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  • about your student hours and how students can find you, i.e. only online, both, in-person, by appointment or drop-in, etc.] Example #2 Each of you  enters this classroom with different skills, strengths, and experiences. I open my office to you as an extension of the classroom, including scheduled virtual meetings and individualized tutoring. There is no shame or embarrassment in asking for help, although it is common to feel anxious when approaching one’s teacher. To enter my office and ask for

  •   Arrival information provided by the program  Certified copy of your birth certificate (in case you lose or have your passport stolen while abroad)  Money and Finances Bring two debit/credit cards with you so that you have at least two ways of accessing funds while away.  Research money and banking in your host community before you go! How do people in your host community access funds? Are credit and debit cards widely accepted? Is it a primarily cash-based society?  Notify your bank of your travel

  • The Reboot of Outdoor Rec The Reboot of Outdoor Rec 1024 532 Thomas Kyle-Milward Thomas Kyle-Milward January 8, 2019 February 21, 2019 LUTHERAN HIGHER EDUCATIONFor the Earth For today’s PLU students, the university’s Outdoor Recreation program is a reliable portal to the Pacific

  • and identify ways that you can participate in building a safer, more inclusive campus. There is a role for everyone in this work. Some recommendations emerged repeatedly from different aspects of our work, and thus are repeated in different sections. In this report, “review team” refers to the 8-member group who facilitated this review. “Review participants” refers to members of the PLU community who provided information to our review team, either through survey responses, focus groups, interviews

  • . III The 1918 flu epidemic waned the first of August.  And then all hell broke loose.  Somewhere, somehow, the virus mutated into a killer.  By late August 1918, the second wave of flu hit widely scattered Atlantic ports, including Boston’s crowded piers.  Thereafter, influenza quickly spread northwest of Boston to Fort Devens crammed with 45,000 transient troops. Inevitably, on September 8, Fort Devens reported its first case.   Shortly thereafter, a shipment of draftees from Ft. Devens arrived at

  • alcoholic beverage and, to some extent their alcohol cultures to the wider world.” The quote is saying that alcohol has many purposes to show status, power, culture, religion, community, and more. Yes, there are people who do drink but there are others who would follow the temperance movement. In the Women’s Christian Temperance Union view of temperance as “sober and pure world” by abstinence, purity, and evangelical Christianity. During 1998 to 2015, scholars have developed two groups about temperance

  • narratives of motherhood onto her little sister. For example, in order to distract Mary, Anne asks where her children are. When Mary neither knows nor cares, she plays into stereotype by both Regency and present-day standards of the “bad mother”. Speaking to Sam Cohen at 1883, McKenna-Bruce says: “When I first read her, I was like, “Oh my God, she’s Moira Rose in a Jane Austen novel”, referring to Catherine O’Hara’s outrageously dramatic portrayal of a mother in Schitt’s Creek (2015-2020). "me at 9am

  • to access scaffolds must meet these requirements: Make sure ramps and walkways aren’t inclined at a slope steeper than one vertical in 3 horizontal (1:3 or 20 degrees from the horizontal). Make sure ramps and walkways that are inclined at a slope steeper than one vertical in 8 horizontal (1:8) have cleats to provide footing which are: Securely fastened to the planks; and Spaced not more than 14 inches (35 cm) apart. Reference: Ramps and walkways that are 4 feet (1.2 m) or more above a lower level

  • Center, 1st Floor Monday through Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm 253-535-7969 Email: Website: Campus Safety Neeb Center, 1st Floor Office open Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm 24/7 access for emergencies 253-535-7441 – Select Option 1Section 4 - Appendix 1BUILDING CLOSURES  Type 1: No classes are in session, residence halls are occupied, departments closed. (i.e., PLU holidays, Thanksgiving break, mid-semester and spring break, weather closures) Building doors remain locked to

  • CSCI 144, 270, 302, 343, 371, 390, 444,  499A, and 499B 12 additional hours selected from computer science courses numbered above CSCI 300 or MATH 356. MATH 151, 242, 245, 331 8-10 semester hours of a year’s sequence of a laboratory science. Choose one of the following options: PHYS 125 and PHYS 126 (with PHYS 135 and PHYS 136) PHYS 153 and PHYS 154 (with PHYS 163 and PHYS 164) CHEM 115 and CHEM 116 BIOL 225 and BIOL 226 One of ESCI 102-105 and ESCI 201 MinorsRestrictions on Computer Science Minors