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Life of the Mind: One student’s journey shapes the landscape of PLU, by imagining the past By Chris Albert Standing under the branches of a Garry oak tree on the hill behind the University Center, Reed Ojala-Barbour ’11 takes stock of the open space in…
he’d be able to engage his passion so completely.“It’s been a lot of time and energy, but its also been really rewarding,” Ojala-Barbour said. Someday, he hopes to combine the land management skills he’s learned outside of the classroom, with what he’s learned inside the classroom, and work to better preserve what native land remains. This fall, Ojala-Barbour will be in Ecuador, as a Fulbright Fellow, studying small mammals and the environmental impacts on them. He calls it another chance to get
By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler…
to its ending. As many as 1.5 million fans, a number which is growing, have signed a petition to remake the entire final season, a scheme as doomed as Daenerys’ and Jon’s relationship. Whatever way the show ended, it continued to do what it had been doing all along: subverting expectations and creating discussions about what was great and what wasn’t so much. And as we reflect on the shows’ successes and failures, many of us are asking what we can learn from the series’ use of innovation
TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 19, 2017)- Noelle Green ’18 says equal access to education means equal access to facilities across campus. Leaders at Pacific Lutheran University agree. The institution recently invested more than $630,000 to improve accessibility for students such as Green, who was diagnosed with…
faculty have been a driving force behind change,” she said. Ray Orr is one of them. Orr, associate vice president for facilities management, says accessibility upgrades are a priority at PLU, even when funds are limited. Institutions across the country struggle to comply with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, amid aging buildings and a lack of funds to address all the needs at once. PLU is no different, Orr said. “Everyone’s trying to catch up and do what they can,” he said
As Katherine Voyles’ insightful essay on the discourse around Persuasion (2022) demonstrates, historical inaccuracy has been pegged as one of Carrie Cracknell’s unforgivable misdeeds, especially related to the use of contemporary language and even the protagonist’s bangs . Yet when I finally watched the film,…
fertility’s promise and, it follows, motherhood.The meaning of the woman-rabbit relationship is familiar: then as now, rabbits are associated with sexuality, fertility, and spring. The famous natural historian, Thomas Bewick (1753-1828), qualified rabbits’ “fecundity” as “astonishing,” noting that a pair might produce as many as 1, 274, 840 offspring in the span of four years. Bewick also notes that rabbits begin reproducing at five months, which might further explain why this quadruped is companion to a
Jenna Serr in her kindergarten class at James Sales Elementary. (Photos by John Froschauer) A calling to teach By Chris Albert Jenna (Steffenson) Serr ’06 ’10 takes account of her flock of kindergartners. Her eyes assessing every corner of the room, she sees her students…
more basketball in her. She’ll referee the tournament the students created. It’s fun. It’s outside the curriculum. It’s after school. It’s relationship building and the students took ownership of something and did the work to make it something else. “I think relationships are the foundation of effective teaching,” Edwards said. Building relationships is part of learning, she said. “It’s neat to see kids who maybe didn’t have many friends at the beginning of the year build connections,” Edwards said
The PLU Theatre & Dance Department is lucky to have Amanda Sweger as a faculty member. Amanda has taught at PLU since fall 2012. She focuses on lighting and scenic design and has a professional practice outside the classroom. Continue reading to get to know…
? Instagram. I love pretty pictures.What should potential PLU theatre students know before they apply to PLU or declare the major? The skills we learn in theatre are valuable across disciplines. Collaboration, communication, analysis, empathy, time management, and expression, problem solving, etc. Theatre inherently teaches all the skills listed on the NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) career readiness competency list. One of the things I love about PLU is that you can be involved in
PLU alumnus Brian Lander ‘89 grew up in Washington State’s Tri-Cities. But in early 2020, Lander was far from his childhood home, as he helped meet urgent needs in Northwest Syria. Turkish troops, Syrian and Russian armies, and opposition forces negotiated and battled over resources…
in 1989, Lander moved to Hong Kong with his future wife, whom he met in China—she was on a similar one-year study abroad program through her UK-based university. After a brief period at the US refugee resettlement program, Lander was hired by the UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees) where he worked for 20 years, responding to refugee crises around the globe. Along the way, he earned two master’s degrees—one in development management, and another in international humanitarian law and human
The PLU Theatre & Dance Department is lucky to have Amanda Sweger as a faculty member. Amanda has taught at PLU since fall 2012. She focuses on lighting and scenic design and has a professional practice outside the classroom. Continue reading to get to know…
? Instagram. I love pretty pictures.What should potential PLU theatre students know before they apply to PLU or declare the major? The skills we learn in theatre are valuable across disciplines. Collaboration, communication, analysis, empathy, time management, and expression, problem solving, etc. Theatre inherently teaches all the skills listed on the NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) career readiness competency list. One of the things I love about PLU is that you can be involved in
veteran: vet-er-an (n) \ ˈve-tə-rən a veteran – whether active duty, retired, discharged, or reserve – is someone who, at some point in their life wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America for an amount “up to and including their…
hours, some of the girls never heard from their parents again. The sound of just over 200 girls, teachers, and nuns simultaneously screaming and crying still resonates in the back of my mind. The madness that ensued after 9/11 fueled my desire to serve and all of the people who gave their lives that day, they were the reason I volunteered. Ray Orr US Air Force, 2002 – Present, Civil Engineering Officer PLU Facilities Management, 2015 – Present Ray is on the left During military service there is an
Semester-long Themed Events Begin Feb. 12 “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”—the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, WA (Jan. 15, 2015)—The semester beginning Feb. 4 at Pacific Lutheran University takes on a special focus…
Environmental Science, Policy & Management at UC-Berkeley returns to campus for a talk on environmentalism and sustainability. 7:30 p.m., Chris Knutzen Hall, Anderson University Center. Friday, April 24: DarkMatter workshop: The Revolution Will not Have a Bibliography: Student Activism in the Corporate University (3 p.m.) and #ItGetsBitter show (6 p.m.) Locations to be determined. Monday, April 27: Shared Hope: Eradicating Sex Trafficking. This dynamic program explores domestic sex trafficking and what you
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