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  • TACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 14, 2018) — Mary Moller has always been a revolutionary. After becoming the first nurse to be named to the editorial boards of two prestigious psychiatric journals, the Pacific Lutheran University associate professor was honored with the American Psychiatric Nurses Association’s Psychiatric…

    diagnosis and a treatment plan to stabilize the acute symptoms/problems that brought them to treatment. Then begins the business of hopefully maintaining stability, improving overall function and working on achieving life goals — that’s where the intensive therapy focus comes in. That first year at PLU is all about assessment, diagnosis, psychopharmacology and patient care management. In the second year the students study family therapy, then group therapy, and then 1:1 therapy over a six-month

  • To catch Josh Wallace, you’ll have to call him — and he’ll probably be on the move when you do so. The busy MBA student is juggling school classes, his job as a marketing intern… and a starring role in The Fern Shakespeare Company’s “Othello,”…

    — such as auditions — but not accounting, marketing and management theories.  Many artists could learn more about marketing, he says: “As an actor, you need to know how to market yourself, especially in the digital age,” whether through Instagram or another form of social media.   He’s learning more about marketing in his MBA program. With teammates, Wallace delves into case studies and learns about marketing tools. For the year-end project, his group is crafting a real-world marketing plan for a

  • Growing up in a small town in Idaho, Lorelei Juntunen ’97 had not spent much time in cities. But when she moved to Parkland to attend PLU, she suddenly had access not only to local cities like Tacoma and Seattle, but also to cities across…

    directly with co-founder Terry Moore, who specialized in urban economics. Juntunen worked on several hazard mitigation plans, focusing on ways local governments can pay for disaster recovery, along with growth management questions such as whether the supply of land and infrastructure is sufficient to accommodate future population growth. She enjoyed the complexity of her consulting work, along with the impact and the challenge of constantly juggling deadlines. “It requires so much intellectual

  • Each election cycle I’m reminded of how incredibly multi-disciplinary the responsibilities of our elected officials have become. Similarly, the challenges faced by the leaders of the world’s most successful corporations and NGOs grow ever more global, complex, and nuanced, seemingly by the day. Very few,…

    understanding. PLU students volunteering at the Emergency Food Network in Tacoma.× It is one thing to offer general education courses. It is quite another to integrate the range of disciplines and design an educational experience that makes clear to students what their business management course has to do with their anthropology course, and what their anthropology and business courses have to do with the weekend they spent volunteering at a food bank, and what all three experiences have to do with the

  • Barr reflects on her PLU education, work overseas Career diplomat Joyce Barr ’76 spoke to the Class of 2008 and their families during Spring Commencement on May 25 at the Tacoma Dome. The following is the text of her speech: Chair Gomulkiewicz, President Anderson, Provost…

    like for China to assume a responsible leadership role equal to its growing stature. One of our most important, and complex, the U.S. – China relationship is strong. Obviously I have enjoyed my profession. I urge you to consider a Foreign Affairs career. If you see yourself as a life-long learner, enjoy engaging with people and can cope effectively with rapid change, this is the job for you! Computers and cell phones have made the world much smaller making it impossible to ignore the plight of our

  • The conventional wisdom around the most recent cinematic take on Jane Austen’s Persuasion (2022) hardened almost immediately. Too Fleabag- y, too Bridgerton -y, and not Austen-y or Persuasion -y enough to tempt me was the consensus. I focus here mainly on U.S. based publications and…

    century. What’s more, that self-awareness is light and bright and sparkling. Others note aspects of the distances between Persuasion and its original; I note an under-addressed aspect: some reviews mention the racial diversity of the cast, but virtually none take up in a sustained way the role of BIPOC actors and characters in the production—what they reveal about Austen’s day, what they reveal about our own, and the relationship between the two. Reviews invariably take up the issue of modernization

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Dec. 22, 2016)- It’s been 25 years since David Akuien ’10 was separated from his mother at age 5, 16 years since he came to the United States as an orphan. An estimated two million people died as a result of war, famine…

    resembles the child his relatives once knew. Above all, David looks forward to seeing, holding and being with his mother. The two have communicated for the past 11 years, since his first year at PLU. He tracked her down through tireless research during his teen years in a Tacoma foster home. “As soon as I could I sent money to my mother so she could buy a phone,” he remembers. “That was the start of a fruitful relationship with her.” David talks to his mother two or three times per month. It’s not

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Dec. 15, 2016) Pacific Lutheran University alumna Jessica Anderson ’07 is passionate about education, geosciences and technology, and has combined all three to become an award-winning educator. In 2016, Anderson was named the Montana Teacher of the Year and received a Presidential Award…

    learning model you use. How did you start down this particular path as an educator? I started with my physics students, creating lessons online on a learning management site and having them complete assignments within a window of time. This was great, because I knew students could take more ownership of their learning and self-manage their progress. I wanted to be able to give them more personalized feedback. I didn’t want to limit their learning with a deadline or with grades, I wanted them to be able

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Jan. 25, 2018)— As a resident assistant in Harstad Hall at Pacific Lutheran University, Tegan Mitchell ’18 hosts events, conducts regular check-ins and is a general resource for the residents who live in her wing. “But on a daily basis I really only…

    hard to know when somebody is missing class, or sleeping through exams, or struggling in ways Mitchell doesn’t see. Beginning this academic year, PLU launched the Student Care Network, a system that’s giving Mitchell more information about her residents who may need extra care. The Student Care Network, or SCN, is an online case-management system designed to connect students to resources, help them navigate higher education and increase care for Lutes across campus. The system uses care forms

  • At a summer 2023 banquet launching the Uukumwe Project, Sanet Steenkamp, executive director of Namibia’s Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture, advised a group of Namibian and American teachers not to hold back. “The children,” she said, “deserve for us not to hold back.” Steenkamp’s…

    a positive impact on learners and on teachers.” The moments of impact may seem small, but they can be significant in the microcosm that is a classroom. Aarsvold’s teaching partner, Fransina Samuels, has begun to lead staff meetings, and next year, she will be speaking at a regional summit to share her learning and growth in classroom management. And just recently Fitzgerald heard that on a walkthrough Lionel Samuels observed Kainamses doing a differentiated small group lesson. Last summer, it