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  • race and law in the United States, bringing to light the truth about how racism has been institutionalized in American laws and policies.On one side of the debate, people believe that Critical Race Theory can help us examine racist laws and policies through a scientific lens and commit to historical truth-telling about the intergenerational impact of those laws and policies on people of color. Detractors believe that the goal of Critical Race Theory is to paint all white people as racists and

  • the Mexican military. Some students noted how Gabriel García Márquez, in One Hundred Years of Solitude, symbolizes the fictional state’s effort to erase collective memory of a massacre through a persistent rain, which slowly washes away all signs of the violent past. This symbolization of how historical memory can be controlled enabled them to understand, in a more profound way, what was in the process of happening at Acteal. Students expected, perhaps, to be surprised by the newness of Oaxaca

  • Summer Research Fellows Share Results By Michael Halvorson ’85, Benson Family Chair in Business and Economic History Are you curious about innovative historical research projects that are transforming PLU? PLU’s Business and Economic History Program invites you to learn more at a presentation of creative scholarship by the 2021 Benson… October 15, 2021 Benson Family Summer Research FellowshipBenson FellowsBusiness and Economic HistoryMichael Halvorson

  • meeting spaces across campus. During 2021-2022, she has been granted a sabbatical leave for historical research and new course development. We asked Dr. Mergenthal to explain what she’ll be up to in the coming year. Research on Western History “This is a chance for me to focus on some research projects that I’ve been working on. One is an article that considers the history of Tacoma in the late nineteenth century. Some of you have heard me talking about this project in class as my research developed

  • English we encounter the German loan word “Geist” in the term Zeitgeist, which describes the spirit of a particular historical juncture.) German speakers have become household names in the fields studied by humanities scholars, whether in literature (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the brothers Grimm, Franz Kafka), film (Werner Herzog, Wim Wenders), music (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven), art (Caspar David Friedrich, Anselm Kiefer, Gerhard Richter), philosophy

  • Summer Research Fellows Share Results By Michael Halvorson ’85, Benson Family Chair in Business and Economic History Are you curious about innovative historical research projects that are transforming PLU? PLU’s Business and Economic History Program invites you to learn more at a presentation of creative scholarship by the 2021 Benson… October 15, 2021 Benson Family Summer Research FellowshipBenson FellowsBusiness and Economic HistoryMichael Halvorson

  • information, including headlines, historical prices, and some of our own daily predictions. Through our predictions, we want to give investors all the data and information to form their own opinions on stocks to the best of their abilities. Our predictions are generated using XGBoost with Sentiment Analysis which is a machine learning framework that works with opinion mining which uses a gradient boosting library that’s highly efficient and flexible along with a natural language processing technique

  • methodologies. The contemporary agenda in foreign language teaching has been shaped significantly by historical phenomena such as World War II, shifting business practices and other economic factors, and the political need for intelligence and military data collection. In its broadest form, sexism is inseparable from these historical developments; in practice the issue also manifests itself in explicit and systematic ways. Tamara Williams, Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies and Director of the Wang

  • country perspectives, EU policies, welfare state dilemmas as well as historical studies on immigration. She has served as a visiting scholar in Brussels, Berkeley and Boston. In 2002 she held the Willy Brandt visiting professorship in Malmo, Sweden. She was recently head of a governmental commission on International Migration and the Norwegian Welfare Model. Sponsored by the Svare-Toven EndowmentCharlotte CotéTitle: Food Security, Food Hegemony and Cultural Revitalization: Approaches to Resilience in

  • man who built and stood by PLU for so many years.Pacific Lutheran University was built upon the traditional lands of the Nisqually, Puyallup, Squaxin Island and Steilacoom peoples. PLU acknowledges and respects these historical caretakers, and has begun a research project to learn more about this land’s heritage and the founding of the university.   Make Your Bjug Day Gift