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  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 5, 2016)- When she was 17 years old, Megan Wonderly had no idea what she wanted to be when she grew up. One afternoon, her teacher had the class look through a list of possible careers. At the top of that list…

    things that I never thought possible and made me realize pursuing archaeology isn’t as crazy as I thought.”PLU Department of AnthropologyIf you think anthropology is limited to the study of stones and old bones, think again! Though anthropology does look at stones and bones, it also examines the politics, medicine, kinship, art and religion of various peoples and times.Over the summer, Wonderly traveled for 11 days through the Ethiopian cities Aksum, Lalibela and Addis Ababa. She shadowed Professor

  • Fr. Charles R. Gallagher, S.J., of the history department at Boston College will speak about his explorations of a heretofore unknown set of intelligence relationships involving Nazi, British, and

    role in the Euthanasia program. She is the author of many articles and book chapters on the Euthanasia killings and other aspects of the Nazi state’s murder programs. Dr. Heberer Rice (co-)authored two books, Children during the Holocaust, a volume in the Center’s series Documenting Life and Destruction(AltaMira Press, 2011) and Atrocities on Trial: The Politics of Prosecuting War Crimes in Historical Perspective, co-edited with Jürgen Matthäus (University of Nebraska Press, 2008). Dr. Heberer Rice

  • Knutson Lecture

    The 18th Annual David and Marilyn Knutson Lecture “Love Without Limits: A Story of Censorship, Solidarity, and Hope for our Polarized Times” Dr. Jacqueline Bussie Wednesday October 4, 2023 7:00 pm (Pacific time) Anderson University Center, PLU Related events: (see below for details) Oct. 1, 2023: 9:45am Sunday morning Zoom discussion of Love Without Limits Oct. 4, 2023: Reception and Book Signing following lecture Our world feels more divided than ever. Polarizing politics, racial violence

  • When Jordan Levy first visited Honduras in high school, he had no idea that someday he’d be serving as an expert witness on Honduras in the U.S. court system. He first visited the Central American nation to perform volunteer work, and then returned annually throughout…

    was successful,” he says. “Amidst all the horrible things happening in the US against Honduran migrants and asylum-seekers, this is a win.”PLU AnthropologyIf you think that anthropology is limited to the study of stones and old bones, think again!  Though anthropology does look at stones and bones, it also examines the politics, medicine, kinship, art, and religion of various peoples and times.  This makes the study of anthropology a complex task, for it requires an understanding of the basics

  • Fr. Charles R. Gallagher, S.J., of the history department at Boston College will speak about his explorations of a heretofore unknown set of intelligence relationships involving Nazi, British, and

    a PhD based on her dissertation on the Hadamar killing facility and its role in the Euthanasia program. She is the author of many articles and book chapters on the Euthanasia killings and other aspects of the Nazi state’s murder programs. Dr. Heberer Rice (co-)authored two books, Children during the Holocaust, a volume in the Center’s series Documenting Life and Destruction(AltaMira Press, 2011) and Atrocities on Trial: The Politics of Prosecuting War Crimes in Historical Perspective, co-edited

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 20, 2016)- This summer, Taylor Bozich ’17 affirmed what she long assumed to be true about humanitarian work — it isn’t easy. She also reaffirmed that’s exactly the kind of work she wants to do after graduating from Pacific Lutheran University. Bozich…

    profoundly impacted by whatever they did,” she said. Bozich, a global studies and biology double major, completed her public health internship in August. She spent two months over the summer living in D.C., assisting with program development and grant writing, as well as learning about the politics surrounding humanitarian work.She said her experiences underscored her passion for a future in public health. “This internship definitely re-instilled the passion in me to work with women’s health and

  • Lutes are dedicated to global education, and student athletes are no different. This fall, two Lutes who studied in Norway managed to balance their studies and training abroad, while PLU welcomed

    studies major requires her to experience the world beyond campus. “That’s why I chose PLU in the first place, to study away,” she said. “I didn’t come to PLU to row.” Her time at Bjørknes gave her new vantage points to examine academic topics, she said. “It’s a different perspective on international politics than you get in the U.S.,” she said. “We’re looking at certain issues from an outside perspective. That’s the most interesting.” For Floyd, the Telemark program was the perfect marriage of all her

  • More than a century after PLU was founded by Norwegian immigrants, the university maintains its connection to the founders’ homeland through study away programs.

    college brings in experts in the field, including Talleraas from PRIO. And sometimes it means the faculty members are the experts. Restad, for example, is regarded as an authority in American exceptionalism and foreign affairs, and often is called upon for national television interviews ― in Norway and the U.S. ― to discuss politics and policy. Another professor, Henrik Syse, is a member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. “He’s one of the few who actually decides who gets the peace prize,” Dale

  • Three distinct stories of multiculturalism in Norway share one common desire: belonging despite difference.

    country. Sámi students Mathilde Magga '20 (right) and Elle Sina Søerensen '20 study in Magga's room at PLU in December 2017. “We were children, so we didn’t understand the politics,” Magga said. “Children pick up what their parents talk about.” The children who targeted Magga — in an incident she says started as a typical fight between middle-school girls — picked up negative attitudes toward their victim based on her identity as a Sámi. “One girl said I was weak because I was Sámi,” recalled Magga

  • Established in 2022 through a gift from David and Lorilie Steen, the Steen Family Symposium brings informed speakers who challenge current thinking and propose healthy change to the PLU campus for

    American Studies in the Department of Education Studies at the University of Oregon “Connecting to Everything on Earth: Its Land, Water, and Peoples (Plant, Animal, and Human” 2011 – Greg Nickels, Former Mayor of Seattle and U.S. Public Delegate to the United Nations “All Politics is Local: Even Global Warming” 2010 – Dr. David Montgomery, Professor of Earth & Space Sciences at the University of Washington “Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations” 2009 – Dr. Coll Thrush, Professor of History at the