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  • This is the online exhibition of the PLU African Art Collection. Beginning in 1972 and continuing through 2011, Pacific Lutheran University has been the honored recipient of nearly 60 pieces of

    years a number of these objects have been on display in the Mortvedt Library, where a small exhibition space has been created in the stairwell leading to the third floor. The masks, figures and other objects that comprise the collection represent works from 16 countries and the creative output of artists from nearly 30  cultural traditions. This online exhibition is the final project of 15 undergraduate students in an Introduction to Museum Studies workshop-class in Spring semester 2015. The

  • Ann Mooney ’03 grew up dreaming about working at National Geographic. Now, she is building a conservation program for the organization in Washington, D.C.

    From Dreaming to Doing From Dreaming to Doing 1024 532 Zach Powers '10 Zach Powers '10 January 28, 2017 June 7, 2019 Ann Mooney ’03 admits she still gets a little starstruck. Mooney, a relatively new member of the research team at the National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C., works

  • News articles and blog posts from Pacific Lutheran University.

    Can I Get a Master’s Degree Unrelated to My Undergraduate Major? Maybe you’re a recent college graduate — you’re discovering that your bachelor’s degree actually isn’t going to prepare you for the career you want. Or maybe you’ve been in the workforce for several years — and you’ve decided that you either want to move in… April 8, 2022

  • Damian Alessandro news for Pacific Lutheran University.

    Can the Innovation Studies minor help you to be more (well…) innovative? By Damian Alessandro. Innovation .  If you read the popular press, you’ll see that this word is constantly thrown around in professional settings. But what does it mean? For some, innovation is all about progression and disruption. One of the defining ideologies of our time,… November 8, 2017 Damian Alessandrodisruptionentrepreneurial thinkinghistory of technologyInnovation minorinterdisciplinary

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March. 16, 2016)- Charles Reinmuth ’19 didn’t think twice when he was offered the chance to spend five weeks in the summer getting acclimated to life at Pacific Lutheran University and earning his first six college credits for free. “I couldn’t pass up…

    to attend. “Summer Academy really helped me find my passion and dive into it,” said Torres. Reinmuth said he feels more prepared: “It sets you on track so that when you arrive at college (in the fall) you don’t feel like a stranger,” he said. “You feel like you’re already at home because you attended Summer Academy.” Read Previous PLU to host TEDxTacoma 2016: Speakers include YWCA CEO, best-selling novelist and Army lieutenant general Read Next PLU alumnus, Tacoma teacher draws from his own tough

  • minor to focus more on technique. Courses, such as Dance and Culture, will be added along with Ballet, Modern and Hip-Hop Technique, Dance Production, Intro to Dance, Dance Composition and Improvisation. Tickets for Dance 2015 are $8 General Admission, $5 Senior Citizens and Alumni, $3 PLU Community, Students and 18 and under. Tickets are available at the Concierge Desk in the Anderson University Center, 253-535-7411 [credit/debit/cash), and can be purchased at the door before the show [cash only

  • minor to focus more on technique. Courses, such as Dance and Culture, will be added along with Ballet, Modern and Hip-Hop Technique, Dance Production, Intro to Dance, Dance Composition and Improvisation. Tickets for Dance 2015 are $8 General Admission, $5 Senior Citizens and Alumni, $3 PLU Community, Students and 18 and under. Tickets are available at the Concierge Desk in the Anderson University Center, 253-535-7411 [credit/debit/cash), and can be purchased at the door before the show [cash only

  • Last year Martha Spieker ’16 was ASPLU president, now she works at Congress.

    of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, jointly appointed to the faculty of Medicine and Medical Informatics at Dalhousie University in Halifax Nova Scotia, and served as faculty of biostatistics at the University of South Florida College of Public Health. He retired from Dalhousie University in 2015. In the 1990s Dr. Graven served as Chief Information Officer and Chief Medical Officer of a physician network management corporation, serving ~5,000 providers and ~10 million covered lives throughout the

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 20, 2016)- This summer, Taylor Bozich ’17 affirmed what she long assumed to be true about humanitarian work — it isn’t easy. She also reaffirmed that’s exactly the kind of work she wants to do after graduating from Pacific Lutheran University. Bozich…

    graduating from Pacific Lutheran University. Bozich gained the first-hand experience needed to draw that conclusion thanks to the Whiteneck and Smith Global Peacebuilding Award, which funded her internship with World Vision in Washington, D.C. She was one of two recipients of the award during the 2015-16 academic year. “I learned that development and humanitarian aid is really, really messy and highly political, regardless of how you’re involved with the system,” Bozich said. “I also learned that

  • TACOMA, WASH. (August. 31, 2016)- The sale of KPLU from Pacific Lutheran University to Friends of 88.5 FM was finalized on Tuesday, August 30. Friends of 88.5 FM, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization formed to preserve the local National Public Radio affiliate, officially took ownership of…

    earlier this month by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the station and its assets were purchased for $8 million: $7 million in cash plus $1 million of underwriting announcements to be provided to PLU over 10 years. PLU has placed the cash in the university’s endowment to fund student scholarships, and the underwriting announcements will be used to raise awareness about educational and arts events on campus. As part of the agreement, Friends of 88.5 FM will continue to use broadcast and