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  • . (Andrew) Billig — are really caring people. They are fighting really hard for (bills) and making sure that we can pass legislation that actually helps people. PLU: How has your internship complimented what you’ve learned at PLU? Knapp: One of the things that we’ve talked about in a lot of political science classes is different theories on messaging and things like that. I feel like a lot of (lessons) end up reflecting what it’s like at the legislature. PLU: What made you want to study political

  • overwhelmed and scared I wouldn’t make friends.”It turned out there was no need to worry. Hernández ended up making friends all over campus, particularly after getting heavily involved in PLU’s clubs and events. As a Nevada-raised, queer student of color, they sought out—and found—friends within the Feminist Student Union club, Latinx Unidos, and Prism, a PLU space for queer, trans, and gender non-conforming students. Over the past few years, Hernández has also worked as the PR director for ASPLU, as the

  • years of paid tuition. He double majored in psychology and individualized studies, while working with faculty on research projects and co-founding the ultimate frisbee team. PLU was just one stop on a journey that led to Bell making partner at a New York City financial firm. Even though his fields of academic study and his career choice might seem unrelated, to Bell, they are completely aligned. At PLU, Bell was able to conduct research all four years under Wendelyn Shore, professor of psychology

  • to another using simple and then more complex conceptual schemes; provoke them to query the text, material, and concepts; expect accurate and empathetic description of the religious world views of others, even those they find objectionable; and finally, confront them with the task of making cogent and original interpretive claims of their own, claims defensible not by appeal to an individual’s “opinion” but by appeal to the material. Students and faculty in a book group in January 2019 I hesitate

  • : ever-increasing numbers of students participating in study away, increased student-faculty research and, thanks to the support of the Lilly Foundation, continued emphasis on leading intentional lives by exploring and seeking vocation. On that fateful quick visit in the summer of 1969 it was the people of PLU who impressed me the most and made my decision to join this community so easy. I met a few faculty and administrators that day, including Maurice Skones, my earliest mentor and predecessor as

  • 400 orphans targeted to be hacked to death by local militia bands. He stressed that relationships and the willingness to stand firm helped him survive the horror and be at peace with his decision to stay. “You need to realize the potential of taking that first step,” he said. Read Previous Building relationships, building scholars Read Next College: First in family COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently

  • : ever-increasing numbers of students participating in study away, increased student-faculty research and, thanks to the support of the Lilly Foundation, continued emphasis on leading intentional lives by exploring and seeking vocation. On that fateful quick visit in the summer of 1969 it was the people of PLU who impressed me the most and made my decision to join this community so easy. I met a few faculty and administrators that day, including Maurice Skones, my earliest mentor and predecessor as

  • resiliency and ability to connect with his clients and his colleagues. He will be sorely missed in the program.” He recently finished an internship in West Seattle – at Navos. Being able to practice therapy showed Abbas that he had made the right decision. Like the guidance he received from the PLU MFT program faculty, the support from his Navos supervisor, Victor Place, enhanced his fire for MFT and helped set his path toward his passion. Being able to help clients reach clarity or help guide them

  • context of the Tucson School Board’s decision to remove his works and many others, including Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” from the high school curriculum for fear that they would provoke ethnic pride and separatism. She stresses that beyond the story and relatability of the characters, it is important to think about the book in terms of current discourse and legislation about immigration and Americanization, discourse that can be ugly, ideological and censorious. While such topics may be weighty for

  • that talks about how being a friend ultimately makes one’s life more meaningful,  and I think that is an important message to pass on to children. How did your Children’s Literature minor play into your decision? My Children’s Literature minor has encouraged me to look deeper into the meaning of stories, and I feel that Charlotte’s Web has a very deep message. Most children’s books do not deal with death, and Charlotte’s Web handles it so delicately. During my studies, I came to the realization