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  • PLU and MultiCare leaders discuss new partnership on ARC Seattle (KOMO News) PLU President Allan Belton and MultiCare CEO Bill Robertson discuss the recently announced Partnership for Health Innovation with KOMO News anchors Steve McCarron and Tyra Majors on ARC Seattle (KOMO News). Announced in February 2024, the Partnership for Health Innovation unites PLU, MultiCare, and Washington… March 26, 2024 News, Announcements, Accolades

  • ) ​​​​​​​Physics: 8 semester hours/12 quarter hours Biological sciences: 12 semester hours/18 quarter hours PLU Equivalent Prerequisite Courses: FYEP 101 (FW), 102 (FD) CHEM 115 & 116 MATH 140 is a pre-requisite for CHEM 115 CHEM 331 & 332 (with accompanying labs) PHYS 125 & 126 or 153 & 154 (with accompanying labs) BIOL 225, 226 Other PNWU Programs of Interest: Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Master of Arts in Medical Science (MAMS) Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MSOT) PNWU Ranked Top 10 U.S

  • (4); Examining Self and Society (4); Exploring Values and Worldviews (4); Interpreting Text (4); Global Engagement (4); The Academic Study of Religion (4). International Honors students must complete the remaining semester hours of the General Education Program prior to graduation from the University: First-Year Experience Program: FYEP 101 (4); FYEP 102 (4); Fitness and Wellness (2); Quantitative Reasoning (4); and Engaging the Natural World (4). Students must also complete the senior

  • Religion program review summary. Original version of program review guidelines (p. 20) referenced as: This resulted in revisions to be made to the original program review guidelines. FYEP summary table of assessment results (p. 21) referenced as: An FYEP Summary Table of Results is also provided. Biology table of results (p. 23) referenced as: The following themes emerge from the data and are also represented on the Biology Summary Table of Results.

  • THANK YOU!Thank you for signing up for the MAE Information Session. You will receive an email with the location of the Information Session as well as a parking pass for the event one week before the date. If this is an online session, you will receive an email with instructions to join the virtual meeting. Until then, if you have any other questions, please email We look forward to seeing you there!Phone AppointmentYou can have an one-on-one conversation with a graduate admission

  • Welcome to Residential Life Heze (Junior Student, Former Resident of Wellness House in Tingelstad, Participant in Fall 2017 Linked FYEP Writing 101 Course) “Within the wellness community we believe in growth for the body, spirit and the mind.” Francisco (Senior Student, Resident of Upper Division Housing) “I love living in [Upper Division Housing] because it offers an individualized space for me to live and I’ve found friends within my hall.” Cece (Senior, South Hall Resident) “South Hall

    Current Hours
    Monday: 8:00am -5:00pm
    Tuesday: 8:00am -5:00pm
    Wednesday: 8:00am -5:00pm
    Thursday: 8:00am -5:00pm
    Friday: 8:00am -5:00pm
    Saturday: Closed
    Sunday: Closed
    Department of Residential Life
    Department of Residential Life Anderson University Center 161 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • soccer play at PLU after finishing her B.S. degree in 2014.  Two years later, when she received her Master’s in Education with an endorsement to teach math, she said that it was like a dream come true. “I was earning two degrees in the time it would have taken me to receive one.” Support from PLU Lyman said that the MAE program has prepared her well for the first year of teaching. “The year-long student teaching experience is the most helpful,” according to Lyman.  The students in PLU’s MAE program

  • General Education Learning OutcomesThe Learning Outcomes for General Education are listed below. Gen Ed learning outcomes were originally approved via EPC in March 2022 (see below). The following outcomes were adapted for the general education revision (approved by the faculty in December 2022) by the Core Curriculum Committee in consultation with the faculty. Please also see IHON (International Honors Program) Learning Outcomes and FYEP (First Year Experience Project) Learning Outcomes.Click

  • PLU and MultiCare leaders discuss new partnership on ARC Seattle (KOMO News) PLU President Allan Belton and MultiCare CEO Bill Robertson discuss the recently announced Partnership for Health Innovation with KOMO News anchors Steve McCarron and Tyra Majors on ARC Seattle (KOMO News). Announced in February 2024, the Partnership for Health Innovation unites PLU, MultiCare, and Washington… March 26, 2024 News, Announcements, Accolades

  • toward fulfillment of General Education Requirements (4) or FYEP 190 (4), a Freshman Inquiry Seminar PHEDPhysical Education Activity Class (1) Spring of First Year General Ed*** One course toward fulfillment of General Education Requirements (4) or FYEP 190 (4), a Freshman Inquiry Seminar CHEM 105**Chemistry of Life (4) STAT 231**Introductory Statistics (4) FYEP 190 Freshman Inquiry Seminar (4) or WRIT101, if not taken Fall or January of freshman year or one class toward fulfillment of General