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  • ) and where we were headed: the “Yes on I-591” rally in Bellevue, Wash., which was anti-gun-regulation. She also told us what we were looking for: color. (“Color” is a term used in journalism to describe what makes the story more human-interest-related. The same word is used to describe the sports anchor who accompanies play-by-play: Color commentators give expert analysis, player history and light anecdotes.) As The Mast’s A&E Editor, I knew finding color wouldn’t be a problem. Making stories PLU

  • this is in the context of studying natural history and conservation issues. BRAZIL, ARGENTINA Cosmopolitanism: Citizenship in a Globalizing World Students and faculty together conducted an investigation of the impact of globalization upon two major world cities, Sao Paolo, Brazil, the largest city in Latin America, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, arguably the most cosmopolitan city in South America. And, they investigated the concept of cosmopolitanism from a philosophical perspective and its

  • October 7, 2011 Benson lecturer poses question: Would slavery have ended without the Civil War? If the Civil War didn’t end slavery, something else would have, said history professor Peter A. Coclanis. By 1861 slavery was dying out,” Coclanis said , who teaches at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Slavery probably would not have survived much longer. Coclanis presented a lecture entitled, “Would Slavery Have Survived Without the Civil War? A Counterfactual Analysis,” on Monday

  • September 4, 2012 The inauguration of PLU President Thomas W. Krise took place Tuesday, Sept. 4 in Olson Auditorium. (Photo by John Froschauer) ‘The world needs more PLU’ By Chris Albert The beginning of PLU’s 123rd year marked a time of change and a celebration of a rich history of pursing lives of service and thoughtful inquiry. The Presidential Inauguration and Convocation welcomed the class of 2016 and the swearing in of PLU’s 13th president, Thomas W. Krise. “We become Lutes together today

  • , the Contemporary Church History Quarterly. Bob’s talk, “Church Historians, ‘Profane Historians,’ and our Odyssey Since Wilhelm Niemöller,” will appear in the spring of 2014, along with the rest of the conference papers, in a volume he will edit for the German journal, Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte. Recent publications now in print include “Dietrich Bonhoeffer in History: Does our Bonhoeffer Still Offend?,” a paper Bob presented at an International Bonhoeffer Conference (see Green and Carter, eds

  • Francisco   Read Previous On Exhibit: The Best We Could Do Read Next On Exhibit: Resources about Acknowledging and Respecting Indigenous Languages and Land LATEST POSTS On Exhibit: Veterans Day: A Salute to Service November 1, 2022 Black History Month: Seeking (a Supreme Court) Justice February 2, 2022 Mortvedt Library materials for HEALING: PATHWAYS FOR RESTORATION AND RENEWAL symposium February 16, 2022 On Exhibit: Women’s History Month March 9, 2022

  • the photos from students this J-Term studying in England! Are you interested in learning more about travel away J-Term classes? See where PLU students can spend their J-Term in 2025. Lutes in Oxford are studying the contested history of religion and politics through visiting sites where people fought for freedom from imperial Christianity, where early evangelicals registered their dissent against the established order, and where future prime ministers and other members of Parliament developed

  • . Hildegard is the first of very few female composers widely studied in music history, composer Ingrid Stolzel is from the same region in Germany, and consortium of 50+ schools was assembled to contribute to this project. The commission was a collaboration between PLU music and Pierce College professor/director Kaitlin Bove. Please Note: The students, musicians, and campus guest in this video are following PLU safety protocols and State of Washington guidelines COVID safety guidelines. Read Previous Q&A

  • December 1, 2009 Freedoms “When I’m in a press conference at the U.N., I feel like the world is literally at my fingertips. I find it is impossible to be apathetic when I have the awesome opportunity to be a first witness to history.”While at PLU, Jennifer Henrichsen ’07 studied away four separate times. To say that was influential would be an understatement – the experiences changed her life. She traveled to Geneva, Switzerland, where she worked as a freelance journalist at the United Nations

  • exhibit at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum featuring the photo selections from the competition. The global competition consists of about 21,000 entries with about 100 selected as “Highly Honored.” About 40 will be included in the exhibit. The contest is sponsored by Nature’s Best Photography Magazine. Bergman’s photo was published in the November 2011 issue. Read Previous Mathlete coaches teach students on cracking equations for success Read Next A final address COMMENTS*Note: All comments are