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  • opportunity to study away two times during my time at PLU. The first was to Uruguay during J-Term in 2020 for extensive Spanish study, and the second was to the Bahamas this past J-Term to study marine biology. Immersing myself in different cultures has helped me broaden my worldview, and both have been valuable experiences both with learning about the culture as well as the class material I was learning about at the time. I also really enjoyed working in the biology department as a TA and lab prep. I

  • research that impacts communities locally and around the world.  MultiCare Health System is a not-for-profit health care organization with 12 hospitals and more than 22,000 team members. We are committed to achieving our mission of partnering for healing and a healthy future for all and delivering world-class health outcomes and exceptional experience. Pacific Lutheran University purposefully integrates the liberal arts, professional studies, and civic engagement in the Pacific Northwest. Offering

  • . “Planting the seed is really where my heart in music education lies,” Delos Reyes says. “If my students don’t go on to play an instrument or continue into college, I don’t mind. To me, success is defined by whether you feel good about yourself and whether you felt like you accomplished something in my class.” Next fall, Delos Reyes will continue her student teaching before looking for a new opportunity to inspire students’ love of music. Still, it’s hard to imagine another experience like her time in

  • class mail and certified mail, return receipt requested.  A demand for arbitration initiated by an Employee shall be addressed to PLU’s Associate Vice President of Human Resources.  The demand for arbitration shall be served within the applicable statute of limitations periods (deadlines for filing) for the claims upon which the party’s demand for arbitration is based.  If arbitration is demanded on a claim after the expiration of the applicable statute of limitation period, the claim shall be void

  • around Anacortes, Washington, and the San Juan Islands. She first connected with her tribe in 2003, but for a long time didn’t embrace all that came with her Native American identity. It wasn’t until a decade later, through her studies at Pacific Lutheran University, that Hall reconnected with the Samish on a deeper level. A class on myths, rituals and symbols with her mentor — Suzanne Crawford O’Brien, professor of religion and culture — got Hall thinking about her own culture more than ever before

  • languages. I love German but it’s fun teaching Norwegian, which is a little different. The grammar in Norwegian is somewhat simpler, so in a language class you can get to talking about bigger topics quicker,” he says. Professor Brown says that he appreciates the amount of time PLU faculty gets to spend with students. “I think it’s a part of a university culture of teachers, professors and instructors who want to get to know students and to help them as best they can. There’s just a lot more one-on-one

  • visible part of the global health scene for the past quarter century. But the AIDS pandemic exists in its own category, with a unique set of political and social circumstances that have guaranteed this particular infectious disease a high level of public attention and concern. In a way, AIDS both helped educate people about the global nature of disease, while also overwhelming the story line. Why wasn’t tuberculosis or malaria just as big a deal as AIDS? Together, they have been killing at least as

  • & Dragons. The game allows 1-4 players to cooperatively explore a randomly generated dungeon using a peer-to-peer network connection, and perform basic actions such as attacking or examining to interact with things located on the 7×7 game board. Players are able to communicate using the chat box in order to strategize, and view their inventory and statistics from a side menu without interrupting gameplay. Character statistics are based on the chosen race and class, but player’s may choose to randomize

  • midnight. I grab breakfast but forgot my keys so I have to force Garrett to get dressed and meet me at the cafeteria, so I can get in the building(and so I don’t have to eat alone). When I get to class, I start talking to Ehukai and she gives me the best advice I’d heard in weeks, throw the method out. Eventually, the project gets done. The day goes on for years and I am up till midnight again doing homework. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the year, but thanks to Maddy, Tam, McCaulley, Elijah

  • Bachelor of Business Administration degree program is composed of an upper-division business curriculum with a strong base in the liberal arts. To be admitted to the School of Business, a student must: be officially admitted to the University and indicate intentions of studying business. Academic PoliciesPass/Fail of Foundation Classes Pass/Fail is allowed for no more than one supplemental class from MATH 128, CSCE 120, ECON 101 or STAT 231 only, and as defined in the Pass/Fail section of this catalog