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  • The Spanish word, Duende (du-end-ay), has come to refer to the mysterious power that art has to deeply move a person. Soon-to-be graduates in the Department of Art and Design chose this word to rally around for their senior exhibition in the University Gallery, opening…

    received well by her parents). This passion for art continued as she entered grade school and into high school. After high school, Rebecca came to PLU as a graphic design and mathematics major. This quickly changed and Rebecca will be graduating with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Ceramics and a Bachelors of Arts in Computer Science. ARTIST STATEMENT My work examines the uncontrollable and powerful forces of nature. In this series of platters and sculpture, I am exploring how humans connect to nature. I

  • More than 850 students will graduate from PLU for the 2011-2012 academic year. Spring Commencement takes place Sunday, May 27 in the Tacoma Dome. (Photo by John Froschauer) In their own words Compiled and edited by Chris Albert This spring, new PLU graduates closed a…

    well-established and successful. Lastly, but most importantly, I knew that PLU had an extremely strong biology program backed by a wonderful group of dedicated professors who really do care about their students success in courses. To sum this up, by attending PLU I avoided becoming just a student ID number in the computer, but rather I a known recognizable face on my daily visits to Rieke Science Center. Riley Hoyer ’12 is from Libby, Mont. My PLU experience: My experience at PLU has been an