explore Areas for ConsiderationDurationConsider how long you want to immerse yourself in another culture. Programs range from a week to a year, and everywhere in between. SemesterGet the biggest bang for your buck! Studying Away on a PLU Gateway or Featured semester program, you get to use financial aid, PLU gift aid and scholarships while earning PLU credit toward your degree. Program costs are comparable to being at PLU, plus there are study abroad scholarships available. Start here to learn

  • , PLU educates students for courageous lives: lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership, and care—for other people, their communities, and the earth. The following are the specific elements of the PLU General Education Program. The PLU Core (15-19) First-Year Experience Program (9) FYEP 101 (FW) (4): Students will learn strategies for writing, thinking, speaking, and reading. They encounter writing as a way of thinking, of learning, and of discovering and ordering ideas. Working with

  • : ·         Instrumental Analysis: ICP-OES and MS, Arc-OES, Hg via CVAA, CN via amperometric detection, and more. ·         Prepare, extract, and test a wide array of matrices to various procedures ·         Evaluate and review data/procedures and produce detailed reports ·         Facilitate corrective/preventative action procedures to minimize QC failures ·         Troubleshoot equipment in order to resume critical work ·         Establish quality control requirements outlined in ISO 17025 ·         Plan, organize

  • librarians drew from the existing PLU Integrative Learning Outcomes (ILOs) as well as ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy. The Framework “envisions information literacy as extending the arc of learning throughout students’ academic careers and as converging with other academic and social learning goals.” In its vision of information literacy, the Framework affirms the students’ responsibilities in “the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced in valued