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  • rock band. From its 1965 rock-dance performance at PLU, it didn’t take long for The Deacons to expand—and to seriously succeed. Meet the Deacons Click on the photos to meet the band members. “The greatest thing is, we have five guys who have the same thing in their hearts,” Sandvig said. “We were together for more than 350 dates—we were almost the ‘house band’ at the Fort Lewis NCO; we played the dance circuit through Washington and Oregon; we played the Red Carpet Club and The Evergreen Ballroom

  • Global Classrooms In January 2006, a group of PLU students — bundled up in warm coats, gloves, hats and sturdy boots — stepped carefully from the boat on which they’d been traveling onto the rocky and icy shores of Antarctica. This intrepid class helped seal a spot… November 26, 2019 AcademicsCurrent StudentsGlobal EducationStudy AbroadStudy Away

  • Scholarship, Sleep, and Self in the Pandemic Nancy Simpson-Younger sits at her desk, poised to explain how communicating remotely is completely different from speaking face-to-face, when a loud bang sounds from behind her. She laughs. “That was my cat knocking the little whiteboard off the back of the bookshelf.” She considers the… May 13, 2021

  • WAC 296-807-1601.0 General RequirementsProper hearing protection, eye and footwear protection must be worn where there is a hazard from excessive noise (above 85 dBA) or from projected objects. Walk-behind, riding-rotary, and reel power lawnmowers designed for use by employees must meet the design specifications in “American National Standard Safety Specifications for Power Lawnmowers” ANSI B71.1-1998 and B71.41999. These specifications do not apply to sulky-type mowers, flail mowers, sickle

  • #). Do not attempt to repair, modify, open or otherwise tamper with the phone. There aren’t any user serviceable parts on the phone. Once damaged, the phone must be replaced in its entirety at a cost of approximately $200 each. Voice messaging systems fall under the Telecommunications Act which makes tampering with another person’s voice mail, or making prank and obscene calls illegal. The university vigorously prosecutes these violations both criminally and via the conduct system. Local ServiceThere

  • February 18, 2010 Road map to a green campus At PLU, sustainable practices isn’t just a buzzword or passing fad By Chris Albert This semester, the university has put the concept into action by making a comprehensive sustainability plan – PLU’s Climate Action Plan and Sustainability Guide. PLU has a road map to making its carbon footprint nothing. “We have a long history of practicing sustainable environmental stewardship at PLU,”said President Loren J. Anderson. “Now this comprehensive plan

  • begins with high order issues: Does the writing meet the assignment? Does it have its own purpose that is communicated with a clear claim or thesis? Is the organization clear and effective? We don’t like to work on correcting a sentence before asking whether that sentence belongs in the paper at all. When we move on to issues of surface correctness, we focus on identifying recurring issues and addressing them. So, we might help a student with noun-verb agreement for the bulk of the session, which

  • Student artists display work in culmination of degree program The Spanish word, Duende (du-end-ay), has come to refer to the mysterious power that art has to deeply move a person. Soon-to-be graduates in the Department of Art and Design chose this word to rally around for their senior exhibition in the University Gallery, opening… March 20, 2017

  • traditional style residence hall where visitation is not limited, and eligible students may have alcohol in their rooms. Upper Division learning communities tends to be more quiet than other halls, and its residents have the same type of independence that South Hall or off-campus residences offer, yet still provides the traditional-hall on-campus experience. Because of its well equipped kitchens, Harstad residents are eligible for a reduced meal plan. Harstad Hall is a mixed-gendered hall with gendered

  • PLU students, Joel felt drawn to the school and its community.In a serendipitous moment before making his final college decision, Joel met Loren Anderson, former president of Pacific Lutheran University, at an open house in Washington, D.C. Joel recalls that throughout his years at PLU, Loren still remembered his name and would routinely ask him how life was going. Life Long Involvement As a student at PLU, Joel was involved in a variety of activities, including the crew team, The Mooring Mast and